大改修の巻 - The Big Renovation【大江戸とりがー!!】

Hello everyone. I hope you are all well. I am fine.
Here is a report on my recent work.

予約ページが公開されました Pre-order page is now available

一つ前の記事でもお知らせしましたが。As I informed you in one of the previous articles.


↑↑↑Pre-order page is now available at DLsite. Please click the favorite button!!↑↑

Steamページも公開されました。Steam sales page

Steam sales page is also available.
このページが公開されていても、ゲーム本体の審査はまだ行われていません。Steamでの販売が確定したわけではありませんのでご注意ください>< (前作はリリースできませんでした)Steamで公開するバージョンはエッチな画面はパッチを当てないと見られないようになる予定です。
Even though this page has been published, the game itself has not yet been reviewed. Please note that this does not mean that the game has been confirmed for sale on Steam>< (The previous game was not able to be released) The version that will be released on Steam will not be able to see the sexually explicit screens without a patch.

最近の作業状況 Recent Work

ステージの量産 Mass production of stages

Recently I have been mainly mass-producing stages and have completed all the stages I had planned. On my DLsite and Steam pages, I had written that there were 37 stages! but the number has increased by one to 38 stages.

ギャラリー機能 Gallery Function


The gallery feature was created about two year ago. (2 YEARS ?!) but it was not compatible with the features that were added after that time. Also, the function to playback motion was not working due to a bug. So, I have added new functions and fixed the parts that were difficult to use! Here are the features!

更衣室編集 dressing room

更衣室ではキャラクターの見た目を編集して遊ぶことが出来ます。In the dressing room, you can edit the appearance of the girl character.

Previously, there were only 10 items that could be edited, but now 25 items can be edited. (It may be hard to tell what you can do with just the icons because there are so many more items to edit, but you will know what you can do if you change them a few times...).

In particular, boobs can now be specified in terms of size and softness, as well as boob direction, areola size, and nipple height. Also, I' ve made it so that the boobs can be impossibly large!(It will be larger than the image above)

編集できるのは以前は固定の3人だけでしたが、今回の改修で20人まで追加できるようになりました。Previously, only three fixed people could be edited, but with the recent renovation, up to 20 people can be added.

You can also edit the position and orientation of the girls, so you can arrange them in your favorite poses.

こんな感じにジオラマ?スタジオ?のような使い方ができるようになりました。 編集した内容は保存されますのでゲームを再開しても同じ状態で開くことが出来ます。
This is how it can now be used. The edited contents are saved and can be opened in the same state even after exiting the game.

カメラ機能 Camera function

カメラの操作も拡大縮小しなかくてイマイチでした。今回FPSと同じようにWASD+マウスで移動回転出来るようにして、自由に移動ができるようになりました。The camera controls were also not very good, as they could not zoom in or out. This time, I made it possible to move and rotate the camera using WASD + mouse, just like in FPS, so you can move freely.

↑こんなアングルも出来ます。It can also be done from angles like this.

モーション再生機能 Motion playback function

モーション再生では、ゲーム中のエッチなモーションを再生できます。Motion playback allows you to play back the sexually explicit motions in the game.

I used to use this function myself to take pictures when introducing naughty motions on this blog, but it was inconvenient because I had to press the button many times to select a motion.
With the modification, you can now select a motion from the list and play it back with a single click.(´・ω・`*)

Erotic motions are unlocked as the game progresses.This list function allows you to see what kind of motions are available, and I believe it will motivate you to play the game.

女の子の切り替え Girl switching

In motion playback, the girls you set in the dressing room join in the motion. You can add up to 20 girls in the dressing room, so you can choose which girls you want to play the motion with.

また、更衣室で配置した女の子達にエッチなモーションを見守ってもらうことも出来ます。(もちろん不要であれば非表示も可能です。)You can also have the girls you place in the dressing room watch over your naughty motions. (Of course, you can hide them if you don't need them.)

その他の作業 Other Work

I had requested a translation of the text in the game. I have requested translations in English, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese. The English in this article is translated by me, but the English in the game will be translated by a professional translator.

リリース時期 Release Date

The release date has not yet been finalized.However, most of the implementation items have been completed, and the remaining tasks are debugging, balancing, and receiving and incorporating translation data. Please wait a little longer for the finalization.

セール中です Discount sale now on!

The previous title, Harem Trigger! is on discount sale!

はーれむ・とりがー!!ストアページ Harem Trigger!! StorePage

DLsiteウィンターセールということで他のサークル様の作品もたくさん割引されております。As it is the DLsite Winter Sale, many other circles are also offering discounts on their works.
セール作品一覧 List of Works

忘年会 year-end party

先日DLsite主催の忘年会があったので行ってまいりました。私、スーパー人見知り引っ込み思案だし、ゲーム制作も佳境だし、感染症も怖いし、なので行くかどうしようか悩んだのですが。以前行って楽しかったので勇気を出して参加してまいりました。色々なゲーム制作者さんとお話が出来てとても刺激になりました。行ってよかた(´・ω・` )
There was a year-end party hosted by DLsite, so I went. I am super shy and reserved, (and I' m at a critical juncture in my game production, and I'm afraid of infection.) so I wondered whether I should go or not. I had been to the party before and enjoyed it, so I gathered up my courage and went. I was able to talk with various game creators and it was very stimulating. I am glad I went.(´・ω・` )


Among them, I have always respected (and considered him my rival) "Lights Camera Action "! I had the pleasure of meeting him. I' ve been admiring his work and getting motivated by his articles on Ci-en, so I never thought I would meet him! It was a pleasure to talk with you. I'm watching "Rights Camera Action"!

そんな「ライツキャメラアクション」さんのCi-enページは↓こちら↓The Ci-en page of "Lights Camera Action " is ↓here↓.


The above is the status of our recent work. How did you feel about.?
記事を楽しんでいただけたら、是非是非是非「いいね!」「コメント」よろしくお願いします! 貴方の考えを聞けるのを楽しみにしています(><)
How did you feel about this article? Please "Good! (★いいね!)" and "Comment"! I look forward to hearing your thoughts.\(ツ)ノ



