
2023年 01月の記事 (14)

Tiramisu 2023/01/16 03:46


Link: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ384983.html

-. 1月15日にもう一つビルドを提出し、通常1-2日で前作を更新するので、リリースは間に合うと思います。ゲームにはいくつかのバグがありますが、気がつき次第修正します。

-. ストアページで、ゲーム内の言語が日本語のみと表示されていますが、これは間違いです。中国語、英語、日本語、韓国語のローカライズがあります。本日、ほとんどの翻訳が完了しました。言語の切り替えはtranslation_readme.txtをご覧ください。現在、他の言語用のページを作成中です。近いうちに立ち上げられると思います。

-. I submitted one more build in 15th Jan and usually it takes 1-2 days to update the previous work so the release should be in time. There will be some bugs in the game, and we will fix them as soon as we notice it.

-. Due to some reason in the store page, it is showing Japanese is the only in-game language which is wrong. We have Localizations in Chinese, English, Japanese and Korean. We have finished most of the translations today. How to switch language please see translation_readme.txt. I am setting up the pages for other languages. I hope they can launch soon.


-. 我在1月15日又提交了一个版本,通常需要1-2天来更新之前的工作,所以发布应该是及时的。游戏中会有一些bug,我们一发现就会马上修复。

-. 由于某些原因,在商店页面上显示日语是唯一的游戏语言,这是错误的。我们有中文、英文、日文和韩文的本地化。我们今天已经完成了大部分的翻译工作。如何切换语言,请看翻译_readme.txt。我正在为其他语言设置页面。我希望他们能尽快推出。

-. 有人告诉我,Ntraholic在中文里很难发音,所以我在考虑给它起一个中文名字。我试着用google搜索了一下,也用deepL自己试了一下。

Tiramisu 2023/01/12 19:46

DLsiteの検閲を通過しました! 1月16日午前0時までに発売。

購入リンク: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ384983.html




お待たせしてしまった皆様、本当にありがとうございました。 何度も延期してしまい、本当に申し訳なく思っています。私達にとって大変なことでしたが、今、その時が来ました





我真的很感谢大家的等待。 我为一而再再而三的拖延感到非常抱歉。这对我们来说很艰难,但现在它就在拐角处了

(P.S. Steam版本大约在1月底或2月初发布。)

DLsite censorship accepted!

We are just so excited to announce that we have past the censorship review from DLsite and we are releasing it by midnight 16th(so it will be 1 minute before 17th).

Please note that there could be a few bugs and we will try our best to fix them once they are reported.

I really thank everyone for the waiting. I feel very bad for delaying it again and again. This has been tough for us, but now it is around the corner!

(P.S. Steam version will release roughly end of Jan or early Feb.)

Tiramisu 2023/01/08 13:47

Q&A, Steam!



1. アンドロイド版はあるのでしょうか?

2. スチームでリリースするのか、なぜスチームでリリースしないのか?
スチームでのリリースを望んでいないわけではありません。ただ、steamでリリースすることと、独自のレギュレーションを通過させることに時間がかかるのです。10月にsteamで最初の投稿を開始しました。何度か繰り返して、今日、ついに、私たちは自分たちのsteamページを持つことができました このページの一部の情報(ビデオを含む)は最新でない可能性がありますので、ご注意ください。
スチームページへのリンク: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2173930/Ntraholic/


3. 3.検閲とは何ですか?
とにかく、今、検閲を見直し、ほとんどの問題を解決しました(80%完了)。今夜か明日の朝には全ての「モザイク」を完成させ、一旦再投稿する予定です。 dlsite審査チームから次のフィードバックがあるまで、何も投稿しません(これはもう書いたので)。

4. ノーカットパッチは出るのでしょうか?

5. 正式リリースでは何をお見せするのでしょうか?

6. バグはありますか?新しいゲームを始めるべきですか?
-. 私はバグを解決するために私のベストを試してみますが、私はテスト中に遭遇しなかったいくつかのバグがまだあるかもしれません。今のところ私が知っている限りでは、ゲームを壊すようなレベルのバグはありません。もし私たちが解決できなかったバグがあれば、教えてください、できるだけ早く対処します。
-. 以前プレイしたことがあっても、新しいゲームを始めることをお勧めします。理由その1:最初からプレイしてしまうと、すべてのメッセージを見ることができないからです。理由その2。理由その2:すでにゲームの難易度が下がっているので、以前よりずっと進めやすくなっている。

7. 最後に一番重要な質問ですが、旧正月のポスターはあるのでしょうか?



0. Hi Tiramisu, what will the price be?
Price is finalized to be 2200 yen before consumer tax, so it will be 2420 yen in total(10% for consumer tax). The price shown on the preview page(2640 yen) is not correct.

1. Will we have an android version?
Personally, I am not very interested in an android version. This game is designed to be play on computer and I don't have an android phone. It will be hard for me to test. Besides, transferring the game from a computer application to an android device would require a lot of tweeking and testing. I am not interested in this. Therefore, what I might do is I could just try output an android build anyway and treat it as a free give away for the computer version. However, I will not spend time in debugging for any android bugs and I will not provide guarantee for the android version. So if you only buy it for the android version, you are at your own risk.

2. Will we release on steam and why dont we release on steam?
It is not we dont want to release on steam. It is just releasing on steam and passing its own regulation are time consuming. I started my first submission on steam in October. It has been a few iterations and today, finally, we have our own steam page! Please note that some info (including the videos) on this page might not be up to date.
Steam page link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2173930/Ntraholic/

That said, steam has its own rule that any developer will need to wait for 2 weeks until they are allowed to release its game. Therefore, we cant publish on steam right now.(Earlist allowed will be 22th Jan). We plan to release on Steam at the end of January, which is around 1-2 weeks after DLsite release I believe.

3. What was censorship? and what I was confused?
-.Censorship in DLsite(and any japanese site) means to restrict access on "unappropriate content“(such as genitals and anus), usually in the form of putting mosaic.
In my first submission I put mosaic on all the CGs and some of the pixel arts. The rest of the pixel arts are already very blurry and also a number of pixel games in DLsite dont have mosaic either. Then I thought I would be fine, but in fact I was "educated" and the submission was rejected.
Some animation of us have around 30-50 frames in total(include the cumshot) so it has been a nightmare for me to censor all these hassles in the last few days. I even dreamed of the mosaics I put during the daytime.
Anyway, I have now revised my censorship and fixed most of the issues(80% done). I will finish all the "mosaic" tonight or tomorrow morning and resubmit once I am done. I won't be posting anything(since I wrote this one already) until receiving the next feedback from dlsite screening team.

4. Will we have an uncensored patch?
Ok... This is the 3rd time I talked about uncensored patch. From what we did and planned; this is something highly possible (90%) but I do not want to give a guarantee yet. I would say we have a plan for this, and it is highly possible. If we really manage to release an uncensored patch, we will release it on ci-en. (Please note that using the uncensored patch requires some learning curve! It wont be as easy as clicking a button and it has a chance that it will introduce some unknown bugs though the chance is relatively low).

5. What we will be showing in the official release?
It will include everything until the end of the anniversary trip. Endings of the trip will be included but endings for the whole game will be added in a future quick update. Also, we will add 9 more CGs in future update, as promised. 6 of them will belong to the after stories. More info on this will be post after releasing the game.

6. Will it be buggy? Should you start a new game?
-. I will try my best to resolve the bugs but there could still be some bugs that I did not run into during the testing. From what I know so far there are no game-breaking levels bugs. If there are any bugs we did not resolve, tell us and we will work on it as soon as possible.
-. I will reckon to start a new game even you played it before. Reason number 1: You won't see all the messages if you skipped the beginning. Reason number2: The game is already way less grindy so it will be much easier to progress than before.

7. The last and the most important question, will we have a Lunar New Year poster?

Lol, I really want to give it a go myself to be honest, but I am not sure if I will have time for it. Otherwise, I could ask our artist if he is happy to do so, but surely, after the release.



1. 我们会有一个安卓版本吗

2. 我们会不会在steam上发布,为什么不在steam上发布?
我们并不是不想在steam上发布。只是在steam上发布并通过其自身的监管是很耗时的。我在10月份开始在steam上提交我的第一个作品。经过几次迭代,今天,我们终于有了自己的steam页面! 请注意,这个页面上的一些信息(包括视频)可能不是最新的。


3. 什么是审查制度?以及我感到困惑的是什么?
-在DLsite(以及任何日本网站)中,审查是指对 "不适当的内容"(如生殖器和肛门)进行限制,通常是以打马赛克的形式。
在我第一次提交的作品中,我在所有的CG和一些像素画上打了马赛克。其余的像素画已经很模糊了,而且DLsite中的一些像素游戏也没有打上马赛克。然后我以为我会没事,但事实上我被 "教育 "了,提交的作品被拒绝。
无论如何,我现在已经修改了我的审查制度,并修复了大部分的问题(80%完成)。我将在今晚或明天早上完成所有的 "马赛克",完成后重新提交。 在收到dlsite审查小组的下一个反馈之前,我不会发布任何东西(因为我已经写了这个)。

4. 我们会有一个未经审查的补丁吗?

5. 我们将在正式版本中展示什么?

6. 这款游戏会不会有bug?你应该开始一个新的游戏吗?
-. 我将尽力解决这些bug,但仍有一些bug是我在测试中没有遇到的。据我所知,到目前为止,没有任何破坏游戏水平的bug。如果有任何我们没有解决的bug,请告诉我们,我们会尽快解决。
-. 我认为,即使你以前玩过这个游戏,也要开始一个新的游戏。原因一:如果你跳过了开头,你就不会看到所有的短信。原因2: 游戏中的磨难已经减少,所以比以前更容易取得进展。

**7. 最后一个也是最重要的问题,我们会不会有一张农历新年的海报?





Tiramisu 2023/01/06 12:03



-. 一部のアート作品やビデオは検閲されない
-. ピクセルアートも検閲が必要。




DLsite screening team has replied to us yesterday. They were not happy with the censorship and ask for a revised version.

They have mentioned that:
-. Some art works and videos are not censored
-. Pixel art need censorships as well.

I was a bit confused by the feedbacks.
Regarding the first point, I have put censorship in all live2d animations and CGs. It could be because the censorship is not "thick" enough but they could not provide info on which ones exactly are not thick enough so we would have to go through all of them one by one again.

Regarding the second point, they ask for censorship for ALL PIXEL ART. I have seen a number of games in dlsite that do not put censorship in pixel art, and they are still fine to be release. Therefore, I asked if we could have some allowance on the pixel art and they say they could not give any reply until they see a revised version. (The ones who make decision is the japanese screening team and the ones who reply to us is the english helpdesk, so i guess there are some inefficiencies in the communication.).

In conclusion, the first round of censorship just failed. We would need a few more days (I guess 3-4 days more on the censorship) to revise our censorship and then resubmit. Please wait until that. We will post a progress report once we submit. Thank you again for your patience.


-. 一些艺术作品和视频没有被审查
-. 像素艺术也需要审查。

关于第一点,我已经在所有的Live2d动画和CG中加入了审查制度。这可能是因为审查制度不够 "厚",但他们不能提供信息说明到底是哪一个不够厚,所以我们不得不再一个一个地检查。



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