宝船を目指して - Journey to the Treasure Ship

少し前(?)まではえっちな小説ってライトな内容のものが少くてしっかりした小説(?)しかないイメージだったのですが、最近はライトノベルみたいなファンタジーな内容のえっちな小説もたくさんあるんですね。えっちな小説を探すっていう発想すらなかったので昔からあったのかもしれませんが…小説を読むってこと自体も最近はほとんど機会がなくなっていたので良い刺激になっています。なんで読み始めたかっていうと、ゲームづくりの際に悩みがちなストーリー作りの勉強のためですね。 えぇ勉強のためですとも。けけkけっしてやましいきもちはございません (´・ω・`*)

皆様はいかがお過ごしでしょうか? 作業状況のご報告となります。

Hello. Recently I have been into reading erotic novels.
Until recently, I had the impression that erotic novels were only solid novels, but nowadays there are many erotic novels with fantasy contents like light novels. I never even thought of looking for erotic novels, so maybe they have been around for a long time, but... reading novels itself has become a good stimulus for me since I rarely have the opportunity to do so these days. The reason why I started reading novels is to study how to make a story, which is often a problem when making a game. Yes, it's for study, but I have no irrational feelings. (´・ω・`*)
How is everyone doing? Here is a report on the status of our work.

なんのゲームを作ってるの? What game am I making?

「大江戸とりがー!!」 という江戸を舞台にした3DのFPSのゲームを作っています。
→ I am making a 3D FPS game set in Edo(Old Japan) titled "Oedo Trigger!!"
→It's a naughty game for masochistic men.
→The completion date is currently undecided.
→This blog will be updated twice a month, in the beginning and middle of the month.

リップシンク lip sync

敵キャラクターのセリフに合わせて口が動くように作りました。Added lip-sync functionality to enemy characters. Made it so that the mouth moves in time with the enemy character's dialogue.



In the previous work, the lip-sync function was used only during CQC (motion when caught by a girl), but in this work, I decided to use it for enemy characters as well.
There is a clear reason for this: in this work, each enemy character is given a "personality" and facial expressions are individually controlled according to the character's personality. In the previous work, the motions of the body and facial expressions were played back together when attacking or taking damage, but with the addition of the personality system in this work, the motions of the body and facial expressions are now played back separately.
This has resulted in a slight loss of the sense of unity between body motions and facial expressions, and to improve this, I have decided to apply lip-sync to enemy characters as well. I am satisfied that the lip-sync gives the character a solid look. What do you think...?
The lip-sync process is a very heavy one that involves measuring and controlling the voice content of all enemy characters that appear in large numbers, so I made it so that it is skipped if the image quality setting is low.

頬を染める blush

ピンチになるほどに頬が赤くなっていきます。今は完全にキャラクターの体力に合わせて頬の赤さを決定していますが、性格システムによって赤さを補正してあげてもいいかもしれません。 全裸になって赤くなる性格の女の子もいれば全裸になっても恥ずかしくないよって女の子もいますし。何なら最初から顔が赤い女の子がいてもいいですよね。(´・ω・`)

Enemy characters now dye their cheeks according to their remaining strength.
Right now, the redness of the cheeks is completely determined by the character's physical strength, but I might be able to compensate for the redness according to the personality system. Some girls have personalities that turn red when they are completely naked, while others are not embarrassed to be completely naked.
On the other hand, the redness of the cheeks is an indication of how much strength is left. (You can also tell how much strength is left by how much clothing is removed. I feel like I could do that alone.)

ファーストパーソン側溝システム FPSewer System

だいぶ前にご紹介したのですが、地面の側溝(ミゾ)に入ることができる「ファーストパーソン側溝システム(First Person Sokko System)」というものが実装されています。

As I introduced a long time ago, the First Person Sewer System (FPSewer System), which allows you to enter the gutters (sewer) of the ground, has been implemented. Once in the sewers you will be on your back and moving through the gutter. Then you have no choice but to see the girl's secret. (It's not that you want to peek, but you really have no choice but to see. Yes, really.)

側溝キャンセル Cancel sewer

Until now, entering the sewers made the function virtually invincible, allowing the player to escape from being surrounded by any number of enemies.
Therefore, if a player tries to enter a sewer while there are enemies around, the surrounding enemies will be forced to trigger CQC (the motion when a girl catches you).

側溝に入る際には周りに敵がいないのを確認してから入ってね。(´・ω・`)b というのがわかりやすくなるように専用のCQC始動モーションが再生されるようになりました。
When entering the sewers, make sure there are no enemies around before entering. To make this easier to understand, the CQC starting motion is now played.

オ○ニー mast+rbati+n

Also, a girl is now placed masturbating on top of the sewer. They don't seem to think that the player is passing under them and are so absorbed in the act that they don't notice you here.


(´・ω・`) ほんなこつ

I have added a new character as an enemy pattern. It is not a serious spoiler, but I feel that knowing it in advance would reduce the fun by half, so I will keep it under wraps here.
It seems that there will be more of this kind of thing in the future.... If I keep them all under wraps, I will have less content to introduce in my articles, so I am having a hard time handling them....(´・ω・`)


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