Monventoland 2024/07/18 07:55

Gameplay Experience Optimization!

Recently, I've been busy creating a variety of illustrations and new monster designs, and as a result, neglected some long-standing issues that have been accompanying the player's interactions. Now, I've made improvements to address them.

Monvantoland-0(7.18).zip (187.60MB)


The jump key has been changed from "W" to "K".
The dodge key has been changed from the ‘’Space‘’ to ‘’L‘’.

Now, pressing "F10" on the initial screen will clear the game data, allowing you to start the game anew.

Holding down Shift while jumping allows you to enjoy a boost in speed while in mid-air.

Significantly improved the protagonist's standard attacks.

Fixed the bug with the second boss; it will no longer suddenly move or change direction during its attacks.

The four H scenes can now be properly accessed.

Fixed the bug where the game would crash when proceeding to the next level.

New monster race:Maro!





