ゲームオーバー演出とかおっぱいとか Game over direction, boobs, etc.

Hello, how is everyone doing?
One of the problems I've been having lately is that the articles on Cien are getting longer because I'm adding English translations. I've thought about making the English translation into a separate article, or separating the English into a separate web page, but it's just too much work...
I'm going to try the idea of displaying the English in a smaller size. I'm going to try this idea. (´・ω・`)g

なんのゲームを作ってるの? What game am I making?



→I'm making a 3D FPS game set in Edo (Old Japan).
→It's a naughty game for masochistic men.
→I'm hoping to complete it in 2021.
→This blog will be updated twice a month, in the beginning and middle of the month.

最近の作業 Recentry

Recently, I've been making small movies to be played when the game is over or when the stage is cleared.I don't know what to call this little movie. During development, I've been calling it a jingle, but on TV, I hear it's called an eye catcher. (The thing that comes between the commercials of TV animation)

ステージクリア Stage Clear

He scurries around and then strikes a pose that makes him happy.I thought it would bring out the protagonist's timid personality.

The protagonist is exhausted and falls on the girl's (heroine's) chest. It's a super soft lucky sukebe element.

When a stage is cleared, the camera zooms in on the last defeated enemy as in the previous game. I've kept it simple because I think the number of cases where the motions I've introduced will be played back may be small.

ゲームオーバー Gameover

暴発しちゃうやつ accidental fire

I made this for the purpose of the pity of having a violent outburst while surrounded by girls.Maybe not good? But I also feel it's good because gameplay-wise these are not things you see that many times.If you die during CQC, the finishing motion of CQC will be replayed, so please keep it simple.

倒れる fall down

This one simply falls down.
The one above that fires out of control cannot be used in the "hidden sex mode option", so I prepared a version that falls over.

おっぱい boobs

I forgot to mention in my last post that I had added a boob adjustment feature.


Adjusting the size and softness of the boobs has been available for a while, but newly, the opening of the boobs, the upward orientation, the size of the areola, and the size of the nipples are now adjustable.(These boob-related functions were introduced in an article a long time ago, but at that time they were still in the technical verification stage, so now they are working in the game!)
Actually, the miko introduced in the previous article has her breasts facing outward and downward.

Naturally, these boob-related processes are also applied to the generation of enemy characters, so enemy boob variations are now generated in a much richer variety.

おしらせ Announcement


m(_ _ )m ありがとうございます。

I''ll be releasing videos of rejected versions of the stage clear and game over effects for paid plan subscribers. It's only a rejected production, so it's not very impressive. There is one rejected version each for stage clear and game over.
I think that the benefits of the paid plans will continue to change depending on the development status, and there will be many months when there are no benefits at all. I hope you understand this in advance.
Thank you very much for your valuable support. It is very helpful and I will use it carefully.
m(_ _ )m


(´・ω・`)ノシ じゃあの~

This was a recent work situation.
How did you feel about the various effects and boobs! I'd love to hear your comments and likes!
Putting the English translation right below it is good for the writer because it reduces the time and effort needed to write, but how about readability?
(´・ω・`)ノシ Bye~

いつもたくさんの 「☆いいね!」 ありがとうございます。
楽しんで頂けましたら是非、「☆いいね!」 お願い致します。

Always lots of 「☆いいね!(Good!)」 Thank you. It's very encouraging.
If you enjoyed it, please press 「☆いいね!(Good!)」
People overseas are welcome to comment as well.
(But sorry, I'm not a native speaker.)


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