偽凪 2022/12/27 19:25

~Outcome in 2022~(ENG)

*Text is machine-translated.

This is not the end of the update yet, but I thought it would be a good time to summarize this year before everyone gets busy with the year-end and New Year's holidays.

It has been almost a year since I started this new activity. (To be exact, it started in late January.)
As for my activities for this year 2022......

Created character models: 3
Created male monster models: 13
Created female monster models: 3
Animations created: 108

These were the results.

To say it is a lot is an understatement, and to say it is a little is a delicate number.
In truth, I wanted to make about two monsters in a month, but I think that was a bit too much in terms of pacing.
For me, it takes me a long time to come up with a design......
I tried to post at least once a week, but I remember that sorceress Elmira was just in time(I may have been overdue in terms of days......).

As for the number of followers and supporters, I was surprised at the incredible growth in numbers for the first year.
Although I had my own odds in this endeavor, I was prepared for it to take about three years before I saw any buds, so I was very happy to see the numbers grow so much in the first year.

It is all thanks to all of you who support us. Thank you so much.

As for next year's activities, there are still many monsters and situations we want to create, so I will basically continue with my current policy.
I are working on ideas for monsters and animations, starting with the standard ones, but I want to find a balance between differentiation and not going too far.

I would also like to do something about the diversion to game production in 2023, which we have talked about a little bit.
But that one is not something you can just start working on and suddenly see tangible results, so I'm not sure how much you can do in the pace of updates......
I would like to make it one of my goals for next year to achieve some kind of result.

So, please stay with us next year if you would like to join me.

I know that it would be more convenient for the supporters to focus on a specific genre, but the main concept of this activity is to draw a distinctive action for each current monster......
I would appreciate it if you would stay just long enough to come and see the content when it is to your liking.

I have also prepared a brief questionnaire regarding our activities for the year.

Although I do not necessarily reflect the survey results in our activities as they are, we will try to respond to "requests for combinations of existing characters, monsters, and animations" to the extent that we are able. (It may not be possible to respond to requests that require major material changes.)
Also, if you have any interesting ideas for monster situations, we may adopt them. (Don't hold your breath on this one.)

Please feel free to answer the questions based on these factors. (I plan to close the tally at the end of January.)

See you next year!

Click here to fill out the survey form.↓



