
競泳水着の記事 (3)

Ai-soletty 2024/06/01 01:04

師匠とネット通販_その3 Master and Online shopping _Part 3




aster has gotten better at online shopping.
But that's only in comparison to before, and she still buys something strange once in every three times.
This swimsuit in the laundry basket is one of those “strange things.
Master, who was looking for a swimming suit for work, ordered it on the Internet. However, what he received was a product for slutty adults, with the fabric so thin that his skin was exquisitely visible through it.
I said, “You can't wear this to work at the gym, okay?"
"Is it that weird? I'm sure the crotch is a little too cut up, but...”
I remembered that the master had looked unconvinced when I had warned her, and I felt uneasy.
"What did you do with that swimsuit you bought by mistake on the Internet?"
When I asked, Master nodded his head while eating dumplings for dinner.
"I used it for today's work. You didn't tell me where you put my bathing suit after you finished washing it. I was in a hurry because I couldn't find it. I was almost late for work.”
I was at a loss for words when she answered so matter-of-factly.
“Because your instructor's job is on Tuesdays, isn't it? Today is Monday...no...that's okay, you wore that and worked a swim instructor?"
"Yes, I did. Yes, I had to watch the kids in the swim class take their promotion exams today. Well, it was an easy job because all I had to do was watch, take times, and record them.”
What kind of swimming class would have beautiful woman in those super high-leg skimpy swimsuits by the pool? If I were a student in that swimming class, I wouldn't be able to hide the strange sensation between my legs.
"How old are those kids?"
I asked fearfully, and the master, pretending to think for a moment, popped another dumpling into his mouth.
"They all rode alone on the bus to and from the pool, so I'd say they were between third and sixth grade...”
"Those kids...were they all right?”
"What do you mean?"
"I was just wondering if they swam all right."
"Of course they swam fine. Unfortunately, many of them failed the test because they couldn't make a good time...”
That's the thing, isn't it? It was definitely Master's fault.
“Weren't there a lot of boys who failed the test?”
I asked. Master took a sip of his beer and nodded.
She took a sip of my beer and nodded.
"I guess that's true, There were a lot of boys who didn't want to get out of the pool after the test was over. For some reason, they were terribly embarrassed.”
That's right.
Those boys will probably never forget what they saw today.
I wonder if the Master is unaware that Master is unaware that she has warped the sexual preferences of so many boys...
They will be in agony under the covers tonight, unable to sleep.
I understand their suffering because I am the biggest victim of Master's unaware eroticism.



Ai-soletty 2024/05/27 14:58

師匠とバイト2 Master works part-time #2


"Ah, I'm tired, tired..."
Master came home late at night. She came home much later than the time I had been taught.
"If you're going to be late, please call me. Your bath is getting cold."
Master was annoyed when I complained.
"I left my cell phone at home, so it can't be helped! I'm so tired!"
She was in a bad mood. It is one of the important jobs of a disciple to listen to Master's complaints.
"Where did you go today? You were supposed to be on holiday."
I asked her as I served her beer and snacks, and she sighed as she popped them into her mouth.
"I was asked by a colleague at the sports club where I work to do a part-time job elsewhere. I was a lifeguard at the pool, but there were so many drowning guests today... I was so busy I was dizzy."
"A lifeguard? Which pool?"
There must be no other pool in town except the one at the sports club.
When I asked suspiciously, the master twisted her head.
"I don't remember the name, but there was a pool far away that was hard to get to by train, right? I don't remember what it was called... Oh yes, I'm sure I got a picture of it."
The master picked up her cell phone, operated it, opened the picture she wanted, and showed it to me.
On the screen was a picture of the master wearing a red swimsuit for the lifeguard. In the background was a water slide. It appeared to be a large leisure pool.
"Is this a summer park? But still, Master..."
I involuntarily swallowed hard.
I was at a loss for words, and the master looked at me suspiciously.
"But still... what is it?"
'Master's red swimming suit is quite erotic!' I couldn't say, so I coughed.
"This is a picture of you playing around, saying it's work! You can't do that, you have to take your job seriously!"
I teased Master and managed to cover it up. The master was so disgusted that she downed her beer in one gulp and glared at me.
"You idiot! That's a picture my co-worker took during break time as a joke! I was doing more work than anyone else today! Every one of them drowned or limped in front of me all the time... I can't tell you how many times I jumped into the pool!"
The master continues to complain as she pushes her empty beer can at me.
And what's more... as soon as I pulled them out of the pool in my arms, they all got better and went back into the pool. The kids who held on to me and wouldn't let go were cute, but..."
Ah, so it's like this...
It's just that everyone, young and old, wanted to hug this buxom Master..., probably.
I swallowed my words and operated Master's cell phone, secretly looking at other photos. From these pictures, I could tell that the colleague was definitely targeting Master...
He bought me dinner and gave me a ride home, but then he started saying he was lost and wanted to take a break, and finally he asked me if I wanted to stay at his place so he could treat me to something even better. I was so pissed off that I just couldn't take it any more. I said, "Let me go home immediately! I'll break your neck!"
Master opened the second can of beer that had been prepared for him, and grumbled.
'I wonder what he was planning to serve her....'
Such an rashness colleague really should have had his dick snapped.
I was reminded of the other day when I almost broke it off, and my crotch was aching.



Ai-soletty 2024/03/20 01:40

師匠と競泳水着 Master and swimming suit


"Hey, you want to see something good?"
My friend asked with a grin, but he couldn't help but cringe at the speed of my response.
"You... Why don't you ask me what it is before you answer?"
"Of course I want to see it if it's good. So what is it?"
When I asked him about it, he couldn't wait to tell me about it, so he started talking about it.
"My sister, who is in the sixth grade, goes to a nearby swimming school, and I heard that the new instructor who started working there recently is very beautiful!"
"Please continue."
When I asked him about it, he couldn't wait to tell me about it, so he started talking about it.
"My sister, who is in the sixth grade, goes to a nearby swimming school, and I heard that the new instructor who started working there recently is very beautiful!"
"Keep going."
I folded my hands under my nose and urged him to continue.
"The instructor had such a great figure that my sister got excited, and the instructor had such big tits that they could see them even under her swimming suit! That's why I asked my sister to take her picture. I saied If she's really beautiful and has big tits, I'll pay my sister extra."
I silently pulled out my wallet.
"The reward is for one lunch, right? If the image is real, I'll pay for dessert as an additional reward."
"That's fine! By the way, what's with that character you've been playing for a while now?"
The negotiation went smoothly and my friend showed me his smartphone with a smile.
Ah...I knew it.
In the photo, I saw my master in a swimming suit. She said she had started a new job that wasn't massage, but she meant this job.
Her breasts are so tight that the material of her swimming suit is almost ripped off, and her thighs are so firm.
I love the way she looks in her this swimming suit too....
"I heard that the number of people who want to join this swimming school has been increasing lately. Maybe they're going there for this instructor."
My friend said jokingly.
He was probably right.
It was only a matter of time before all the men in this town joined that swimming school.



