UndergroundR34Artist 2023/08/21 23:15

Very slow progress.

Very slow progress.

I'll start off with the fact that these past 2 weeks progress been VERY slow.
I think I was saying sorry for being slow in practically every post, but this time, I guess, I've gotta say that I'm very sorry for very slow progress.

August, September and October are basically worst months for me, due to allergies.
I've been feeling pretty bad physically, which got my spirits down too. Not really an excuse, but... well, it is how it is.

I guess I need to pressure myself to get back into the speedy production, as it was with my first game. Which, in this case, means scheduling posting every week.
So, next post is 28.08.2023.

To not let you go with empty hands.

You can't masturbate to apologies, so here's at least a tiny grain of new content:

This is just a random poster from one of the levels of Stage 4.
Truly a poster fitting of a man with good tastes.
Aaaand a little something in a follower-only.


A preview of Stage 4 enemy's grab animation.





