UndergroundR34Artist 2023/10/01 23:53

Still alive

First and foremost
Q: Why did I add a mesugaki enemy?
A: Yes.
Q: Why did I go radio silent for a month?
A: I thought I could finish the game in September and then surprise everyone with the article of the finished game. Guess I couldn't. Sorry.

P.S: I've managed to forget that September has only 30 days, and in previous post I've stated that next (i.e this one) post will be on 31st. That was a bit stupid from me, please do excuse.
Also, I forgot to mention that my works on DLsite are currently 30% OFF!

I'd still like to keep at least some of the content unshown, so there will be at least a bit of intrigue.

However, what's left to do:
- Stage 4 is pretty much completely done, with all the enemies and scenes and all that.
- Stage 5's map is done, enemies aren't yet, and H-scenes for them aren't done as well, of course.
- Then I'd like to add at least some kind of intro cutscene and ending cutscenes.
- And, well, the game has been silent for exception of paizuri-related sounds from the very beginning. That needs fixing too.
- And... a bit of UI/HUD work.

I will try my best to finish ASAP. Game will be out in October. Just a question of how early in October.

Mesugaki in her full (albeit small) stature, in case you wanted to see her.

Wanted to add at least one humanoid that is smaller than the Main Heroine, just to see her get pinned and paizuri'd with the help of a tiny enemy. Also game haven't had belt bras or something like that. Now it has!


Puff-puff with Millie's breasts.





