Ai-soletty 2024/06/07 11:55

師匠の高校時代3 Master's high school years3





On the day of the match, we were stunned to find four members of our school's karate club chatting at a family restaurant.
"You guys are in the karate club, right? Why are you here? Aren't you going to the match today?"
When we asked them that, they were nonchalantly chomping on their chocolate parfait.
""No way I'm going! Of course we're going to get hurt, and we're even going to get down on our knees naked, so why should we go?"
"We don't even want to practice. We don't even need to use the gymnasium, but the captain got so upset that he decided to make the game on his own, so we have no obligation to go."
Even we, outsiders, were annoyed by their irresponsibility.

"I thought Ayuhara went to the match. You guys asked her for help, but it's not right that you guys didn't go to the match!"
When we raised our voice like that, they were stunned.
"What? Kyoko, did she goes to the game?"
"I thought Ayuhara went to the match. You guys asked her for help, but it's not right that you guys didn't go to the match!"
When we raised our voice like that, they were stunned.
"What? Kyoko, did she goes to the game?"
"Oh, my gosh! I got a message from her! She said 'I just arrived at the station. Where are you?' "
"I told her she didn't have to go! but... What should I do!"
They suddenly became frightened. Apparently, they didn't think Ayuhara was really going to the game.
"Kyoko is going to get beat up by those punks..."
"Not only that... she has to get down on her knees in the nude if she loses to them, you know? If a girl gets naked in front of those beasts, she will have to do more than just get down on her knees."
Everyone present imagined what was happening to her right now.

''Hey, hey, if there aren't enough of you, we win. Now get down on your knees naked!"
Even in the face of the men from Gesu High School who were threatening her, Ayuhara showed no signs of being perturbed at all.
"Why don't we have a winner-take-all instead of a round-robin?" How about a handicap game of two on our side and five on theirs?"
The delinquents snickered at her suggestion.
I told you earlier," she said! You've already lost, so you're in no position to make conditions, you idiots! Get down on your knees and get naked!
"You're a man with a small heart.... If we lose the winner-takes-all game, I'll not only get down on my knees, but I'll do anything you want me to do. How about that?"
Ayuhara would make such a reckless proposal.
The men's eyes lit up when they heard this.

"Girl... you can't take those words back, can you?"
"Oh, that's all right. Now are you going to do it or not?"
The guys from Gesu High School grinned.
It's five against two, winner take all. The rules are, of course, full-contact rules with facial attacks!"
If these guys enjoy violence, they'll say at least this much.
And when push comes to shove, they are sure to use cowardly tactics. No matter how strong Ayuhara is, there is no way he can win...
I can just picture Ayuhara slumped on the floor.

"Aw, girl. You did your best, but you were so close.... Your lousy captain lost the first game, and you won three games in a row, starting with the second. But in the game after that, it was a draw because time ran out. Since you guys don't have the next player, it's your loss, right?"
Ayuhara bit his lip and stared at them.
"It's not fair to run away for the whole time!"
"A win is a win. And you haven't forgotten your promise, have you?"
Men surrounded Ayuhara and looked down at her with hungry eyes.

Ayuhara is a graceful girl. Even if she's dealing with scum, she's bound to keep the promises she makes.
"What do you want me to do?"
The men looked at each other and smiled, knowing that she was really going to do their bidding.
Ayuhara is a graceful girl. Even if she's dealing with scum, she's bound to keep the promises she makes.
"What do you want me to do?"
The men looked at each other and smiled, knowing that she was really going to do their bidding.
"First of all, get naked.... You don't have to get down on your knees, we'll let you play pleasant wrestling with us until tomorrow morning!"
With that, the men stripped Ayuhara down to her street clothes and began to expose her lower half of her body while admiring her big tits.

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