By chance, I came into contact with the Chinese internet,it's fun,and strange,and fun.Chinese like joking in internet,they joke every day with everything,they joke with news,games, stars, politics Whether it's theirs' or foreign,and Their works are strange but carry an indescribable interest,which is called abstract by them.I like jokes too,so I try to produce a game about it.
All right,let's get the story,there is a world full of holy power named Monvantoland,the people live there peaceful and happy.Four cities maintain the operation of human,red city(Sainhonto) in center provide energy to others ,the lord of yellow city(Vontomica) are best at military affairs,the black's(Hentovoca) manage natural forces,and the greens(Rentobica) one named greengreenbean (player) is the smyble of technology.
One day the bad guys attack this world,the war between the lords and darkness against.
You are the goddess of knowladge and produce,so you can quickly mastering unfamiliar props or weapons,collect and use scattered weapons or props which hide in earth beat the enemy to drive off the invaders.
The above have been produced about 5% now,I will update there every month(maybe two month).Every small version is released for free,to be grateful to the sponsors, they are all able to get the next small version quickly.
props hide around the world
(props don't need to be searched for and used directly in small versions because the monthly version may make significant changes to the previous code, it is likely that the player's saved data will not be universal, so players may have to search for the props again every month. I will hide them in various corners of the world when the official version is released)

game: (55.44MB)




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  • 600円support


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    One extra monster and one extra h scene.