
おっぱいの記事 (13)

Ai-soletty 2024/06/02 18:54

師匠の高校時代 Master's high school years






I have a room in my house that the master used to sleep in when she was training at this dojo.
That room has been unused since she left the dojo and is now a storage room.
The master should have lived in this room again, but she said, "It smells musty, and I don't want to clean up the room." She is sleeping on a futon in the room next to the living room instead of in this room.
When I cleaned this room, which had become a storage room, I found a picture in a drawer.
It was a picture of a beautiful girl with short hair wearing a karate uniform.
The girl had a smile on her sweaty face and was beaming. She did not seem to be wearing a T-shirt inside her karate uniform, and the bulges of her ample breasts were visible through the gaps in her uniform.

"She's so cute..."
I couldn't help but admire the picture.
'But wait...could this be...?'
The bluish hair... the jewel-like color of her eyes... the insensitivity of not wearing underwear...
No doubt. This is an old photo of Master!
'There may be more.'
I wanted to see more old photos of my master, so I kept digging in the storeroom. And then... I found an extraordinary picture.
"What in the world is this? Master!"
I ran out of the storeroom in a panic and confronted him with the photo.
"Oh, this is from high school, isn't it? Where did you find something this old?"
But my master took it without a care in the world and stared at the picture smiling.
"No, that's not it! That's not the problem, is it? Why are you being photographed with your tits bare?"
Pointing at the photo in question, I questioned him, and he looked at me strangely.

"It's after practice, so it's only natural to sweat," he said. I was given a towel, so I'm just wiping my sweat off. What's so strange about that?"
"Why is that moment being photographed?"
In contrast to my sword fight, the master put her finger to her chin and pondered.
"I was going to assist my high school karate club in a match, so I was asking my senior disciple to join him in a karate rules kumite. After that practice. The senior disciple was a photographer. He used to take pictures of me during and after practice, so this was one of those times..."
The master must really be crazy to think nothing of having a picture of her upper body taken of her.
"Where is this senior disciple now?"
If she doesn't mind being photographed naked, then perhaps he is her current husband? I asked her, and she twisted her head.
"After having this picture taken, the senior disciple suddenly said, 'I heard that recently we are allowed to use wrestling techniques in karate matches. So let's practice that too! ' Before I could answer, he hugged me."

'Could it be...?'
I cleared my throat and waited for the master to continue. The master was trying her best to dig up memories of the past, "Well..., So I reflexively threw him off, and even punched his downed opponent with an extra punch. He got stuck, perhaps because of a bad hit, and I felt bad for him for coming along with me to practice with me."
The master was unusually sad when she said this. Perhaps he was truly sorry. I sighed at her silliness.
"Since that day, he has never been seen again. Perhaps he got angry at my rudeness and left the dojo. It is a pity because he was a kind, gentle, and nice person. But he later sent me this photo in an envelope! He also included a letter that said, 'I will always be watching you.'"
My master was nostalgic, as if she were recounting a beautiful memory, but I was donkey's ass.
No, no, no! That's stalking, isn't it?

After that...did you encounter any strange incidents?"
I asked fearfully, and the master nodded in surprise.
"How do you know that? About a month later, I was attacked by masked thugs on my way home from school on a rainy day. There were about five of them, and they almost dragged me into a nearby car, but I beat them all up. Then they said something weird like, 'Why? I love you so much!' and they ran away while screaming something creepy..."
It seems that the master was fighting off the stalkers without realizing it.
"I'm glad you're safe. It's so dangerous."
I smiled vaguely, took the photo from her and put it in my breast pocket.
"Wait a minute. What are you going to do with that picture?"
I turn to her with an awkward smile and say, "It looks like a fond memory, so I'll put it back in the drawer in the storage room."
So my master turned her gaze back to the TV, as if relieved.
"That's a good idea, since I don't have any albums either."
I felt relieved as I stared at my teacher's back.
It would be a loss to humanity if I let such a precious photo of Master's boobs of a high school girl lie in a storage room.
After this, I scanned this photo properly in high resolution and stored it carefully in my treasure folder.



Ai-soletty 2024/03/08 01:55

師匠とネット通販_その2 Master and Online shopping _Part 2

"Shotaro! Come here!"
I heard Master's loud voice from afar and jumped up in surprise.
I opened the sliding door fearfully, wondering if I had been caught with a sexy picture of Master as my wallpaper.
There was the master, dressed in bright crimson underwear.
"Look, Shotaro! I bought a pair of underwear online, and it arrived ripped! This can't be happening!"
The underwear that Master wore was transparent in many places, and there was no part to cover her breasts. I could tell at a glance that it was a product for people in that field, but Master seemed to think it was torn.
"No, I think that's probably the way it's designed... I mean, why did you buy it online again? Didn't I tell you to consult me before buying?"
"The lingerie store in town didn't have anything that fit my body. So I had no choice but to go online..."
That's true. You can't find underwear that fits your powerful body in this small town....
"I'm returning this! I've been dealt a ridiculously defective product!"
Master started to take off her bra to vent her uncontrollable anger. Then it hit me.
"'Yes, let's return it! Master is not very good with the internet, so leave that procedure to me! I'll take the responsibility of returning it to the store and I'll keep the underwear!"
When I reached out my hand, Master looked embarrassed for the first time there.
"Oh, really? ...M-make sure you wash it before you return it, okay?"
Master kept reminding me, and I kept nodding.
Yes, of course, I will not wash this. I'm going to keep this raw and use this from time to time....
In this way, I succeeded in acquiring one of my most precious treasures.



Ai-soletty 2024/03/04 03:26

師匠とネット通販_その1Master and Online shopping _Part 1

Master and Online shopping _Part 1

"Damn..., why not..., why not go in..."
I heard Master muttering from behind the sliding doors and I stopped in the corridor.
"What's wrong?"
I called out softly, and a resigned sigh came back from the master.
"There's nothing to be done..."
I fearfully open the sliding door and peek inside. There I see my master in a brand new swimming costume.
"I bought a new swimming costume because you said I needed a less revealing swimming costume to swim in the gym pool. I did, and here's what I got, look!"
She proudly showed me her tits, which were sticking out of her swimming costume.
Master..., your nipples are sticking out too... Very erotic nipples.
"It seems my body has deteriorated from accompanying you in your training. I never thought I would gain so much weight..."
Master apparently thought she had gained weight.
No, Master... No matter how you look at it, that is no ordinary swimming costume.
"Master, where did you buy that swimming costume?"
"This one? I bought this online. I'm sure I entered my body size and bought one that fits perfectly, but... but no matter how I try, it won't fit my breasts!"
Naturally. It's an erotic swimming costume designed to show the nipples...
"Master, have you ever shopped online before?"
"First time. What about it?"
I knew it.
The master is a complete novice in everything but martial arts, and has little common sense.
She told me that since she was a child she had practised naked in the dojo with other students, so she was not afraid of being seen naked by others. She told me that when she was old enough, she was often scolded by her master, my grandfather, to cover her skin.
"Master..., next time you want to buy something on the internet, please consult me... You are a terrible shopper."
"What! Do you underestimate your master? 'It all started because you're a poor disciple who can only practise loosely, and this is what happened!"
The heated and embarrassing exchange of abuse between me and the master could probably be heard in the house next door.
It's disgraceful...



Ai-soletty 2024/03/01 01:34

師匠のポスター Poster of the Master


"Master..., what's this?"
When I thrust a poster at her, her expression was unusually strained and she was in a panic.
"Shotaro... why do you have that?"
It was a poster advertising the town's summer festival. To my surprise, the person on the poster was the master. She was wearing a high-legged bathing suit, just like the old beer advertisements, and she was holding a beer mug!
"It was posted on the bulletin board of the neighborhood association, and I took it off and brought it here!"
"Oh, it's people like you that have put the neighborhood association president in trouble! She said no matter how many times he put it up, it would always get stolen!"
"If there's a pornographic poster like this on the wall, it's bound to get stolen! It's nothing short of embarrassing! I mean, Master! Why are you modeling swimsuits?"
When I questioned her, she seemed unusually flustered.
"I had no choice... The head of the neighborhood association said he wanted to make a good poster to liven up the festival. Everyone asked me to do it, and I was indebted to them for the funeral of my predecessor, so I had no choice..."
Master began to play with her fingertips, swiping her gaze in the wrong direction and mumbling an excuse.
I interrupted her excuse.
"That's a lie! You got drunk and took the job anyway, didn't you? That dozen cans of beer in the kitchen was your reward, wasn't it? I thought it was strange that you forgot your wallet and went out, but you came back with so many beers. I mean, are you sure it was only swimsuit photos that were taken? You didn't get carried away and have your nudes taken or anything, did you?"
"I- I never let anyone but my darling take those pictures!"
"You mean to tell me that your husband has ever taken naked pictures of you?!"
"What do you want me to say! You stupid disciple!"
Master blushed and chased me around the room.



Ai-soletty 2024/02/28 02:32

師匠に保湿クリーム(2回目)Moisturising cream for the master


No. I have to be patient. I can't betray the master who trusts me so much.
My arms, raging with desire, were as fierce as hounds in front of their prey. I desperately pulled them back with the chains of reason.
The master was washing her hair, unaware of my struggles.
The feeling of my cock touching Master's buttocks made me feel dreamy.
This is just a coincidence, right? It's just that I accidentally touched her buttocks when I tried to wash Master's back.
Oh, it's slippery and smooth and feels good...
"By the way, Shotaro. Something hard has been hitting my buttocks and tickling me..."
I cringed at the questioning voice of my master. But I couldn't stop myself from enjoying this pleasurable friction. In this pinch of absolute desperation, my instincts created a momentary excuse to replace my brain that was paralyzed by the pleasure.
"That moisturizing cream last time! It's in a stick-type container, and I have to apply it while rubbing it in..."
Worst. It's too much to ask. No matter how much of the master, there's no way I would believe such an excuse...
"Is that so? But if I get it applied now, won't it run off in the shower?"
But Master was worried about something completely misplaced.
"I heard it's okay! I heard that the best way for the ingredients to penetrate the skin is to apply it to moist skin in the bath...! Master, please continue washing your hair! If I apply a little more... it'll come out!"
I can't do it this time. I can't hold back or anything!
I continued to rub my cock roughly against Master's buttocks as I gave him my lame excuses.
"But if you're going to apply it, why don't you apply it to my face? I'd be happier if my face was moist than my ass..."
"No, not your face! I want to do it, but... I'd wont to, but... oh!"
My excitement reached its peak the moment I had a fantasy of rubbing my cock against Master's face.
"What's wrong?"
I couldn't answer.
I said I couldn't betray her trust, but then I came with her ass-job.
What an asshole I am.
I was in the worst mood and enjoying the best afterglow.



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