ゆるなか 2020/09/07 19:31












私事ですが、昨日の台風がえぐくて色々壊れたりしちゃったので、復旧作業が大変🥺 家の内部には特に何もなかったので、PCや作業環境自体は無事です!





English translation

Thanks for reading the article!
Today's post will touch on the announcement of a short distribution piece scheduled for release in October and beyond, the results of the character survey, and more!
Here are the results of the production order survey we did for the paid plans!

Not only did they all receive a certain level of popularity, but the ratio of the Kunoichi short story and the miko short story was pretty much the same, and we were at a loss to decide on the final product, after considering various aspects, we decided to create The Ayatsuji Miko Mother and Daughter RPG!

↓We've already had some of the initial stages of the map made, like this one!

Shrines and classrooms, the city, dubious back alleys... It's like that!
Of course, we'd like to have a variety of other areas and create an event for each of them - the school will also have changing rooms and a swimming pool ready to go. Feel free to request a stew you'd like to see, etc.!
That's all I have to say about the short stories! This one will be released after the release of the Red Riding Hood RPG, and will be available on a regular basis on the Tapu plan during the production of the Sister Cuckold RPG!
As for the order of production of the other works, it's not in the order of popularity of the questionnaire, but based on the situation and the popularity vote of the characters... maybe? 🤔

Miscellaneous Notes & Announcements

This is a personal matter, but the typhoon hit the city yesterday and destroyed many things, so the recovery work is very hard 🥺
There was nothing special inside the house, so the computer and the work environment itself are safe!
The shed and plants and trees around the house have fallen so badly that I may have to postpone next week's update for a day or two if it looks like it's going to be difficult, or maybe I'll have a circle member write it instead!
If you have an illustration you'd like to see made into a video, please contact me via reon's twitter or Discord He wants to know, so I'll let you know about that as well! (Send me a message if you'd like to join the Discord!)

That's it for today's post!
I'd like to release a Red Riding Hood soon, but I've already released a lot of pictures, and I'm worried that if I release any more I'll lose some of the freshness...
No problem at all! If that's the case, then we'll open it up for the next paid plan!



