
同人エロゲの記事 (34)

大江戸驚異のテクノロジー - Oedo Amazing Technology

How is everyone doing?
I am fine. I'm fine, but hay fever is messing me up. Is hay fever common in other countries as well? Many Japanese people get itchy noses and eyes from pollen from cedar trees.
Here is a report on my recent work.

なんのゲームを作ってるの? What game am I making?

→I'm making a 3D FPS game set in Edo (Old Japan).
→It's a naughty game for masochistic men.
→The completion date is currently undecided.
→This blog will be updated twice a month, in the beginning and middle of the month.

ホームの作成 Create Home

I created the home screen, which has been temporary for a long time. The home screen is the screen where you can select a stage, choose equipment, purchase equipment, etc.

自由にあるく walk freely

You can now walk freely by pressing the "Walk Freely" button on the home screen. YIn addition to moving, you can zoom with the right mouse button, crouch with the C key, and reset the heroine's placement with the R key.
On the home screen, the heroine characters who have joined the game are arranged according to the story progression. The heroines look at the player's direction, which is also a subtle point of interest. Heroines are usually dressed normally, but there is a random chance that they will wear a special outfit.(In the video, Oboro is wearing only a hand towel at first.)
There is no deeper meaning to being able to walk. No really, there might be. Beyond that, check it out for yourself!

ストア画面 Store screen

A 3D model was also created for the store screen. New weapons and items that increase the player's ability value can be purchased on this screen.
A 3D model was also created for the store screen. New weapons and items that increase the player's ability value can be purchased on this screen. When a weapon or item is selected, the weapon comes out from a mysterious desk and is displayed. Oedo Amazing Technology

その他 Others

ステージ選択画面の最適化 Optimization of stage selection screen

I noticed that the stage selection screen was a bit heavy, so I changed the 3D view of the terrain to a 2D image when the quality is lowered in the quality settings. It's full of hand-drawn feel, but oh well!

実績一覧 List of Achievements

I have also created a screen where you can see a list of the progress of your achievements. More weapons will be available for purchase in the store by unlocking achievements.

印籠システム seal system

The Seal system is a feature that allows players to change their abilities by combining seal chips. The system is planned to increase the player's physical strength and ammunition.
Each seal chip has its own equipment cost, and can be equipped up to the maximum cost of the entire seal. This time, I made the chips.

衣装変更チップ Costume Change Chip

衣装変更の印籠チップを装備することで、すべての敵の服装が固定されます。 服装はスク水や全裸などえちち衣装を指定することができます。 Equipping the Seal chip for costume change will change the enemy's attire. Enemies can be dressed in swimsuits, nude, etc.

一部でイマイチ好きじゃないと言うお声をいただいていて用途に困っていた亀甲縛りも衣装変更チップにいれておくことで使用用途ができました。 The turtle shell bindings, which some people said they didn't like and were having trouble finding a use for, can now be used with the Costume Change Chip.

Enemy attack patterns can be distinguished by clothing (kimono, ninja costume, etc.) However, if you use the costume change chip, everyone's clothes will be the same and you will not be able to instantly distinguish the enemy's pattern...lol

おっぱい変更チップ Breast change chip


The shape of the boobs can be changed by equipping them with boob-changing chips. Currently, the following changes can be made.
- Change the size of the boobs (6 levels)
- Change boob orientation (upward, downward, outward, inward)
- Change the softness of the boobs (harder, softer)

↑This is with the boob size +3 chip and the naked chip. If you increase the boobs to the maximum size, they become very large, but I had to refrain from introducing them because they seem to be too big for different people's tastes. Beyond that, you'll have to see for yourself!
Whether you prefer big boobs or normal-sized boobs, the Seal chip combination gives you the freedom to choose the size you want.


無料フォローで続きが読めます You can read the rest of the article with a free follow-up.




大江戸とりがー!! - Oedo Trigger!!

4月ですね。新年度を迎え新しい生活を始められるかたもいらっしゃることと思います。ワクワクしているかたもドキドキしている方もいらっしゃるかと思いますが。気張りすぎずにがんばってくださいませ。ところでなんで年度は4月に切り替えなんでしょうね。と思って調べたところ、今の4月が旧暦の1月だったからというのが理由らしいです。いやじゃあ旧暦って具体的に一体なに…(と無限に疑問が湧いてくるので諦めました) 海外でも1月に年度が切り替わる国もあれば10月や7月だったりする国もあるみたいです。
How are all of you doing? It is April. (In Japan, the fiscal year changes in April.) Some of you may be starting a new life with the new fiscal year. Some of you may be excited and some of you may be nervous. Please do your best without being over-enthusiastic. By the way, I wonder why the fiscal year is switched to April. I looked it up and found out that the reason is because the current April was the first month of the lunar calendar. Well, what exactly is the lunar calendar? (And I gave up because of the endless questions that kept coming up.) It seems that in some foreign countries the fiscal year changes in January, while in others it is October or July.

セール中です Discount sale now on!

The previous title, Harem Trigger! is on sale for half price as part of the Summer Sale!

はーれむ・とりがー!!ストアページ Harem Trigger!! StorePage

DLsiteスプリングセールということで他のサークル様の作品もたくさん割引されております。As it is the DLsite Spring Sale, many other circles are also offering discounts on their works.
作品一覧 List of Works
DLsite公式からクーポン券も配られているのでぜひご検討くださいませ。There are also coupons available from the official DLsite website, so please consider using them.

なんのゲームを作ってるの? What game am I making?

→I'm making a 3D FPS game set in Edo (Old Japan).
→It's a naughty game for masochistic men.
→The completion date is currently undecided.
→This blog will be updated twice a month, in the beginning and middle of the month.


I was working on CQC (motion when caught by a girl). This time, it is a motion of a medium-sized giant girl.




【 500円プラン 】プラン以上限定 支援額:500円

このバックナンバーを購入すると、このプランの2022/04に投稿された限定特典を閲覧できます。 バックナンバーとは?



"正常"とはなにか - What does "NORMAL" mean?

How is everyone doing?
I went to a convenience store and found a liquor called Sui. I bought it because it had the exact same name and kanji as a character in my next work. Strange coincidences happen, don't they? The picture shows the one with soda, but there is also a gin version without soda. Wow!


最近の作業状況のご報告です。 Here is a report on the recent work status.

なんのゲームを作ってるの? What game am I making?

→I'm making a 3D FPS game set in Edo (Old Japan).
→It's a naughty game for masochistic men.
→The completion date is currently undecided.
→This blog will be updated twice a month, in the beginning and middle of the month.




【 500円プラン 】プラン以上限定 支援額:500円

このバックナンバーを購入すると、このプランの2022/03に投稿された限定特典を閲覧できます。 バックナンバーとは?



守りたい笑顔があるんだ There's smile that I want to protect

How is everyone doing?
I'm a coffee lover, but to avoid too much caffeine, I drink caffeinated coffee only in the morning and decaffeinated coffee endlessly after that, but I can't buy decaffeinated coffee at my local supermarket anymore... (Why? Why is that...)
Recently, I've been drinking decaffeinated black tea or herbal tea. I feel like I'm losing my mind... Give me decaffeinated coffee... (huh huh huh

Here is a report on the recent progress of the work.

なんのゲームを作ってるの? What game am I making?

→I'm making a 3D FPS game set in Edo (Old Japan).
→It's a naughty game for masochistic men.
→The completion date is currently undecided.
→This blog will be updated twice a month, in the beginning and middle of the month.


最近は主に、ステージの3Dモデルを作ったり3Dモデルを配置してステージを作っていました。 (有償素材と自作モデルを組み合わせて構成しています)
Recently, I've been mainly making 3D models of stages and arranging 3D models to create stages. (I'm using a combination of paid materials and my own models.)

神社 shrine

神社のステージを作りました。 I made a stage for the shrine.

入り口 entrance

桜の花びらが舞っています。Cherry petals are dancing in the air.

高いところがあったり There are high places.

こちらは城のステージです。 This is the castle stage.

↑ここはちょっと暗くしすぎたかもなので、明るくします。I may have made it a little too dark here, so I'll lighten it up.

城の門を抜けるとちょっとした広場があって、更に門があってグネグネした道や階段を登っていくとメインの城がある!というイメージですね。When you pass through the castle gate, there is a little plaza, then another gate, and then a winding path and stairs up to the main castle! That's the image I have.


At the same time, the story part is being implemented. As I told you before, the story itself is complete and I am working on the direction.

A miko who transforms into a giant. Can you survive in the face of overwhelming power? (I want to add an effect when she becomes huge.)

まもりたい笑顔 Perhaps all humans want to protect this smile.

A mysterious presence. I've introduced this character before, but when I introduced her before, the background was in the town, but now that the stage where she should appear has been completed, she has been moved to the shrine.


(´・ω・`  )二 三三三三3 うおおおおおおおぉぉぉぉ

This was my recent work status.
As I announced in my last article, the progress has been a little slow due to the fact that I was preparing to move. ( I am no longer planning to move.)
I thought I'd be able to make a lot of progress in the next post, but the tax calculation time has come, so it may be less again...(In our country of Japan, we need to calculate our taxes and submit the documents in March.) I'm sorry, but I'll do my best! (´・ω・`  )二 三三三三3 WHOAAAaaaaaaa
I'm waiting for your comments! Please let me know in the comments, even if the content is not related to the article. and If you like article, please press the "★Good! ★いいね!" button.



私は赤ちゃん、あなたも? - I'm a baby, are you too?

How is everyone doing?
It's been a cold day here in Japan. It's been snowing on and off where I live. Please take care of yourself and don't catch a cold.(´ω`) It will be spring in about a month in Japan. In my last article, I mentioned that I was planning to move, but things have changed since then and I have included a follow-up report at the end of the article.

最近の作業状況のご報告です。Here is a report on the recent work status.

セール中です Discount sale now on!

The previous title, Harem Trigger! is on sale for half price as part of the discount Sale!

はーれむ・とりがー!!ストアページ Harem Trigger!! StorePage

DLsiteウィンターセールということで他のサークル様の作品もたくさん割引されております。As it is the DLsite Winter Sale, many other circles are also offering discounts on their works.
セール中の作品一覧 List of Works
DLsite公式からクーポン券も配られているのでぜひご検討くださいませ。There are also coupons available from the official DLsite website, so please consider using them.

なんのゲームを作ってるの? What game am I making?

→I'm making a 3D FPS game set in Edo (Old Japan).
→It's a naughty game for masochistic men.
→The completion date is currently undecided.
→This blog will be updated twice a month, in the beginning and middle of the month.

明るさの問題 Brightness issues

For a while now, I've been wondering if the game screen is too dark. It doesn't bother me when I see it on my PC screen, but when I check my blog posts on my smartphone, it looks very dark. I had to check it with all the devices I have at home that have screens. It seems to be a problem with the different performance of the monitors or the settings, so I honestly don't know which one I should use as a standard....lol
しかし明るさ調整の結果、以下の画像の中央列の明るさが良いのではないか?と思っております。 However, as a result of adjusting the brightness, I think the center row brightness in the following image is better. I think so.

左が今までの明るさ Left is brightness as before
中央が新しい明るさ Center is the new brightness
右が少し明るすぎる?明るさ Right is a little too bright.

右まで行くと朧(左のキャラ)の髪の毛などが白飛びし始めているので中央あたりが良さそう?と思っていますが、でもこれもモニターによって違いそうな気もします… In the right column, Oboro's (the character on the left) hair and other parts of the image are starting to look blown out, so I think the center of the image would be better. But I guess it depends on the performance of your monitor...
I'm starting to think about adding a brightness setting to the game, but I need to make some screenshots and PVs to post on the store. so I like to keep the brightness adjusted as much as possible.

今回の動画やスクリーンショットは中央列の明るさで撮影しています。This video and screenshot were taken at the center row brightness.




【 500円プラン 】プラン以上限定 支援額:500円

このバックナンバーを購入すると、このプランの2022/02に投稿された限定特典を閲覧できます。 バックナンバーとは?



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