Ver1.0.7 パッチノート - Patch note と FANZA版発売

Here is the updated information of Oedo Trigger.

お知らせ Announcements

Oedo Trigger is now available at DMM (FANZA).
Coupons are distributed by DMM official, so you can purchase myproducts at a slightly lower price. I hope you will be able to pick up a copy.

他のストアでの販売ページは以下よりどうぞ Click below to see the sales pages at other stores.
★DLsite★  ★Steam★ 

パッチノート patch note

DLsite版についてVer 1.0.7を公開しました。 DLsite Ver 1.0.7 is now available.

バグ修正 Bug Fix

以下の通り不具合の修正と対策を行いました。The following bugs have been corrected



Fixed a bug that prevented the achievement of collecting 17 weapons from being counted correctly.
→I have checked the way weapons are counted. No obvious problems were found, but adjustments have been made to ensure that the process is more robust.
I have also added a process to recount the number of weapons possessed when the achievement screen is opened, in case this achievement was not counted correctly.
With this implementation, it is expected that the achievement will be unlocked when the achievement screen is opened, even if you have saved data that had this weapon count mismatch problem in past versions.



Corresponding to a bug that made enemies impossible to defeat.
→In some cases, when a large amount of koban are placed in a stage and an enemy is defeated, the enemy will become invincible.
→In addition, I have taken measures to ensure that processing continues correctly even if an error occurs in the areas where errors were reported.
I think that these fixes do not address all of the cases of enemies becoming invincible, and I will continue to investigate this issue.



If you are not experiencing any of the above problems, please skip this version as no update is required.
Also, no update will be performed for the Steam version, as it has already been distributed with the above fixes in place.
This post has been posted after confirming the update of DLsite, but the old version may be displayed for a while. If you cannot check the update information on the DLsite page, please wait a little while before checking again.
I do not distribute in patch form, so please re-download from DLsite.



