
ドットエロの記事 (41)

UndergroundR34Artist 2024/02/24 00:55

Progress 5

Posting in the middle of the night, as always.
Today we've got an Idle animation, that I've spent more than I thought I would at (though I think you can see why, she's bouncy everywhere ╰(▔∀▔)╯), and a paizuri variant. There will be 2 more variants in this position.

I am not sure if it's sleepiness, or just not much to add, but I can't think of anything to say.
Except for, maybe, I'm hoping to finish other 2 variants and then finally start building prototype. I've got most assets (at least of Himari naked...) needed for first barebone build.

Oh, and also, I hope to share something on 29th of February.
Because it's not always I can drop stuff on >29th< of February, heh.


Uncensored handholding paizuri.


UndergroundR34Artist 2024/02/17 01:55

Progress 4

"ETA 07.02"

Greetings, everyone.

When I was typing that I'd like to post on 7th of February, I didn't expect at all what kind of week I'd have then.
Unfortunately, there was quite a lot of unexpected and very bad things happening, that I had to deal with. Some days it feels like life will do anything to make sure you can't do what you like...
Excuse me for being cryptic about it, but I don't really want to bring doom and gloom of reality here too much.
Situation is somewhat stabilised now.
So, in short, sorry for being later than my usual late. Hopefully I'll be able to create paizuri content in peace now.

On a relevant topic

I haven't just dealt with the issues, but also am sitting at 2 AM here, because I didn't want to come empty-handed after 2 weeks of silence.

Yes, it is another movement animation. However, in this one, you can be just like the cool and handsome dude from a shoujo manga.
(Note: Author of this game finds carrying a girl in arms to be super romantic and just wanted to have it in the game.)

Next one

I'll be trying to post on 22.02.
Don't forget to check the actual zuri below.
Also, small note, if you find expressions of her... not expressive, it's because they're mostly for show off. I'd like to implement a more dynamic system, in which she would have different facial expressions under different circumstances.




UndergroundR34Artist 2024/02/03 05:47

Progress 3

Aaaaand I'm one day late again. Sorry.
Have not much to show as well, unfortunately.
In my defense, there are technical issues - my mouse isn't in exactly working condition, and the delivery of a new one is taking it's sweet time. Though I should be able to get a new one tomorrow, unless another hiccup happens with it again.

Instead of trying to push some preview of an unfinished animation or something like that, I'd rather just quietly show the house where you and your kouhai will be living.

In the living room, there's a TV, that will have multiple uses, and one of them is playing with Himari via the PaiStation 4. Hopefully I'll be able to think of a few interesting events to spice it up and make it relevant/fun for the game.
Bed and sofa for lovers paizuri, obviously. And, sleep, of course.
Kotatsu, as it is always a good thing for the Japanese style room image, as well as some H-scenes related to it.

Entrance and hallways, which leads to bathroom. I'm pretty sure that there's no need for explanation, but it will be used for erotic scenes (I absolutely need to and will make an event where she'll ask you whether you want dinner, bath, or her).
Hall also has the wardrobe, where you'll be able to change the appearance for Himari (4 different costumes (...or rather 3 costumes and being fully nude)).

And the kitchen. She'll sometimes be there cooking for you, and you'll be able to help in the process. I think it's pretty romantic, despite being something that is usually considered a daily routine/chore (it won't be forced, nor there will be any mini-game that will take your time, though there will be reactions from her). More importantly, there is a dining table, at which you'll be able to milk Himari.


Three heroines from particular media...


UndergroundR34Artist 2024/01/26 06:48

Progress 2


Apologies for the delay.
Thought I'd be able to finish stuff I planned today, but... I still didn't put everything I wanted into the map.
And... I didn't finish the first paizuri animation.
Many apologies TvT

Doesn't mean I'll let you go without anything new at all

So, the fourth outfit will be this:

I mean, considering how much I like the cowprint clothes, and that she is an actual cowgirl, this costume was inevitable.

The protagonist, AKA Senpai

For the protagonist-kun, which the player will be taking role of, is feeling blue. Literally.

A visible size comparison.

Of course, he doesn't have a particular visual to him as to give the opportunity to imagine yourself in his shoes easier.


Walking animation variation


UndergroundR34Artist 2024/01/18 06:55

Progress 1


As of today, it is as the previous post, just a little, bite-sized update.
Today I'd like to show two of the four clothing options, and the walking animation that wasn't finished last time.
Let's start with the new one, at-home outfit:

When I was making it, I had goals of having it somewhat casual, but not the baggy/closed type. I wanted to somehow make it look both casual and with a lot of cleavage and an underboob. I... think I failed with the "casual" department, because if anything, it looks seductive.
...not that I mind.
Last time I've showed the schoolgirl outfit, but I didn't show the naked variant, for the lovers of less clothes, more boobmeat:


Next update

Next post is scheduled on 24.01.2024. I'd like to make the walking variation (with the protagonist. You'll see), the home map, including all the interactable thingies inside, and... probably the first paizuri animation. Something classic, like girl lying on back, man on top.
Oh, and I'll show the fourth clothing variant.
It's going to be pretty err... fitting, for a cowgirl (。•̀ᴗ-)✧


Finished walking animation, heavy breast swaying included.


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