
無料プランの記事 (16)

Weakness 2021/05/05 19:05

Vanessa's Story : Patch note 5 Drawing and Mapping

Hello everyone it's nicoulou! °p°
Let's talk some progress!


Here is the final version of Velma the best friend of Vanessa.
She is a smart girl and she is going to be the confidant of Vanessa.
She has a complete dress (not like Vanessa :p) which shows the difference between the two!


So, I have made a loading screen in order to make the game more realistic!

It's simple but it works perfectly.
There is going to be another city or places to go with the bus!

And finally some screenshot of Vanessa naked in the street :D!

I'm posting this because I'm working on restriction with costum. Because Vanessa can't walk in the street without clothes (but with some lewdness it can be possible :p)

It's all for non-subscribers <3!






Weakness 2021/05/01 06:44

Vanessa's Story : Patch note 4 Job and Script

Hello everyone it's nicoulou! °p°
Let's talk some progress!

Character design

We have a new version of Vanessa and she is beautiful right now!

Here is the newest version of Vanessa :p!

This was the old one.

Vanessa looks like a brawler so I have thinking about import some battles system in a side event. And she looks more elegant because we don't see her nipple.

Maps and Events

I have made some progress in scripting too. I have working on the creation of jobs (one notably). The way for winning money is simple, you have to work. So I have made a balanced system for the job and this system is for the first job : Waitress in a fast food.

On the one hand you talk to your boss and the event start, you have to wait for clients to arrive and you serve them with foods in the kitchen.
On the other hand you have 5 services to do and your day is finish, you earn as much money as you served customers.

It's all for non-subscribers <3!






Weakness 2021/04/26 21:31

Vanessa's Story : Patch note 3 Script Progress

Hello everyone it's nicoulou! °p°
Let's talk some progress, I have a bunch of things to tell you!
In a first time I'll show you some maps :

This is the Pub (probably a work place :p).

And this a shop I used a new tileset for this.

I don't want to show all maps we've created but those ones are my favorites

Furthermore, there is a new features in the game :

The Day / Night system!

This was one important thing in the game I have to make because the game have to be perfectly balanced and this feature is perfect for this!

It's all for non-subscribers <3!






Weakness 2021/04/23 22:31

Vanessa's Story : Patch note 2 Map and Ideas

Hello everyone it's nicoulou! °p°
Today we will talk about maps and design for the future :

First of all, design of nude Vanessa is doing very good :

Thanks to 素骨亭鉄舟 for his hard work!! //

Furthermore some changes and progress for mapping! : There are a pub, shops, fast foods and houses.

It's all for non-subscribers <3






Weakness 2021/04/21 18:12

Vanessa's Story : Patch note 1 The first Progress

Hello everyone! It's nicoulou °p°
Im here to present you the development of the project with this notes!

It's good to know that the project is doing very well, our progression
is very fast for a start.
The motivation is here and we're doing everything to keep it intact!!

Today I will show you some pictures of maps and some events :

As you can see, some screenshot of the inside of Vanessa House <3 (not the final version at all)
There is some screen of the first map outside, it's a flat/hotel.
And a bonus in subscribe part :p!

So it's all! I'll keep working on it with 素骨亭鉄舟!!






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