UndergroundR34Artist 2024/03/13 21:19

Progress 8

Good and bad

So I've got good and bad news (spoiler: nothing to worry about).

I'll start with the bad - despite taking 7 days and not 5 - I've not done much.
I had thingies besides game to do, as always, unfortunately. And I couldn't get much peace and quiet here, which doesn't help production speed too.

I did start with the prototype - finally! But I don't think there's much to show yet (unless you count a menu, ability to initiate paizuri and walking left and right achievements...).
It might be a bit comical, but I'm probably going back to making more assets. Due to the very visual nature of the game, I think I'll be better off making the systems when I see what I'm working on via the animations too.

The good news are that I'm going to move soon. Since my "bad things happened" post, I've had to move to where I currently reside, and this place is far from quiet, plus the additional work I have to do at times. So soon I'll move to the place that should be way more quiet, and without the additional needless distractions. That should up my performance, I believe (- ‿◦ )

Feeling a bit restless actually, hoping that the new place is going to be good...
Ahem, now that the rant is over-


Will be trying to provide you some little slice-of-lifeish animations of various eroticism levels on 18th-20th of March.



Fix promised in the last post.





