Team AppleMango 2023/09/03 18:26

動作確認バージョンV0.01です! <- Download



現在、内部に配置している敵は2体 + 地域内の敵1体です。








1がHighest VSyncOn、
2がHighest VSyncOff、
5がVery Lowとなっています。ゲームの画面がちぎれているように感じたら、1を押してメインメニューに戻った後、'Continue'ボタンを押してみてください。

Finally, after numerous debugging efforts, I have released a functioning test version.

Debugging took an enormous amount of time just to ensure smooth operation.
I have immense respect for those who develop games using Unity.

Currently, there are two enemies built internally + one more in the region.

Both slimes and spiders have their own H-scenes, but due to delays in voice work, only the slime's H-scene includes voice acting.
In other words, the H-scenes for both slime and spider are the same.

Towards the end of the game, there are hidden tentacles. Although I've included an H-scene for the tentacles, there is no voice acting for it due to time constraints.

I thought I could release a test version in sufficient time, but debugging took much longer than expected due to the high number of bugs.

I've added numerous features as well.
+ Created a button that allows you to change the translation text directly, which can be accessed from the settings and the main screen.
+ Added an easy mode. This is recommended for those who want to clear the game in one go.
+ Speech bubbles are used to display the current situation.
+ Created a tutorial that explains the basic buttons and actions.
+ Completed the save system and designed the logic for continuing.
+ Conducted extensive debugging.

If you encounter bugs while playing the game, please let me know via message or comments!
I apologize for the delay caused by the extensive debugging due to the numerous bugs!
And also Please let me know if there are any incorrect or awkward translations!

If possible, I recommend playing in Easy Mode. Skills are not updated in real-time; you need to go to the main screen or enter the next scene for them to take effect. Progression can also take a while, which might be frustrating.
The game is currently designed with Easy Mode in mind! You can reset Luna's stats using the Difficulty button, but your progress will be reset. Of course, there isn't much content in the 0.01 version, so it doesn't make much of a difference.

Additionally, as I continue to add to the game, the system requirements seem to have increased. You can address this issue by going to the 'Settings' tab and moving the 'Quality' slider to the left, then clicking the check button.
Also, there are hidden settings for quality control. The number keys at the top of the keyboard are set as follows:
1 for Highest VSyncOn,
2 for Highest VSyncOff,
3 for Middle,
4 for Low, and
5 for Very Low.
If you feel the game's display is tearing, press 1 and then go back to the main menu before clicking 'Continue

Thank you!





