
2024年 07月の記事 (5)

Daily report R6.7.4 WIP

The air conditioner at work is too cold and my nose hasn't stopped running since I got home.... I'm good with hot weather, but not so good with air conditioning.

We are going to paint the color. Today we made some progress on the primer coat.



Daily report R6.7.3 WIP


It was sunny today, so I practiced hill climbing on my road bike. The distance was 25 km and the elevation gained was about 500 meters. I'm tired but feel refreshed. It rained all last week, so I couldn't practice. I did some muscle training in my room, but I guess I was somewhat under-exercised.


I apologize for the concern expressed in yesterday's article. The concern itself will not go away...but I will continue to look for ways to survive. I am not a quitter!

Today I prepared line drawings. And....

Consider how to wrap the tentacles.



Daily report R6.7.2 WIP






I have previously written an article about my own experiments with image generation AI.
And now, I am wondering about something.

"Does my hand-drawing technique have a chance against the progress of AI?

On social networking sites, there are accounts that get a lot of likes with pictures added to generated images. It is becoming apparent that for the majority of people, whether a picture is hand-drawn or AI-generated is not a major issue. I wonder if there is any value in continuing to draw by hand, and if it is worth it.

AI or not, I will just keep drawing! I have been thinking, "I'll just keep on drawing, whether AI becomes popular or not!
But my confidence in this is diminishing a little...

Maybe I am just a little tired right now.

I would like to add that I am neither for nor against image generation AI, so make no mistake about that.

Today I drew line drawings.



Daily report R6.7.1 WIP

■7月になりました! 今月もよろしくお願いいたしますー。
It is now July! We look forward to working with you again this month!


And suddenly, I'm just so sleepy and drowsy today that I'm going to bed, although not much work has been done....



Daily report R6.6.30 WIP

June is already over....


This week I will be portraying the Sister Saints of the Order of Meia, Sister Lunaria and Safirine. Safirine needs a strong bodyguard, so Lunaria has been sent to her, but will Lunaria be able to accomplish her task of escorting her...?




