ゆるなか 2020/03/09 02:51

英訳記事【New skin painting,skeb progress】

This is a translated article.

English translation(Almost Google Translate)

I am translating what I translated once and redrawing the strange parts as far as I can understand. But, I don't know if the content is written correctly in English, so if you have any questions, please ask.

Good evening!
In the last few days, I wanted to improve the quality while improving the work efficiency, so I was looking for a way to paint while thinking about the events to be included in the RPG with the Red Riding Hood motif! And drawing the background of the illustration you asked for at skeb!

Let's put a little comparison

How about! ? I think it's better ... I think!
Especially breasts! !

I'll do my best from now on ... mainly on the breasts...(ΦωΦ)
I want to enhance my impression by strengthening line art!

I'll do my best to produce the Little Red Riding Hood RPG!
If you have a request, please tell me as soon as possible!

That's all. Please be careful about your health!

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skeb progress[Swimsuit]

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