ゆるなか 2020/03/04 02:55

英訳記事【New characters and progress!】


English translation(Almost Google Translate)

I am translating what I translated once and redrawing the strange parts as far as I can understand. But, I don't know if the content is written correctly in English, so if you have any questions, please ask.

This time, I will introduce the progress of the skeb picture and the rough sketches of the short characters announced.

This time, I wrote an English article separately as before. If you find it hard to see, let me know!

First of all, the progress of the skeb picture. Skin painting is over! The orange highlight is because the sun may enter the background.

Until it was completed, it was changed back to the method of posting a part. After completion, we will release the black swimsuit or cheer costume!

Next, I'll show you the short rpg character's image!

I was thinking of making a game that would go through the forest, so I thought it would be nice to have a fairy tale like Hansel and Gretel who gave us your opinion. I thought that the motif would go red after all!

When I googled about the Little Red Riding Hood, it seems that there is a premise that my grandmother give the Red Hood, so I decided to wear both Red Riding Hood to match the childhood settings ↓

The hero (left) and the childhood friend's heroine (right). Heart is an image.

It may be a taller than the main character boy! And it might be too cute to a man? Since it is visible to girls, I may go with a faceless Ver!

The protagonist of the faceless Ver ↓

She likes to dress him in cute clothes, saying, "You're so cute when you wear these clothes♡" Then he is ashamed. But he wants to be conscious of her favorite man.

I don't know what will happen because it's still undecided, but for now I'm going to go like that!ら If you have any impressions or opinions, we would appreciate it!

PS: Adjusted the size! Left is the previous one, right is the corrected one!

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Rei's breast painting finished progress!

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