Ai-soletty 2024/05/08 03:07

師匠と飲み会6Drinking with the master6


In the end I had to carry my mentor home on my back.
Because My master said, "I'm not taking another step!" and he shoved his shoes on me.
I had no choice but to leave my bicycle at the tavern and start walking with my master on my back.

This was quite hard work. After all, Master is a tall man of 180 cm and has a plump and voluptuous body, so she have been carrying a certain amount of weight ....... Ouch!
I didn't say anything, but Master's knuckles landed on my brain. And she is laughing her ass off.

"I am a master and I understand my disciple! You are often in lust because you have been hit by the negative atmosphere of the eternal world! So you have no choice! Yes, I understand You!"
I didn't feel bad, even though I was appalled by Master's bad drinking habits. I didn't feel bad because the soft touch of her breasts against my back felt good.

'Oh, if only I could hug my master from the front...'
I was startled when I thought that. Because my master's bare foot began to play with my crotch.
"W-What are you doing!?"
I was so startled that I almost dropped her, and then her fist swung down again.
"Idiot! Don't drop me!"
"Then please stop this! Ah! No!"
The master's toes clung to the shape of the thing between my legs with a delicate touch, as if to check its shape.
"You're making it so big again!"
She blew her liquor-scented breath into my ear and hissed in frustration.

"Your cock is not cute at all! It's stiff and big and rugged!"
Everyone who passes by turns around.
'Um...can you stop reviewing my dick out loud?'
I was so embarrassed that I was desperately trying to stay away from the people I was passing.
"Darling's cock is different in that respect! Darling's is tiny, pudgy, and very cute!"
My master is making a powerful speech while looking at the sky.
'Should I stop her speech now for the sake of honor of her Darling?'
"Even your husband gets big when he gets excited!"
When I followed up with this, Master suddenly became sad and quiet, and laid his cheek on my head.
"Someday...I want to make my darling's cock bigger..."
Her was very lonely as she murmured.



