
2024年 07月の記事 (1)

Tiramisu 2024/07/05 02:48



We will be very happy if you could put this game into your dlsite favourite list.
如果您能将这款游戏列入您的 dlsite 最爱列表,我们将非常高兴。

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/zHpFpU4HZA

こんにちは、ティラミスです。 前回お伝えしたように、今日はカオス・システムを覗いてみようと思います(そして、これがゲームにおいて何を意味するのかを説明します)。そのほか、ゲームについての詳細と進捗報告もお伝えします。


前戯のQTEについての短いビデオ。現在のレベルデザインはプレースホルダで、後でさらに改良します。楽しく、でも難しくないレベルに調整する予定です。前戯QTEの背景: 悠斗は美沙の秘密を知り、写真で美沙を脅迫する。美沙はセックスを強要される。フェラで悠斗をイカせることができれば、本番は必要ない。だから彼女はフェラチオに励む。このままでは終わりたくない悠斗は、イクまいと必死だ。

-. カオスシステム

また、Facibookはカオスの値で悠斗の仕事ぶりを測定する。(現在のカオスが安全基準値を超えると、勇人は解雇される(BAD END)。優斗が会社でより高い地位に上がるにつれて、彼は検閲部門をよりコントロールできるようになる(この場合、安全閾値は上がる)。

ゲームの前半は、ミスをしないように注意し、カオスを健全なレベルに保つ必要があります。しかし、ゲーム中盤になると、カオスが高くなるとNPCが "別の行動 "をとることに気づくだろう。それ以降、ゴールは完全にひっくり返り始める......(カオスに関連するHイベントはたくさんあるが、今は秘密にしておこう)。


-. 追加検閲画像。

-. 指導と研磨。





Hi all, Tiramisu here. As said last time, today we will take a peek at the chaos system(and explain what this means in the game). Besides that, we will share more about the game + a progress report.

A short video about the censor system. We have added a few more details for this, such as a proper error feedback when player make mistake and smoother transition animation.

A short video about the QTE for the foreplay. The current level design is placeholder and we will further improve it later. We will adjust it to a fun but not difficult level. Context for the QTE foreplay: Yuto knows about Misa's secret and blackmails her with the photo. Misa is forced into sex. If she can make Yuto cum with a blowjob, then no real sex is needed. That's why she is working hard on the blowjob. As for Yuto, who does not want to end up like this, will try best not to cum.

-. Chaos System
The "Chaos" refers to the degree how negatively the world/community is affected by the porn contents online. If player does not capture all the porn images in the censor section, Chaos will increase(because they are leaked to the internet). There is a way in this game to reduce Chaos but it will not be available in the demo.

Besides, Facibook will also measure Yuto's job performance via the Chaos value. (They have their own method to measure this data.) If the current Chaos is beyond the safe threshold, Yuto will be fired (BAD END). As Yuto climbs to higher position in the company he has more control on the censor department(in this case, the safe threshold will increase).

At the first half of the game, player has to be careful not making mistake and maintaining the Chaos in a healthy level. However, in mid-game, player will find out that NPCs could act "differently" when Chaos is high. After that, the goal starts to completely flip over... (There are a lot of H-events related to the Chaos, but I will keep the rest secret for now)

To help player better find out the thresholds above which each NPC act differently, we design an in-game item called the Chaos-glass(unfortunately this will not be available in the demo). To obtain such item, you will have to talk to Lilith and complete her tasks for you. A side-feature here, turning on the glass mode will can help player hear what the NPC is internally thinking. The contrast between what they say and what they think could be interesting.

-. Extra censor images.
Some of the censor images will be from Ntraholic. I think this is fun so I did it.

-. Guidance and polishment.
There are a number of systems and rules in this game. To help player better understand them, we are implementing a guidance system for the first few days in game. Besides, we are also polishing the game and adding a bunch of mini-events in so that players will not get bored easily.

We are also working on the localization of the game. The localization system is also quite time-consuming. Thanks for the translation team, the progress is still considered on-track. We are planning to release a demo next week. Part of the text in the demo will still be machine-translated(but we will make sure all the texts are proofreaded before the official release.)

-Release date

We are not very sure if we could release on August at the moment but we are sure we will release in Q3-Q4 this year. The polishment has taken much longer time than expected. We are working very hard and will give more news about the release date when we are more confident.

In the next posts, we will talk about what special gameplay we have in the anime convention scene.

大家好,我是提拉米苏。 正如上次所说,今天我们将介绍一下混乱系统(并解释它在游戏中的意义)。除此之外,我们还将分享更多关于游戏的信息和进度报告。


有关前戏 QTE 的视频短片。目前的关卡设计只是占位符,我们稍后会进一步改进。我们将把它调整为一个有趣但不难的关卡。前戏 QTE 的背景: Yuto 知道了 Misa 的秘密,并用照片要挟她。Misa 被迫与之发生性关系。如果她能用口交让悠人射精,那就不需要真正的性爱了。这就是她努力口交的原因。至于悠人,他可不想落得如此下场,所以会尽力不射精。

-. 混沌系统
混乱 "是指世界/社区受网上色情内容负面影响的程度。如果玩家没有在审查区捕捉到所有色情图片,"混乱 "程度就会增加(因为它们会被泄露到互联网上)。游戏中有一种减少 "混乱 "的方法,但在试玩版中无法使用。

此外,Facibook 还会通过 Chaos 值来衡量 Yuto 的工作表现。(如果当前的 Chaos 值超过了安全阈值,Yuto 就会被解雇(BAD END)。随着悠人在公司职位的提升,他对审查部门的控制也会增加(在这种情况下,安全临界值也会增加)。

在游戏的前半部分,玩家必须小心谨慎,避免犯错,并将 "混沌 "保持在一个健康的水平。然而,到了游戏中期,玩家会发现当混沌值较高时,NPC 的行为会变得 "与众不同"。在这之后,目标就开始完全翻转了......(与混沌值相关的 H 事件有很多,但我暂时不透露其他内容)

为了帮助玩家更好地了解每个 NPC 在超过阈值时会采取的不同行动,我们设计了一种名为 "混沌玻璃 "的游戏内道具(很遗憾,演示版中将不会提供)。要获得该道具,您必须与莉莉丝对话并完成她为您安排的任务。这里还有一个附带功能,开启玻璃模式可以帮助玩家听到 NPC 的内心想法。他们所说的和他们所想的之间的对比可能会很有趣。

-. 额外的审查员图片。
一些审查图片将来自 Ntraholic。我觉得这很有趣,所以就这么做了。

-. 指导和润色。



我们目前还不能确定是否能在 8 月份发布,但可以肯定的是,我们会在今年第三季度至第四季度发布。打磨工作花费的时间比预期的要长很多。我们正在非常努力地工作,当我们更有信心时,我们会提供更多关于发布日期的消息。







