ETERNAL BONDS 2024/06/20 21:02

光の半径など, light radius, menu art idea and more




(I'm still figuring out what to use for the map indicators, initial ideas were a cartoon head, a full body cartoon, or something like a flag like the Radiata.。)

最初のダンジョンに関しては、まだ変更を加えているところですが、ダンジョン自体の結果には満足できず、新しいアイデアを試してみようと思っています。この新しいダンジョンを完成させて、2 つのモデルをすぐに発表します!



Hello everybody! I came to show you the updates of the week!

First I want to say that I implemented a light radious for when the group goes to explore some dark environment, we also thought of a method where the character changes skin to do certain things like a specific outfit for fishing, another for exploration, others for combat and so on, I would like to know your opinion about this method or if you prefer a standard method even where the character can do everything with the basic skin (or any other outfit) or by leveling up separate skills among other methods, your opinion is very important!!!

We are also working on the menu art, the idea is... when opening the menu in the backgroud, the map part will appear on the right and with some indicator to show where exactly the group is on the map and on the left we thought about placing a notebook where items, status, etc. will be written. We are currently designing the notebook but we left a standard box to have more or less the idea of ​​the position.

Regarding the first dungeon, we are still making some changes, we ended up not being satisfied with the result of the dungeon itself, and we had new ideas that we are going to test. I will finish this new dungeon and I will present the 2 models soon!

Thank you all!!!






