結局ラグジュアリ-ってなに - What is luxury?


(´・ω・`;) なぜ俺はあんな無駄な時間を…。


How is everyone doing?
It's been about a month and a half since I was released from the noise of my neighbors, and my concentration has improved tremendously. I used to lose concentration and take a break every hour, but recently I've been able to work for about three hours straight, and my work efficiency is incredible. It seems that I had suffered more damage from the noise than I had realized.
(´・ω・`;) Why was I wasting my time like that...?
I don't think I should have moved out earlier instead of enduring the noise, but I'm glad I didn't have to pay for the move.

最近の作業状況のご報告です。 Here is a report on the recent work status.

なんのゲームを作ってるの? What game am I making?

→I'm making a 3D FPS game set in Edo (Old Japan).
→It's a naughty game for masochistic men.
→The completion date is currently undecided.
→This blog will be updated twice a month, in the beginning and middle of the month.

ステージの作成 Creating the stage

I was working on several new stages. All of the stages were created using a combination of my own models and paid models.

遊郭 Yukaku

I created a Yukaku. It's a place where there were eccentric stores in the Edo period. Many people in Japan seem to know about it, since recently a popular anime series was aired about a Yukaku.
There are no 3D models of the brothel (maybe), so I made most of them myself.

赤い壁が特徴的な内装をしています。 It has a distinctive interior with red walls.

The partition that looks like a cage is another one that looks like a Yukaku. These cages are placed facing the street so that people can see what kind of girls are in the store. I used it because it looked like a good interior design.

The creation of the window and the outside of the window creates a luxurious space. (What is "luxury"?)
The word "luxury" is also called "luxury" in Japanese as it is, but I didn't understand what it meant.I did some research and now I know what it means.

I also made a strange shaped pillow that is often seen in Edo period dramas. It's called a box pillow (箱枕 はこまくら Hako Makura). I thought, "What's with that shape that might hurt my neck one night?" But I heard that the shape is used to keep the topknot of samurai men intact.


謎の領域のステージです。 This is a stage in a mysterious realm.

なぞです。 It's a mystery.

町 town

This is the town stage.
The town is a stage that I have introduced before, but I was making a variation of the town stage. The difference between this stage and the previous one is that I added a mountain to the background, which I think makes the space more expansive and realistic. What do you think?

最適化への取り組み Optimization efforts

特に今回ご紹介したような、背景の山や木といった3Dモデルはゲームが重くなる原因になりえます。 そこでゲーム内の設定画面から画質を下げると、これらの重いモデルが非表示にするようにしました。その他にも画面のエフェクトやテクスチャ解像度が下がることでゲームの動作が軽くなります。

I want to reduce as much as possible the situation where the game is too slow to run. In particular, 3D models such as mountains and trees in the background can cause the game to be very slow. By lowering the image quality in the in-game settings, you can hide these heavy models. You can also reduce the screen effects and texture resolution to make the game run more smoothly.

←高画質High 低画質Low→

When the background is hidden, the town looks like it's floating in the air, but this is only for low spec PCs. If you have a PC that can play modern 3D games, you should be able to play at the highest quality setting without any problems.

まとめ Summary


The above is the status of my recent work.
Other than what I mentioned, I was working on tax calculations and story direction in parallel.
How did you feel about the new stages? I'm waiting for your comments! Please let me know in the comments, even if the content is not related to the article.
and If you like article, please press the "★Good! ★いいね!" button.



