
IndieDevの記事 (31)

【大江戸とりがー!!OedoTrigger】紫の閃光 Purple Lightning


How are you all doing? I am well.
Here is a report on my recent work.

Ci-enのフォローをしていただいている方が4000人を超えました!ありがとうございます!皆様のご声援とても力になっております!!引き続き頑張ってまいります!!I' m proud to announce that the number of people following Ci-en has now exceeded 4,000! Thank you! Your support has been very encouraging! I will keep up the good work! Thx!!




I was working on "Shiden," who appears as a boss. (Shiden しでん 紫電 It means "purple lightning")
Shiden is a samurai, so guns don't take effect (of course right?).
All bullets will be cut off by the sword.
So how to defeat her.... That's something you will have to wait and see when you play the game.

紫電モーション Shiden Motion

Since Shiden uses two swords, most of the motions had to be newly created. I thought it would have been easier to use the same motion for the single sword, but it was so much fun that I ended up making a lot of different motions.
After all, the two-bladed sword is the coolest (I am a simple person.

She carries a bow on her back, so of course she will attack with that as well.

Since the motions are not clearly visible during the game due to the effects, let me introduce some of them here.

シンプル切り simple cut

突き thrust

連撃 combo cutout

この他にもいくつか作りましたので、ゲームで見てみてね。I made a few more of these, so take a look at them in the game.

紹介してなかった事 What I didn't introduce.

Since the amount of text is too small thanks to the omission of introductions to avoid spoilers, I will introduce some things that I did not introduce because they are too detailed.

土禁システム take off one's shoes



Oedo Trigger! has an outdoor stage and an indoor stage.
It is a very simple feature, In indoor stages, enemy characters appear with their shoes off. (In Japan, shoes are taken off indoors.)
In stages with a mixture of indoor and outdoor stages, they will rush indoors with their shoes on (which is inevitable, since they have lost their rationality).

オニ ogre


As one of the heroines is an ogre, some may somewhat predict this, but ogres appear as enemies.
The ogres all have horns, and their skin color may be light orange, green, or purple.
There are also ogres with spell marks on their skin.
They also have eccentric hair colors. Red, blonde, purple, etc. can be seen in the image above.
The appearance of the ogres may make a difference in whether you like or dislike them. These characters do not appear in the entire game, but only in certain stages.

まとめ summary


ぜひぜひ、「いいね!」「コメント」よろしくお願いします! 貴方の考えを聞けるのを楽しみにしています(><)
These are the recent status of the work. How did you feel about it? Please "Good! (★いいね!)" and "Comment"! I look forward to hearing your thoughts.\(ツ)ノ



【大江戸とりがー!! OedoTrigger!!】ジャンプで避けろ!Jump and avoid!

How are you all doing? I am fine. Here is an update on my recent work.

CQCアクションの追加 Additional CQC actions


In order to escape from CQC (a naughty motion when you are captured by an enemy girl), you have to succeed in what is called a CQC action. So far, I have created an action to escape from CQC by repeatedly hitting the move and shoot buttons.
This time, I created a special escape action.

○問ステージ Torture Stage

今回、○問ステージというものを作りました。○問とは呼んでいますが痛い目には会いません。This time, I created a stage called the torture stage. I call it torture, but it doesn't hurt.


The main character is captured by the enemy girls, who take away his weapons and lock him up in a prison cell.
Without weapons, he cannot fight and just keeps getting CQC'd by his enemies. In the torture stage, you need to succeed in special escape actions.

ジャンプアクション Jump Action

This is an escape action game in which you jump over the approaching spikes.
Use the short jump button for small jumps and the long jump button for large jumps to jump over the thorns.

弾幕アクションBarrage Action

This is an escape action game in which players collect hearts that are occasionally ejected while avoiding spikes that are ejected.



Normal escape actions take damage over time.
In these special escape actions, damage is taken by hitting the spikes.
It is a little mini-game, but the aim is to let the players enjoy the mini-game and the naughty motions within the stage where they dare not shoot, because it would be too busy to operate to have them play this mini-game in the FPS stage where they can shoot.

CQCモーションの追加 Addition of CQC motion

エッチなモーションの追加も行いました。I also added some sexually explicit motions.

四つん這い手コキ Handjob on all fours

You are put on all fours and given a hand job from behind as if you were being milked.
You are even nuzzled on your buttocks, which is both embarrassing and pleasurable...

I will release a video version of this motion and the finish scene for paid plan supporters.

お知らせ Notification


I have been introducing monthly CQC (sexually explicit motions).
- I have created 84 kinds of motions.
- Due to the development schedule, the goal is to complete the game.
For these reasons, I am temporarily taking a break from this introduction.
Starting next month, I will be reintroducing the CQC motions that I have introduced in the past.
I am planning to resume the production of new motions when there is a surplus in our schedule. Please note that the special offers will change for a while, so please be careful if you have supported me.
Thank you very much for your generous support. Thank you very much for your understanding.

まとめ summary


ぜひぜひ、「いいね!」「コメント」よろしくお願いします! 貴方の考えを聞けるのを楽しみにしています(><)
These are the recent status of the work. How did you feel about it? Please "Good! (★いいね!)" and "Comment"! I look forward to hearing your thoughts.\(ツ)ノ

【 500円プラン 】プラン以上限定 支援額:500円

このバックナンバーを購入すると、このプランの2022/10に投稿された限定特典を閲覧できます。 バックナンバーとは?



えくすとりーむりろーでぃんぐ - EXTREME-RELOADING

Hello everyone, how are you doing? I am fine.

During game development, I always play music or videos while making games, but recently I am running out of video material. I don't have any trouble with music when programming, writing, or other tasks that require logical thinking. When I am working on something that does not require logical thinking, such as motion creation or modeling, I listen to a chat stream or play a movie, and I am out of ideas. Do you have any videos that you play when you are working on something? Let me know and let me know.

最近の作業状況のご報告です。Here is a report on the status of recent work.

セール中です Discount sale now on!

The previous title, Harem Trigger! is on discount sale!

はーれむ・とりがー!!ストアページ Harem Trigger!! StorePage

DLsiteスペシャルウィークセールということで他のサークル様の作品もたくさん割引されております。As it is the DLsite Special Week Sale, many other circles are also offering discounts on their works.
作品一覧 List of Works

なんのゲームを作ってるの? What game am I making?

「大江戸とりがー!!」 という江戸を舞台にした3DのFPSのゲームを作っています。
→ I am making a 3D FPS game set in Edo(Old Japan) titled "Oedo Trigger!!"
→It's a naughty game for masochistic men.
→The completion date is currently undecided.
→This blog will be updated twice a month, in the beginning and middle of the month.

武器について About Weapons

今作の武器は装備スロットのカテゴリが指定されています。Weapons in this work have fixed categories of equipment slots.

メイン武器は、アサルトライフル、サブマシンガン、ショットガンなど強力な武器を装備できます。 サブ武器は、ハンドガン、小型のショットガン、小型のグレネードランチャなど、メイン武器として使うには弱いけど補助的に使える武器を装備できます。 グレネード枠には、投擲して使う爆弾などを装備できます。グレネード枠は武器を切り替えることなくいつでも投げることができます。
There are three categories of weapons: main weapons, sub weapons, and grenades, each of which can be equipped with one weapon at a time.
The main weapon can be equipped with powerful weapons such as assault rifles, submachine guns, shotguns, etc. The sub weapons can be equipped with handguns, small shotguns, small grenade launchers, etc. You can equip weapons that are weak enough to be used as main weapons but can be used as auxiliary weapons. The grenade slots can be used for throwing bombs. Grenade slots can be thrown at any time without switching weapons.

In the previous work, the format was to equip two weapons from all available weapons. In this format, I feel that players tend to equip only two powerful weapons.
This tended to make it difficult to use handguns, grenades, and other weapons that are difficult to use as main weapons, and there were fewer situations where you could use these weapons. In this new work, I think that the addition of categories to the equipment system will allow players to enjoy a variety of weapon combinations, including handguns and grenades.

印籠システム seal system

The Seal system is a feature that allows players to change their abilities by combining seal chips. The system is planned to increase the player's physical strength and ammunition.
Each seal chip has its own equipment cost, and can be equipped up to the maximum cost of the entire seal.

武器装備枠チップ Weapon equipment slot chip

「武器のカテゴリーが固定されるって武器が自由に装備できなくなるだけでは?」 という疑問をお持ちになる方もいるかも知れませんが、それだけでは終わりません
"Doesn't the weapons category just mean that weapons can no longer be freely equipped?" Some people think so. But this is not all.

The equipment category of a weapon can be changed by equipping it with an additional weapon seal chip! You can increase the number of equipment slots up to four!

There are chips that add weapons to the main category and chips that add more subcategories. It is possible to have four main weapons, or two main weapons and two sub weapons.

戦闘中の武器一覧もこの通り The list of weapons in battle will also look like this

もちろん逆に武器枠を増やさずメインサブ武器1個づつで印籠コストを他のことに使うぜ!という装備の仕方も可能でございます。装備制限をつけつつ拡張性もつけることに成功しました。Or, conversely, you can equip one main weapon and one sub weapon at a time, and use the cost of the seal for something else! I succeeded in adding expandability while adding equipment restrictions.
(´・ω・`)g やったぜ! Yeah!

その他の印籠チップ Other Seal chips



Other seal chips were being implemented.
- The following chips were added
- Increase the length of Sage Mode.
- Slowing down the flow of time in Sage Mode.
- Increased movement speed during sage mode.
- Increased the amount of ammunition recovery when picking up ammunition items.
- Increased the number of ammunition items you have from the beginning.
- More money will be available when picking up money.
- The range of items that can be picked up is increased.
I have added other naughty seal chips in the past, so please look for the article if you like.

肌テクスチャの追加 Additional skin textures

肌の見た目の種類が増えました。 More types of skin appearance.

淫紋が書かれていたり It may have a lewd crest written on it.

文字がいっぱいだったり Full of letters

股間が濡れてたり get wet between the legs

I am thinking of modifying the one with the wet crotch because I think it doesn't look very wet. The lewd crest was initially designed with a common womb motif, but it didn't look very Japanese, so I changed it to a design with kanji characters. What do you think?

文字がいっぱい書かれてるやつはかなり禍々しいので、然るべき場所で使います。普通に出てくるヤツではないですね。The ones with lots of text on them are scary, so I use them in the right places. They are not the ones that usually appear.

Actually, I was not planning to implement the skin texture replacement function, but due to various reasons, the skin texture replacement function became necessary, so I implemented it. It's good to have more flexibility.


I have added a new weapon, SPAS. It is a shotgun! It has a low rate of fire, but very high power, as each shot involves a cocking motion (pulling the grip back) The reloading motion is done by tossing the shell upward and swinging the gun around.
The reload motion was also well received, so I created a motion with the same feel.

システム的な話 About the System


The game data is normally editable by the game engine, but it needs to be converted to EXE file format for everyone to play. This conversion to an EXE file is called a "build." To perform this build, it is necessary to change settings before and after the build, move files, and so on. There are various types of builds, such as builds for production, testing, and demo versions, so it is necessary to change the build settings according to the type of build.

Among other things, the build to create the demo version in particular requires changing many settings. In the previous work, when building the demo version, it was necessary to work carefully against the manual and checklist that I had created. If I made even one mistake, I would end up with a trial version that would not work, so I had to be extremely careful. Furthermore, after the trial version was built, I had to restore the settings with the utmost care.
I can't keep doing this, man.(・ε・)

(´・ω・`)b やったぜ
That is why I created a tool that automatically changes the settings.
All I have to do is select the type of build and press a button, and it will automatically change the settings and execute the build. It also prevents the PC from going to sleep during the build process, and puts the PC to sleep when the build is finished. (Builds can take up to an hour if it's long enough, so it's nice if it sleeps on its own.) (´・ω・`)b I got it.

(´・ω・`)b やったぜ(まだ開発中盤なので製品版は3GBよりはだいぶ大きくなると思います)
In addition, thanks to the smooth build process made possible by this tool, I am able to examine the build in detail, and the file size, which was initially about 10 GB after the build, has now been reduced to about 3 GB. (´・ω・`)b I got it. (It is still in the middle of development, so the production version will be much larger than 3GB )

まとめ Summary

The above is the status of my recent work.
How did you feel about the new Weapon System and Skin Texture etc? I'm waiting for your comments! Please let me know in the comments, even if the content is not related to the article. I look forward to hearing your opinion!
and If you like article, please press the "★Good! ★いいね!" button.



宝船を目指して - Journey to the Treasure Ship

少し前(?)まではえっちな小説ってライトな内容のものが少くてしっかりした小説(?)しかないイメージだったのですが、最近はライトノベルみたいなファンタジーな内容のえっちな小説もたくさんあるんですね。えっちな小説を探すっていう発想すらなかったので昔からあったのかもしれませんが…小説を読むってこと自体も最近はほとんど機会がなくなっていたので良い刺激になっています。なんで読み始めたかっていうと、ゲームづくりの際に悩みがちなストーリー作りの勉強のためですね。 えぇ勉強のためですとも。けけkけっしてやましいきもちはございません (´・ω・`*)

皆様はいかがお過ごしでしょうか? 作業状況のご報告となります。

Hello. Recently I have been into reading erotic novels.
Until recently, I had the impression that erotic novels were only solid novels, but nowadays there are many erotic novels with fantasy contents like light novels. I never even thought of looking for erotic novels, so maybe they have been around for a long time, but... reading novels itself has become a good stimulus for me since I rarely have the opportunity to do so these days. The reason why I started reading novels is to study how to make a story, which is often a problem when making a game. Yes, it's for study, but I have no irrational feelings. (´・ω・`*)
How is everyone doing? Here is a report on the status of our work.

なんのゲームを作ってるの? What game am I making?

「大江戸とりがー!!」 という江戸を舞台にした3DのFPSのゲームを作っています。
→ I am making a 3D FPS game set in Edo(Old Japan) titled "Oedo Trigger!!"
→It's a naughty game for masochistic men.
→The completion date is currently undecided.
→This blog will be updated twice a month, in the beginning and middle of the month.

リップシンク lip sync

敵キャラクターのセリフに合わせて口が動くように作りました。Added lip-sync functionality to enemy characters. Made it so that the mouth moves in time with the enemy character's dialogue.



In the previous work, the lip-sync function was used only during CQC (motion when caught by a girl), but in this work, I decided to use it for enemy characters as well.
There is a clear reason for this: in this work, each enemy character is given a "personality" and facial expressions are individually controlled according to the character's personality. In the previous work, the motions of the body and facial expressions were played back together when attacking or taking damage, but with the addition of the personality system in this work, the motions of the body and facial expressions are now played back separately.
This has resulted in a slight loss of the sense of unity between body motions and facial expressions, and to improve this, I have decided to apply lip-sync to enemy characters as well. I am satisfied that the lip-sync gives the character a solid look. What do you think...?
The lip-sync process is a very heavy one that involves measuring and controlling the voice content of all enemy characters that appear in large numbers, so I made it so that it is skipped if the image quality setting is low.

頬を染める blush

ピンチになるほどに頬が赤くなっていきます。今は完全にキャラクターの体力に合わせて頬の赤さを決定していますが、性格システムによって赤さを補正してあげてもいいかもしれません。 全裸になって赤くなる性格の女の子もいれば全裸になっても恥ずかしくないよって女の子もいますし。何なら最初から顔が赤い女の子がいてもいいですよね。(´・ω・`)

Enemy characters now dye their cheeks according to their remaining strength.
Right now, the redness of the cheeks is completely determined by the character's physical strength, but I might be able to compensate for the redness according to the personality system. Some girls have personalities that turn red when they are completely naked, while others are not embarrassed to be completely naked.
On the other hand, the redness of the cheeks is an indication of how much strength is left. (You can also tell how much strength is left by how much clothing is removed. I feel like I could do that alone.)

ファーストパーソン側溝システム FPSewer System

だいぶ前にご紹介したのですが、地面の側溝(ミゾ)に入ることができる「ファーストパーソン側溝システム(First Person Sokko System)」というものが実装されています。

As I introduced a long time ago, the First Person Sewer System (FPSewer System), which allows you to enter the gutters (sewer) of the ground, has been implemented. Once in the sewers you will be on your back and moving through the gutter. Then you have no choice but to see the girl's secret. (It's not that you want to peek, but you really have no choice but to see. Yes, really.)

側溝キャンセル Cancel sewer

Until now, entering the sewers made the function virtually invincible, allowing the player to escape from being surrounded by any number of enemies.
Therefore, if a player tries to enter a sewer while there are enemies around, the surrounding enemies will be forced to trigger CQC (the motion when a girl catches you).

側溝に入る際には周りに敵がいないのを確認してから入ってね。(´・ω・`)b というのがわかりやすくなるように専用のCQC始動モーションが再生されるようになりました。
When entering the sewers, make sure there are no enemies around before entering. To make this easier to understand, the CQC starting motion is now played.

オ○ニー mast+rbati+n

Also, a girl is now placed masturbating on top of the sewer. They don't seem to think that the player is passing under them and are so absorbed in the act that they don't notice you here.


(´・ω・`) ほんなこつ

I have added a new character as an enemy pattern. It is not a serious spoiler, but I feel that knowing it in advance would reduce the fun by half, so I will keep it under wraps here.
It seems that there will be more of this kind of thing in the future.... If I keep them all under wraps, I will have less content to introduce in my articles, so I am having a hard time handling them....(´・ω・`)


無料フォローで続きが読めます。 You can read the rest of the article with a free follow


【 500円プラン 】プラン以上限定 支援額:500円

このバックナンバーを購入すると、このプランの2022/06に投稿された限定特典を閲覧できます。 バックナンバーとは?



ボムボムカワイイジャンプ - Bomb bomb kawaii jump


Hello everyone, how are you doing? I am fine.
Here is a report on my recent work.

なんのゲームを作ってるの? What game am I making?

「大江戸とりがー!!」 という江戸を舞台にした3DのFPSのゲームを作っています。
→ I am making a 3D FPS game set in Edo(Old Japan) titled "Oedo Trigger!!"
→It's a naughty game for masochistic men.
→The completion date is currently undecided.
→This blog will be updated twice a month, in the beginning and middle of the month.

セール中です Discount sale now on!

The previous title, Harem Trigger! is on discount sale!

はーれむ・とりがー!!ストアページ Harem Trigger!! StorePage

DLsiteゴールデンウィークセールということで他のサークル様の作品もたくさん割引されております。As it is the DLsite Golden Week Sale, many other circles are also offering discounts on their works.
作品一覧 List of Works
DLsite公式からクーポン券も配られているのでぜひご検討くださいませ。There are also coupons available from the official DLsite website, so please consider using them. (Golden Week is a consecutive holiday in Japan. :D )

敵のAIの作成 Creation of enemy AI

I was working on the AI of enemy characters, attack patterns, etc.
These enemy AIs have been powered up (in a systemic sense) in many ways from the previous work. I hope that you will enjoy the various behaviors of the enemies throughout the gameplay.

盾 Shield

Shield. It comes at the player using the tatami as a shield. (Tatami : たたみ Woven plant flooring material. Still widely used in Japan)



The shield can be destroyed by shooting it with a gun, so you can destroy the shield from the front, or you can go around to the side and shoot the body. Or you can deal with it by shooting the body out of the shield from the front, even if you don't go around! As for shields, the previous work had a similar kickboard character as a shield. The difference from the previous work is that the attack motion is a special motion for shields. (The previous work had the same attack motion as that of a normal enemy.)
They attack with their shields up, so they're more defensive than the last one!
Also, in the previous work, the AI switched to normal enemy AI when the shield was destroyed, but this one continues to use the half-destroyed shield even after the shield is destroyed.

In addition to tatami mats, there is also a pattern of using wooden shields, which are sturdier than tatami mats but narrower. They also have a special attack motion for wooden shields, making them a formidable foe.

Enemies are designed to have slightly different motions depending on their personality system. You will notice that some enemies are shy and hide their faces with their shields, while others hold their shields up proudly. All of the enemies listed below have multiple patterns of motions depending on their personalities.

爆弾 bomb

巨大な爆弾(花火玉)を持って突っ込んできます。あろうことか爆弾でぶん殴って来ます。爆発しても怪我をしない爆弾の様ですが、恐ろしいですね。They rush in with huge bombs (firework balls). They will hit you with the bomb. It looks like a bomb that won't hurt you even if it explodes, but it's terrifying.

When an enemy is defeated, a bomb is dropped, causing a large explosion.
You can also detonate a bomb by shooting it directly. If you shoot a bomb nearby, it will explode before you have time to avoid it!
However, I feel that this feature does not match the game system where the player is easily surrounded by enemies, so it may be eliminated. (Or it may be possible to have no damage to the player. I am working on it.)

One of the attack patterns, the jump attack, is my favorite because it was done in a strangely cute way. It is bomb bomb kawaii jump.

侍 samurai

木刀や鞘に入れたままの刀で殴ってきます。(彼女たちはプレイヤーを捕らえるのが目的なので真剣は使いません)If it's a Japanese game, it has to be served. Samurai. They will hit you with a wooden sword or a sword still in its scabbard. (They don't use a serious sword because they want to capture the player.)

In the previous work, with the exception of some enemies, if you hit them with even one attack, they would get frightened and their motion would be canceled. In this work, however, each type of enemy is set to have a different tendency to be frightened. Samurai have a strong torso and are less likely to be frightened by an attack.

弓兵 archers

This is a wakyu (Japanese bow), which can be seen in modern Japanese archery. TThe standard size is about 2m, which is very large compared to other bows. and the asymmetry of the top and bottom is also a characteristic of the Japanese bow.

I made the bow behavior properly even though you can't see it well in the game... I'm very happy if you can see it well in this video..lol

黒くて大きな弓の方が強い弓兵なので、矢のスピードや威力が高いです。それどころか2連射をしてきたり、They are stronger archers with bigger black bows, so their arrows are faster and more powerful. On the contrary, they can fire two shots in a row.

さらに強い弓の使い手になると同時に複数の矢を放ってきます。恐ろしいですね。Even stronger bow users will shoot multiple arrows at the same time. It is terrifying.

Also, new purple hakama and hats have been added. Cute. Isn't it cute? (Hakama : はかま It's a long skirt.)

まとめ Summary


The above is the status of my recent work.
I would like to create many more enemy patterns. I will also be making adjustments to the enemy patterns introduced here, while keeping an eye on the overall balance of the project.
How did you feel about the new Enemies etc? I'm waiting for your comments! Please let me know in the comments, even if the content is not related to the article.
and If you like article, please press the "★Good! ★いいね!" button.



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