STPerfectKazeko. 2022/07/03 17:39

ブログエントリー - 7月のスタート

For the last 1-2 weeks, I've been taking a small break and working on another project. I almost forgot about the Dareia Fortress, I feel like I need to resume working on CGs for it m(_ _)m


I haven't decided the side project's plot (I have ideas for it, but I need to construct it properly)
All I've been doing so far is the gameplay core for the game and drawing icons.


This month, I hope to get all the Dareia Fortress locations done, but I also hope to get at least a small demo of the side-project finished too. It's going to be warm month (hopefully), I'll do my best!


P. S. There was a mistake during translation. Apparently, the translator managed to trick me and told me "span of 7 months" instead of "7th month".
Sorry for confusion.




