Ver1.0.6 パッチノート - Patch note

Here is the updated information of Oedo Trigger.

パッチノート patch note

Ver 1.0.6を公開しました。 Ver 1.0.6 is now available.

バグ修正 Bug Fix

以下の通り不具合の修正と対策を行いました。The following bugs have been corrected

Fixed a bug that the mouse click sometimes becomes ineffective after loading during the conversation in the story part of stage 3-5.

Fixed a bug that the text display on the button setting screen in the settings screen sometimes did not work correctly.

Countermeasure for a bug that sometimes causes enemy characters to stop accepting damage.
→It is not possible to reproduce the problem in my environment due to complex factors, but I have taken countermeasures to address the processing points where the error is reported to occur.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide me with information on what has or has not been fixed in this update.



If you are not experiencing any of the above problems, please skip this version as no update is required.
This post has been posted after confirming the update of DLsite, but the old version may be displayed for a while. If you cannot check the update information on the DLsite page, please wait a little while before checking again.
I do not distribute in patch form, so please re-download from DLsite.



