大江戸とりがー!! - Oedo Trigger!!

4月ですね。新年度を迎え新しい生活を始められるかたもいらっしゃることと思います。ワクワクしているかたもドキドキしている方もいらっしゃるかと思いますが。気張りすぎずにがんばってくださいませ。ところでなんで年度は4月に切り替えなんでしょうね。と思って調べたところ、今の4月が旧暦の1月だったからというのが理由らしいです。いやじゃあ旧暦って具体的に一体なに…(と無限に疑問が湧いてくるので諦めました) 海外でも1月に年度が切り替わる国もあれば10月や7月だったりする国もあるみたいです。
How are all of you doing? It is April. (In Japan, the fiscal year changes in April.) Some of you may be starting a new life with the new fiscal year. Some of you may be excited and some of you may be nervous. Please do your best without being over-enthusiastic. By the way, I wonder why the fiscal year is switched to April. I looked it up and found out that the reason is because the current April was the first month of the lunar calendar. Well, what exactly is the lunar calendar? (And I gave up because of the endless questions that kept coming up.) It seems that in some foreign countries the fiscal year changes in January, while in others it is October or July.

セール中です Discount sale now on!

The previous title, Harem Trigger! is on sale for half price as part of the Summer Sale!

はーれむ・とりがー!!ストアページ Harem Trigger!! StorePage

DLsiteスプリングセールということで他のサークル様の作品もたくさん割引されております。As it is the DLsite Spring Sale, many other circles are also offering discounts on their works.
作品一覧 List of Works
DLsite公式からクーポン券も配られているのでぜひご検討くださいませ。There are also coupons available from the official DLsite website, so please consider using them.

なんのゲームを作ってるの? What game am I making?

→I'm making a 3D FPS game set in Edo (Old Japan).
→It's a naughty game for masochistic men.
→The completion date is currently undecided.
→This blog will be updated twice a month, in the beginning and middle of the month.


I was working on CQC (motion when caught by a girl). This time, it is a motion of a medium-sized giant girl.




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