
ズリキチの記事 (42)

UndergroundR34Artist 2023/10/22 05:11

Closer and closer

Okay, so... Nearly all assets (except for: Title screen image, cutscenes and boss HP HUD, which shouldn't take too much time) are done. I'm stressing out a bit to get everything done in time, but all's going very smoothly.
Thumbnail in full by the way:

If no stupid hurdles or roadblocks occurs, next update will be about uploading the game to DLsite and their checking process.

Last time I posted the titty expansion animation I found it a bit unfinished. So I fixed it:

Slightly more titty movement than before and, well... breast milk. It is a fine addition to any paizuri, no?


Breast expansion "stunned" animation.


UndergroundR34Artist 2023/10/15 23:44

Boobs. But even bigger.

There was this gentleman in one of the posts that asked a very good question:
Will boobs be even bigger?
The answer is in the follower section of this post (spoiler: the answer's yes).

I wanted to also drop here the "breast expansion stun" small animation, but I guess I didn't manage to make it in time for today's post. Welp, gonna finish it first thing tomorrow.

I think I'll keep this one short, and just silently (but enthusiastically) continue work tomorrow.
For now, please enjoy the eye candy below.


Breast expansion animation.


UndergroundR34Artist 2023/10/08 04:30

The question of zuri pose

The mesugaki that I've shown previously is actually the manager of Stage 4 enemies.
And she "manages" her subordinates in a way that we love most:

This one's just a teaser though~

Today I've been thinking that... the last enemy, the very last boss...
While I have some ideas on how he will be, I haven't set in stone anything about him yet.
Not how he looks, not what's his attacks, not the H-scene.

Which is why I thought to ask you, the dear audience, what kind of zuri pose you'd like to see for the last enemy of the game? Or maybe just what's your favourite.
I do ask this, but please forgive me if your ideas won't make it into the game. At this point, I'm just asking before I started making last enemy's design.

In my humble opinion, hearing your thoughts/favourites would be interesting in any case.


Manager girl's grab animation


UndergroundR34Artist 2023/10/01 23:53

Still alive

First and foremost
Q: Why did I add a mesugaki enemy?
A: Yes.
Q: Why did I go radio silent for a month?
A: I thought I could finish the game in September and then surprise everyone with the article of the finished game. Guess I couldn't. Sorry.

P.S: I've managed to forget that September has only 30 days, and in previous post I've stated that next (i.e this one) post will be on 31st. That was a bit stupid from me, please do excuse.
Also, I forgot to mention that my works on DLsite are currently 30% OFF!

I'd still like to keep at least some of the content unshown, so there will be at least a bit of intrigue.

However, what's left to do:
- Stage 4 is pretty much completely done, with all the enemies and scenes and all that.
- Stage 5's map is done, enemies aren't yet, and H-scenes for them aren't done as well, of course.
- Then I'd like to add at least some kind of intro cutscene and ending cutscenes.
- And, well, the game has been silent for exception of paizuri-related sounds from the very beginning. That needs fixing too.
- And... a bit of UI/HUD work.

I will try my best to finish ASAP. Game will be out in October. Just a question of how early in October.

Mesugaki in her full (albeit small) stature, in case you wanted to see her.

Wanted to add at least one humanoid that is smaller than the Main Heroine, just to see her get pinned and paizuri'd with the help of a tiny enemy. Also game haven't had belt bras or something like that. Now it has!


Puff-puff with Millie's breasts.


UndergroundR34Artist 2023/08/29 05:33

Back in production.


Alright, so I can safely say that my willpower has regained and I'm going to back to a work schedule with more hours put into the game.

Aaaaand I did say that, but this week most of the work were non-H sprites, such as boss' moveset, maps, objects, stuff like that. As well as integrating it all into game, placing enemies... Basically, not much of what I usually show in these posts.
But I'd feel guilty leaving you without any sort of breasts to look at, that'd just be cruel.

These are from the 4th stage.

Failed to mention.

I wanted to say that I've tested the second boss fight a while back, and found that, as was mentioned by a splendid follower, there needs to be an HP gauge.
First boss cannot really dodge any of your shots, however starting from the second boss, it's not as simple. She has moves that can dodge your shot, but you cannot tell, there's no telegraph that you've missed. Which is why HP gauge would be an easy fix to this, as well as a good way to give a bit more incentive to not skip the boss entirely (though it is still possible).

She stands tall here, but in other attacks?.. not as clear.
I probably won't make HP gauges for the regular enemies, as they have comparatively low HP pools (1-3 HP, currently only one even has 3 HP), and some sort of reaction on hit, so you'd be able to tell you're making progress in fight easily.

And another splendid follower has mentioned that it'd be nice to have multiple endings.
After thorough, elaborate, long thinking process (5 seconds) I've realised that it is indeed a good idea. I can say that there won't be huge differences or some new titfucking scenes from endings (sorry). I will make them differ more in the last actions of Millie, as well as her thoughts to all the paizuri she's seen throughout the game.
Different endings will be achieved via the status. As of right now, I'm planning on making 3 of them: a no-paizuri ending, a regular amount of paizuri run (so, 1-30), and a paizuri addict ending (30+).
Spoiler, even in a virgin run she will crave paizuri and think of it dearly.
I mean, I am making a paizuri only game, why would she not think of it...

Follower only.

A tiny itty bitty preview of the paizuri scene with enemy from chapter 3.


A screenshot preview of a paizuri scene from Stage 3.


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