曰クわく 2023/09/02 22:30

1ヶ月経ったので感想とこれからのこと!(※Eng ver is at the bottom!)

こんばんは、曰クわくです!(※The English translation is at the bottom!)








新シリーズ『元魔王ちゃんの被虐な日常』をスタートしました! ちゃんとひとりの主人公を設定した話を描きたくてだいぶ見切り発車で始めちゃいましたが、描きながら世界観を作っていけたらと思ってます!



続きは想像にお任せします!もいいけど、やっぱりちゃんと描いた方が自分の引き出しも増えそうな気がするので試行錯誤しながら描いていきたい! でも色々やっていこうと思うと、そういうのは求めてないよって人も増えてくるのかなと思っていて、そこらへんは有料プランとかで棲み分けしていこうと考えてます。特に過激描写とかにも興味あるのですが、さすがに気持ち的に大々的に公開するのは抵抗があり、、、





【Skeb】 https://skeb.jp/@iwaku_waku 

Good evening! I'm Iwaku Waku!

It's been a month since I started my activities in earnest, so I thought I'd look back on things and write about what's to come!

There are surprisingly few ruthless ones!
The biggest reason I started my activities in the first place is because I am self-sufficient!
I am the type of person who is thrilled by stories that are thoroughly irredeemable, but when it comes to searching for them, there are surprisingly not many. I have always enjoyed copying and copying as a hobby, so my motivation was simple: ”Then I'll draw it myself! I had a simple motive: ”Then I'll draw it myself! However, it is difficult to look at one's own pictures objectively when one tries to draw them. Is this echi-chi? I am not sure if this is echi-chi or not.

More followers and a frozen Twitter account!

I started ”Otherworldly Slave Market” to make a series to introduce myself for now. I was worried about whether there would be demand for my illustrations since they don't directly depict sex, but after uploading a few of them, I started to receive quite a few responses, and I was relieved to find out that there are many people with similar habits!
I started Twitter a little late, but in a little over a week, the number of users grew to about 6,000, which was great! But then it went downhill fast. I learned that I have to be careful about how I post.
I hope you will follow me on Twitter!

New Series

I've started a new series, ”The Hurtful Daily Life of a Former Demon King”! I started this series very spontaneously because I wanted to draw a story with one main character, but I'm hoping to create a worldview as I draw!

Future plans and paid plans

I'm thinking of increasing the number of direct sexual descriptions in my works!
I'll leave the rest to your imagination! I would like to continue to draw by trial and error, but I feel that I will be able to draw more if I draw properly! However, as I try to do more and more things, I think there will be more and more people who don't want that kind of thing, so I'm thinking of separating them into different categories with a paid plan. I am especially interested in extreme descriptions, but I am not willing to disclose them to the public,
I would like to make the content satisfactory to those who support the project, so I will start the paid plan when everything is in place! (I hope to start by the end of this month.)
(I hope to start by the end of this month.) Thank you very much for your support when we open the site!

Thank you for your continued support!

We are still in the process of groping our way through the world, but we are trying to create the world together with our followers by following their requests as much as possible!
I would be very grateful for your comments on pixiv, so please feel free to comment!
Thank you very much for reading this long article!
I look forward to your continued support!

Iwaku Waku





