偽凪 2023/02/06 19:12

Results of the "2022 Questionnaire"(ENG)

*Machine translation.

First of all, thank you all for the many responses to our survey.
The number of responses was 319, and although we do not have anything to compare it with, we think it is quite a large number.

The results of the "First favorite monster of 2022" poll were as follows

1st : Spectre (76 votes)
2nd : Slime (50 votes)
3rd : Mindflayer (32 votes)
3rd : Slimegirl (32 votes)

5th : Werewolf (25 votes)
6th : Vampirebat (21 votes)
7th : Killerbee (17 votes)
8th : Lamia (16 votes)
9th : Minotaur (9 votes)
9th : Fungus (9 votes)
11th: Giantsnake (8 votes)
12th: Direwolf (6 votes)
12th: Maneater (6 votes)
14th: Goblin (5 votes)
15th: Cockatrice (4 votes)
16th: Shadebat (2 votes)

As for "Second favorite monster",

1st : Slime (76 votes)
2nd : Slimegirl (45 votes)
3rd : Mindflayer (35 votes)

4th : Spectre (28 votes)
5th : Vampirebat (25 votes)
6th : Lamia (22 votes)
7th : Maneater (18 votes)
8th : Werewolf (16 votes)
9th : Fungus (15 votes)
10th : Direwolf (12 votes)
11th: Killerbee (10 votes)
12th: Giantsnake (6 votes)
13th: Minotaur (4 votes)
14th: Cockatrice (3 votes)
15th: Goblin (2 votes)
16th: Shadebat (1 votes)

As for "Third favorite monster",

1st : Slimegirl (55 votes)
2nd : Slime (39 votes)
3rd : Mindflayer (31 votes)

4th : Vampirebat (29 votes)
5th : Lamia (25 votes)
6th : Spectre (28 votes)
7th : Maneater (23 votes)
8th : Killerbee (19 votes)
9th : Fungus (17 votes)
10th : Werewolf (12 votes)
11th: Minotaur (9 votes)
11th: Giantsnake (9 votes)
13th: Direwolf (5 votes)
14th: Shadebat (4 votes)
14th: Cockatrice (4 votes)
16th: Goblin (3 votes)

These were the above. Furthermore, if we calculate the first favorite as 3 points, the second as 2 points, the third as 1 point, and so on,

1st : Slime (339 points)
2nd : Spectre (309 points)
3rd : Slimegirl (237 points)

4th : Mindflayer (197 points)
5th : Vampirebat (142 points)
6th : Werewolf (119 points)
7th : Lamia (118 points)
8th : Killerbee (90 points)
9th : Maneater (77 points)
10th : Fungus (74 points)
11th: Direwolf (47 points)
12th: Giantsnake (45 points)
13th: Minotaur (44 points)
14th: Goblin (22 points)
14th: Cockatrice (22 points)
16th: Shadebat (12 points)

These are the results.In the overall ranking, Slime overtook Spectre. I was a little surprised when I calculated the result, since I thought the difference would not be so great.
Slime did a wide range of genres, so I guess the votes came from many different directions. Considering the fact that the votes were split between Slimegirls, the number is astounding.
MindFlayer, which is always in the top three along with Slimegirl/Slime, also shows that it has a lot of ground to make up on its own.

The other noteworthy thing is that Fungus, which was barely depicted at the start of the survey, received quite a few votes. The power of the Futa or the power of the Yuri......
And the goblin are not popular even though they have existed since the beginning. ......

As for favorite animations, I can't give an exact tally since it was a free-response format (what's the point of a survey?). However, the overwhelming majority of the votes were for "Spectre possessed".
The next most common was the transformation into a werewolf, followed by Mind Flare's merging, Specter's possession masturbation, Slime's breast expansion, Slimegirl's unbirth, and so on.

The numbers and followers grew significantly because of the timing of the Spectre's possession and Slime's takeover, so most of the results were, well, predictable.

This is my own guess, but when I think about why there was such growth in possession takeover animation, I wonder if it was because there was a scarcity of animated works in the possession genre.
Many people have made animations about vore or petrification, but we rarely (though not necessarily never) see animations about possession.
That is why possession + animation may be a secret spot.

As a result of the survey, it became clear that possession are overwhelmingly popular...... As I wrote in advance, "It cannot be said that the results of the survey will reflect the results of the survey," it does not necessarily mean that there will be more possession in the future.
I've mentioned that there may be more possession/parasitism, but I'm treating it as a subgenre of parasitism/possession/takeover all together, and that's not the main content here......

I think it might be better to increase the number of possession in order to increase the sales and the numbers, but as I mentioned in a reply to a comment, it is not possible to continue to increase the number of variations with possession. It's also a bit of a psychological burden to see the numbers go up so much when you do a possession and then go down......

I am thinking about some possession stories in the future, but they are not high on our priority list, so I don't think people should expect too much (it will be different when it comes to takeover and parasitism).

Now, I wrote before that "I will try to respond to survey requests as much as possible" (regarding the appropriation of existing animations).
I was going to release a new animation as a stopgap measure in case I couldn't immediately release a new one, but it turned out that modifying past animations and applying them to other characters would end up taking as much time and effort as creating a new animation, so I decided to lower the priority of this project a bit.

I think we need to think a little bit about how to do this......, whether to have a period of time to focus only on reflecting requests at some point in time, or to start digesting animations with smaller content.

The results of the "Animations/Monsters I'd Like to See" are too diverse to introduce here, but in terms of content, possession-related animations were the most popular, while other popular animations were monsterization, parasitism, and childbirth (where to delineate possession/parasitism/hijacking is a difficult question, though.).
Of the ones I haven't gotten around to yet, the hypnosis ones were comparable to the others.

Personally, I was happy with the content and such of those who wrote down their own libidos in long sentences (whether they actually do it or not is another matter).
Also, as I wrote on Twitter, I was shocked to learn that the kappa's shirikodama are recognized by people overseas...

Although this article is intended to announce the results of the survey, I feel that there is no positive content on the part of the followers at all...

In the end, it is a matter of ratio, and while there are people with different tastes in each genre, giving preferential treatment to popular content is like cutting out a few (and it is true that if you don't narrow it down, you will end up halfway there).

As I wrote before, I think it would be just fine for them to feel like they only come to see me when the content is of interest to them.

So, we look forward to working with you again this year.



