
2023年 12月の記事 (1)

contytranslations 2023/12/05 08:25

New Translation - More Yandere Futa

Futanari Yandere Senpai ~your anus is a smorgasbord fuckhole for her dick~

Another month, another yandere futa work translation. I think I might be getting a yandere futa addiction. I've had this one on my radar for a while to do but hadn't gotten around to it until now. This work is by Pure Cherry who aren't necessarily futa-focused, but have quite a variety of different works ranging from shota, healing, standard vanilla, to NTR. But I think they did a really good job on this one, it's straight to the point and the VA was great.

The creator's put the work on a 75% discount until mid-February 2024 which includes the English version so there's plenty of time to get it for cheap.

Translated Store Link

Creator Info

Circle Name: Pure Cherry
DLsite circle page
Ci-en page


You get a confession of love from your senpai but being uninterested in her, you turn her down. However, she knows all about your family's financial troubles and offers you a lucrative arrangement in lieu of an actual relationship. All you have to do is obey her requests. What could go wrong?

VA: Nanako Igarashi

My review (spoilers)

Compared to the last futa work I translated, this one is a lot less wholesome. While the protagonist is initially a reluctant partner who's just doing it for the money, he starts falling under her sway more and more. Eventually he's worn down and browbeaten into making their relationship more official. And in the end, he's convinced to sign a marriage form in exchange for the futa's rich father to clear his family's debts. It's hard to say how much he actually loves her back and how much he's just a hopelessly addicted love slave.

The futa character herself can also be more subtly menacing and controlling than in previous works I've translated which I quite enjoyed. Overall I liked her and found her a somewhat believable character as far as yanderes go. The VA did a really good job of switching between occasional moments of being controlling and menacing, before going back to being sweet and loving.



