
2024年 06月の記事 (6)

Ai-soletty 2024/06/14 16:43



女刑事 グレイス↓

女子レスラー リン↓

女戦士 フィリス↓

女封魔忍 マキ↓

女隊長 アーシャ↓

女司令官 ヒルダ↓

女トレジャーハンター ララ↓




Ai-soletty 2024/06/13 09:57

師匠の高校時代4 Master's high school years4


The next day, Ayuhara did not show up at school in the morning.
Only Onigawara, the karate club leader, came to school with a swollen face.
I said, "Hey, what happened to yesterday's match? Where's Ayuhara?"
When I caught Onigawara during recess and questioned him, he frowned and kept his eyes down.
"We lost in the end, or rather, we didn't have enough members, so we didn't win the match in the first place..." He slurred his words painfully.
He trailed off painfully. As expected.
He said, "We were told to get down on our knees in the nude by those guys, but Ayuhara said, 'If we win the winner-takes-all game, no penalty for getting down on our knees in the nude!' Then they said, 'Screw you, take it off already! They all came at me and said, 'Screw you! take it off!' "
That was a worse turn of events than I had imagined.
Onigawara shook his head as if he did not want to remember.
"I took a blow and couldn't move... Ayuhara took on all of them... Those guys are cowards! They attacked Ayuhara alone with several people! So those guys took turns, over and over again..."
Onigawara was shaking and holding his head.

It seems our bad premonition came true.
"What were you doing during that time? You mean you were just watching it!?"
I yelled at him with an uncharacteristic sense of justice, and he glared back at me with tearful eyes.
"I had stopped it, too! I pleaded desperately! But it didn't work...it just wouldn't end.... 'I'm sorry, please forgive me, stop it!' I kept hearing that screams.... I...couldn't watch any longer...so I ran away!"
I couldn't take it anymore and grabbed him by the chest.
"You son of a bitch! You still call yourselves men, huh? Then Ayuhara might be being toyed with by those guys at this very moment! Why didn't you go to the police soon!?"
I was indignant, but I couldn't help but imagine Ayuhara being raped.
I know, I know. I'm an asshole.
But the thought of that usually strong-willed Ayuhara, with her beautiful face crumpled up, doing such and such a thing to them made me thrill with guilt and excitement. That beautiful Ayuhara... so much...
I was about to hit him when I heard a brainy voice.
"Hey, Onigawara! Are you hurt?"
Suddenly, Ayuhara appeared from behind Onigawara, laughing as she gave him a chop. Her skirt fluttered lightly, almost revealing her underwear.
"You left without me yesterday! Say a word to me."
"Because... you were having fun along the way, weren't you? I was horrified to see that..."
Enjoyed it? Getting fucked!?
I couldn't help but picture her happily sucking a man's dick.

Ayuhara is a bit miffed.
"That's rude! Because they said, 'We won't let you leave until morning!' but I was just giving them a good training. They were talking so bravado, but they said, 'Stop it! Please forgive me!' They were pathetic!"
Ayuhara laughed.
Well...I can't see what she is talking about. When I asked Onigawara for an explanation, he sighed and shrugged.
"Ayuhara beat up all the members of Gesu High's karate club by herself, and then she practiced kumite with them endlessly. I felt sorry for them and tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen to me."
When Onigawara looked at her and shuddered, she frowned in disappointment.
"Because they were saying things like, 'I'm going to have fun!' What's wrong with me doing it until I'm having fun? ...By the way, where are those guys who ran away from the game? I'm going to educate them plenty from now on..."
I felt like I finally understood her.
She is an unusual person.
If I wanted to live a peaceful life, I should not get involved with her.
I removed my hand from Onigawara's chest and silently pointed to the next classroom.

【 IFや妄想閲覧プラン 】プラン以上限定 月額:300円





Ai-soletty 2024/06/07 11:55

師匠の高校時代3 Master's high school years3





On the day of the match, we were stunned to find four members of our school's karate club chatting at a family restaurant.
"You guys are in the karate club, right? Why are you here? Aren't you going to the match today?"
When we asked them that, they were nonchalantly chomping on their chocolate parfait.
""No way I'm going! Of course we're going to get hurt, and we're even going to get down on our knees naked, so why should we go?"
"We don't even want to practice. We don't even need to use the gymnasium, but the captain got so upset that he decided to make the game on his own, so we have no obligation to go."
Even we, outsiders, were annoyed by their irresponsibility.

"I thought Ayuhara went to the match. You guys asked her for help, but it's not right that you guys didn't go to the match!"
When we raised our voice like that, they were stunned.
"What? Kyoko, did she goes to the game?"
"I thought Ayuhara went to the match. You guys asked her for help, but it's not right that you guys didn't go to the match!"
When we raised our voice like that, they were stunned.
"What? Kyoko, did she goes to the game?"
"Oh, my gosh! I got a message from her! She said 'I just arrived at the station. Where are you?' "
"I told her she didn't have to go! but... What should I do!"
They suddenly became frightened. Apparently, they didn't think Ayuhara was really going to the game.
"Kyoko is going to get beat up by those punks..."
"Not only that... she has to get down on her knees in the nude if she loses to them, you know? If a girl gets naked in front of those beasts, she will have to do more than just get down on her knees."
Everyone present imagined what was happening to her right now.

''Hey, hey, if there aren't enough of you, we win. Now get down on your knees naked!"
Even in the face of the men from Gesu High School who were threatening her, Ayuhara showed no signs of being perturbed at all.
"Why don't we have a winner-take-all instead of a round-robin?" How about a handicap game of two on our side and five on theirs?"
The delinquents snickered at her suggestion.
I told you earlier," she said! You've already lost, so you're in no position to make conditions, you idiots! Get down on your knees and get naked!
"You're a man with a small heart.... If we lose the winner-takes-all game, I'll not only get down on my knees, but I'll do anything you want me to do. How about that?"
Ayuhara would make such a reckless proposal.
The men's eyes lit up when they heard this.

"Girl... you can't take those words back, can you?"
"Oh, that's all right. Now are you going to do it or not?"
The guys from Gesu High School grinned.
It's five against two, winner take all. The rules are, of course, full-contact rules with facial attacks!"
If these guys enjoy violence, they'll say at least this much.
And when push comes to shove, they are sure to use cowardly tactics. No matter how strong Ayuhara is, there is no way he can win...
I can just picture Ayuhara slumped on the floor.

"Aw, girl. You did your best, but you were so close.... Your lousy captain lost the first game, and you won three games in a row, starting with the second. But in the game after that, it was a draw because time ran out. Since you guys don't have the next player, it's your loss, right?"
Ayuhara bit his lip and stared at them.
"It's not fair to run away for the whole time!"
"A win is a win. And you haven't forgotten your promise, have you?"
Men surrounded Ayuhara and looked down at her with hungry eyes.

Ayuhara is a graceful girl. Even if she's dealing with scum, she's bound to keep the promises she makes.
"What do you want me to do?"
The men looked at each other and smiled, knowing that she was really going to do their bidding.
Ayuhara is a graceful girl. Even if she's dealing with scum, she's bound to keep the promises she makes.
"What do you want me to do?"
The men looked at each other and smiled, knowing that she was really going to do their bidding.
"First of all, get naked.... You don't have to get down on your knees, we'll let you play pleasant wrestling with us until tomorrow morning!"
With that, the men stripped Ayuhara down to her street clothes and began to expose her lower half of her body while admiring her big tits.

【 IFや妄想閲覧プラン 】プラン以上限定 月額:300円





Ai-soletty 2024/06/05 16:57

師匠の高校時代2 Master's high school years2





A group of boys with serious faces were huddled together in a corner of the classroom. One of them opened his heavy mouth.
"I'm sorry if I'm looking at this the wrong way, but..."
They all gulped and waited for his next words.
"Isn't Ayuhara's big?"
Everyone's faces lit up at his question.
"Yes! Her tits are huge!"
They unanimously agreed.
The topic they were discussing today was the size of Kyoko Ayuhara.
"And, she's not wearing that, is she?"
"Yes! she's definitely not wearing a bra, is she? I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought so..."
One of them agreed and patted his chest as if relieved.
"No one pointed it out to her, so I thought those protrusions I was seeing were illusions that only I could see."
They were all relieved to see that what they were seeing was not an illusion.

"No one pointed it out to her, so I thought those protrusions I was seeing were illusions that only I could see."
They were all relieved to see that what they were seeing was not an illusion.
"No, don't get me started on those protrusions...why doesn't she wear a bra...I'm sitting next to her so I get to see it all the time. Then I get an erection all the time. Is she trying to seduce me?"
"She might actually be seducing you. Go ahead and try."
"No, but I heard there are a lot of guys who actually tried. Including upperclassmen, more than ten people have confessed their feelings to Ayuhara."
"I've heard that too. I hear she gets a lot of confessions from girls."
"So? Is she dating someone? Is someone sucking on those tits?"
"I don't think so! You know Ayuhara's personality? She's blunt, unfriendly, and there's nothing charming about her. She talks like a samurai."
"Her face is my super favorite...but she's so damn unapproachable..."

They turned to a seat in the corner of the classroom.
She is a girl with a short cut who is sitting on a chair with her legs boldly spread apart, drinking a glass of juice and chatting with her friends. Her name is Kyoko Ayuhara.
"But isn't she a little thick?"
"Are you an idiot? She's very athletic! Didn't you see her in gymnastics class the other day?"
"Yeah, I saw it! She was doing a lot of those somersaults with her tits bouncing around."
"I heard she's a good swimmer, but more importantly, she's a badass in that swimsuit."
"Really? Last time I saw her, she didn't look like an athletic person. She sucks at basketball."
"She was also super bad at soccer. She fell down three times trying to kick the ball. She looked so hot in her gym clothes, though."
There are many mysteries about her. She doesn't seem to belong to any club activities and goes home immediately after school.

Then suddenly one of them hit his hand as if remembering.
"Oh, by the way, the guys from the karate club said they asked Ayuhara for help, right? Said it was because they were going to have a match for the right to use the civic gymnasium or something."
"Huh? Our karate club is a men's karate club. Why would they ask Ayuhara to help them?"
"They said that Ayuhara is very strong. The other party is from Gesu High, so they said they don't want to lose to him."
"Gesu High School is that super yankee high school! And the karate club there is pretty strong! The actuality is, they can't! Our karate club is so weak!!"
"So that's why they asked Ayuhara to help them. The loser must get down on their knees in the nude, so they can't lose."

Kneeling down in the nude?
And Ayuhara too?
They looked back at her, imagining the scene.
It looks interesting! Let's go see it! Where is this match going to be held?
"I heard it's going to be at Gesu-high's gym this coming Thursday.
"Seriously, that's impossible! There's no way we can go to the home of the delinquents!"
"In the first place, are you going to get down on your knees in the nude in the midst of such a nest of delinquents? That Ayuhara..."
They looked back at Ayuhara again. Imagining the fate that awaited her, they cleared their throats.



Ai-soletty 2024/06/02 18:54

師匠の高校時代 Master's high school years






I have a room in my house that the master used to sleep in when she was training at this dojo.
That room has been unused since she left the dojo and is now a storage room.
The master should have lived in this room again, but she said, "It smells musty, and I don't want to clean up the room." She is sleeping on a futon in the room next to the living room instead of in this room.
When I cleaned this room, which had become a storage room, I found a picture in a drawer.
It was a picture of a beautiful girl with short hair wearing a karate uniform.
The girl had a smile on her sweaty face and was beaming. She did not seem to be wearing a T-shirt inside her karate uniform, and the bulges of her ample breasts were visible through the gaps in her uniform.

"She's so cute..."
I couldn't help but admire the picture.
'But wait...could this be...?'
The bluish hair... the jewel-like color of her eyes... the insensitivity of not wearing underwear...
No doubt. This is an old photo of Master!
'There may be more.'
I wanted to see more old photos of my master, so I kept digging in the storeroom. And then... I found an extraordinary picture.
"What in the world is this? Master!"
I ran out of the storeroom in a panic and confronted him with the photo.
"Oh, this is from high school, isn't it? Where did you find something this old?"
But my master took it without a care in the world and stared at the picture smiling.
"No, that's not it! That's not the problem, is it? Why are you being photographed with your tits bare?"
Pointing at the photo in question, I questioned him, and he looked at me strangely.

"It's after practice, so it's only natural to sweat," he said. I was given a towel, so I'm just wiping my sweat off. What's so strange about that?"
"Why is that moment being photographed?"
In contrast to my sword fight, the master put her finger to her chin and pondered.
"I was going to assist my high school karate club in a match, so I was asking my senior disciple to join him in a karate rules kumite. After that practice. The senior disciple was a photographer. He used to take pictures of me during and after practice, so this was one of those times..."
The master must really be crazy to think nothing of having a picture of her upper body taken of her.
"Where is this senior disciple now?"
If she doesn't mind being photographed naked, then perhaps he is her current husband? I asked her, and she twisted her head.
"After having this picture taken, the senior disciple suddenly said, 'I heard that recently we are allowed to use wrestling techniques in karate matches. So let's practice that too! ' Before I could answer, he hugged me."

'Could it be...?'
I cleared my throat and waited for the master to continue. The master was trying her best to dig up memories of the past, "Well..., So I reflexively threw him off, and even punched his downed opponent with an extra punch. He got stuck, perhaps because of a bad hit, and I felt bad for him for coming along with me to practice with me."
The master was unusually sad when she said this. Perhaps he was truly sorry. I sighed at her silliness.
"Since that day, he has never been seen again. Perhaps he got angry at my rudeness and left the dojo. It is a pity because he was a kind, gentle, and nice person. But he later sent me this photo in an envelope! He also included a letter that said, 'I will always be watching you.'"
My master was nostalgic, as if she were recounting a beautiful memory, but I was donkey's ass.
No, no, no! That's stalking, isn't it?

After that...did you encounter any strange incidents?"
I asked fearfully, and the master nodded in surprise.
"How do you know that? About a month later, I was attacked by masked thugs on my way home from school on a rainy day. There were about five of them, and they almost dragged me into a nearby car, but I beat them all up. Then they said something weird like, 'Why? I love you so much!' and they ran away while screaming something creepy..."
It seems that the master was fighting off the stalkers without realizing it.
"I'm glad you're safe. It's so dangerous."
I smiled vaguely, took the photo from her and put it in my breast pocket.
"Wait a minute. What are you going to do with that picture?"
I turn to her with an awkward smile and say, "It looks like a fond memory, so I'll put it back in the drawer in the storage room."
So my master turned her gaze back to the TV, as if relieved.
"That's a good idea, since I don't have any albums either."
I felt relieved as I stared at my teacher's back.
It would be a loss to humanity if I let such a precious photo of Master's boobs of a high school girl lie in a storage room.
After this, I scanned this photo properly in high resolution and stored it carefully in my treasure folder.



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