Parabolica 2024/05/15 18:25

Let's take a bath with Purin 2: English Manual

Let's take a bath with Purin 2: English Manual

Title Scene

1. Start the game.
2. Play a scene.
3. Choose various options.
4. Adjust the volume.
5. Enter the shop.
6. View rankings. (Steam version only)
7. Game difficulty. Select using the <> keys. You can choose between Normal Game, Score Attack, and Time Attack.
8. Select a scene to play. Scenes can be purchased in the shop.
9. Exit the game.


1. Choose the translation language. If not selected, subtitles will not be displayed.
2. Set the game time limit. For Score Attack and Time Attack, it is fixed at 5 minutes.
3. Set the match points for the game. Score Attack is fixed at 8 points, and Time Attack is fixed at 6 points.
4. Set the time to release the grabbed water gun.
5. Set the strength of the punch detection when moving the cursor quickly.
6. Decide whether Purin-chan's hands and feet can touch her own body. Set this to Off if the game becomes unstable.
7. The type of mosaic used during the game. If set to bubbles, a mosaic effect will be applied during scenes.
8. If None is selected, water will not be visible. Use this if it’s hard to see underwater.
9. Choose the type of seals. This slightly changes the difficulty.
10. Reset to default settings.
11. Return to the title screen.


1. Change the volume of the voice.
2. Change the volume of the sound effects.
3. Change the volume of the BGM.
4. Change the BGM.
5. Reset to default volume settings.


1. Purchase scenes with points. Purchased scenes can be selected from the title screen.
2. Points acquired. The unit is Energy.
3. Pressing the middle mouse button during the game will remove the seals from each other's groin areas. This is a shortcut for those who want to enjoy H mode immediately.

Ranking (Steam version only)

1. Select the ranking you want to view.
2. Your score.

Game Scene

Game Rules

When the game starts, Purin-chan will explain the game rules. The player who removes the most seals within the time limit wins. Use the mouse to control both hands and peel off the opponent's seals.

Hand Controls

  • Left click to move the left hand to the mouse cursor’s position.
  • Left click and hold to grab an object.
  • While holding, quickly move the mouse cursor back to perform a hitting action.
  • Right click and hold to control the right hand, with the same functions as the left hand.

Camera Controls

The camera is primarily operated automatically.
If the mouse cursor stays in one place for a certain period, the camera will focus on that spot.

During H Mode

To enter H mode, both players must remove the seals from each other's groin areas and then grab with both hands. The game will continue as is.
Even if the time limit is exceeded during H mode, the game will continue until H mode ends.

H Mode Controls

The basic controls are the same as during the regular game.
- Scroll the mouse wheel forward to increase the speed of the piston motion.
- Scroll the mouse wheel backward to decrease the speed of the piston motion.
- Quickly move the mouse cursor forward to perform a single strong piston thrust.
- If no actions are taken, a special posture may be initiated.

1. Game time limit.
2. Subtitles will be displayed here if translations are available.

1. Player’s score. You earn 1 point for each seal removed. After the game, points (EN) are awarded based on the number of seals removed.
2. Opponent’s seal status. It indicates the seal's location. The area will turn white as the seal is about to be removed and completely white once removed.
3. Player’s ejaculation meter. The meter rises, and ejaculation occurs after rapid blinking. Scroll the mouse wheel up to increase and down to decrease. Purin-chan’s attacks also increase the meter.
4. Purin-chan’s score.
5. Player’s seal status.
6. Effects are displayed when grabbing a seal, and the corresponding area turns white.
7. Duck water gun.
8. Water gun. Once grabbed, it remains held even if the mouse button is released. Double-click to release it. Click the mouse button on the holding side to shoot water, which can also peel off seals if it hits.

Scene Playback

Use the left and right arrow keys to move the scene forward or backward. Some scenes cannot be rewound. Press the spacebar to pause.

Camera Controls

In Third-Person View:
  • Right-click & hold & move the mouse cursor to rotate the camera.
  • Middle button & hold & move the mouse cursor to move the camera parallel.
  • Left-click to ejaculate instantly.
In First-Person View:
  • Move the mouse cursor to normally rotate the camera.
  • Right-click & hold & move the mouse cursor to rotate the camera quickly.
  • Left-click to ejaculate instantly.
    1. Purin-chan will undress. If she is already undressed, she will put on clothes.
    2. Return to the title screen.


