守りたい笑顔があるんだ There's smile that I want to protect

How is everyone doing?
I'm a coffee lover, but to avoid too much caffeine, I drink caffeinated coffee only in the morning and decaffeinated coffee endlessly after that, but I can't buy decaffeinated coffee at my local supermarket anymore... (Why? Why is that...)
Recently, I've been drinking decaffeinated black tea or herbal tea. I feel like I'm losing my mind... Give me decaffeinated coffee... (huh huh huh

Here is a report on the recent progress of the work.

なんのゲームを作ってるの? What game am I making?

→I'm making a 3D FPS game set in Edo (Old Japan).
→It's a naughty game for masochistic men.
→The completion date is currently undecided.
→This blog will be updated twice a month, in the beginning and middle of the month.


最近は主に、ステージの3Dモデルを作ったり3Dモデルを配置してステージを作っていました。 (有償素材と自作モデルを組み合わせて構成しています)
Recently, I've been mainly making 3D models of stages and arranging 3D models to create stages. (I'm using a combination of paid materials and my own models.)

神社 shrine

神社のステージを作りました。 I made a stage for the shrine.

入り口 entrance

桜の花びらが舞っています。Cherry petals are dancing in the air.

高いところがあったり There are high places.

こちらは城のステージです。 This is the castle stage.

↑ここはちょっと暗くしすぎたかもなので、明るくします。I may have made it a little too dark here, so I'll lighten it up.

城の門を抜けるとちょっとした広場があって、更に門があってグネグネした道や階段を登っていくとメインの城がある!というイメージですね。When you pass through the castle gate, there is a little plaza, then another gate, and then a winding path and stairs up to the main castle! That's the image I have.


At the same time, the story part is being implemented. As I told you before, the story itself is complete and I am working on the direction.

A miko who transforms into a giant. Can you survive in the face of overwhelming power? (I want to add an effect when she becomes huge.)

まもりたい笑顔 Perhaps all humans want to protect this smile.

A mysterious presence. I've introduced this character before, but when I introduced her before, the background was in the town, but now that the stage where she should appear has been completed, she has been moved to the shrine.


(´・ω・`  )二 三三三三3 うおおおおおおおぉぉぉぉ

This was my recent work status.
As I announced in my last article, the progress has been a little slow due to the fact that I was preparing to move. ( I am no longer planning to move.)
I thought I'd be able to make a lot of progress in the next post, but the tax calculation time has come, so it may be less again...(In our country of Japan, we need to calculate our taxes and submit the documents in March.) I'm sorry, but I'll do my best! (´・ω・`  )二 三三三三3 WHOAAAaaaaaaa
I'm waiting for your comments! Please let me know in the comments, even if the content is not related to the article. and If you like article, please press the "★Good! ★いいね!" button.



