
frogの記事 (1)

contytranslations 2023/09/22 11:51

Slimy Times with a Frog Girl

Slimy Reproductive Copulation with a Frog Girl ~Let's get wet and slippery

This was my second deviation from futa stuff, mostly because it caught my eye and it feels like there's not enough monstergirl stuff made in the spirit of games like MGQ.

DLsite store link

Creator Info

Circle Name: Kitsuneya Honpo (狐屋本舗)
DLsite circle page
Ci-en page


Set in modern times, you're a timid man who's out in the woods looking for a fishing spot when you're approached by a laid-back frog girl. Though she starts with idle conversation, it soon becomes apparent she wants a lot more from you and isn't overly interested in what you think about that.

My review (spoilers)

This one goes in a bunch of different directions, even veering into mild body horror at one point (you'll know what I mean when it happens). While in some sense it's the standard fare of a monster girl having her way with a submissive male, there are added elements of body transformation and the overwriting of one's sense of self. The frog girl has a laid-back personality but will happily force the issue if refused or things are taking too long. The ending could be described as somewhat wholesome depending on your point of view.

If you're a die-hard fan of monstergirl content and you don't mind a little body horror, then this will probably be right up your alley.



