
ru_bin 2024/04/10 17:31

Characters reveal

Hi everyone! It's been a while since I've written anything..... But not to worry! I'm still working and I won't stop,
and if I stop for any reason, I'll let you know.

I haven't been able to spend a lot of time on the game. However, I have been making quite a bit of progress in the last month.

In addition to learning how to draw, I've been wondering. Why am I productive at my company, but not so productive at my game? And the answer was that I should have developed the skill of being a manager. So I made myself a schedule and changed my approach to work a little bit.
It made development go faster.

I also decided to find an artist again to help me while I focus on game design, dialog, coding.

The characters drawn in this post below was drawn by my artist and these are not final versions, the characters don't have names yet. So they will be given code names.


Not the final version

The main character is an ordinary 20-year-old girl who moved away from her parents to a small town to live alone.
Her life has started from scratch, but she already has small plans for how she wants to start her life
-Become a popular streamer
-Find a boyfriend
-Furnish her apartment.

She has always wanted to become a popular streamer. However, she always thought she was not suitable for such a thing, she thought she was not charismatic and brave enough
In order to be brave, she decided to use a slightly unorthodox method, she decided to engage in exhibitionism and undress in public places.
There will be several different places for exhibitionism in the city, a park, a street, etc. There are more people in the daytime than in the evening. And at first she will be comfortable doing different acts, starting with showing her underwear only in the evening.
But later on she can do it during the day. Which is more profitable. After all, at night, all people sit at home and streaming will bring additional bonuses, and during the day you can engage in exhibitionism
With each new level of exhibitionism will open scenes on the street. As well as scenes for streaming

In addition to everything else. She will have a scale of charisma, it will grow when going to the movie theater, as well as while chatting on stream
It will bring additional bonuses, as well as gradually change her face. At the first level of charisma, she'll look like a normal girl.
And on the last one, she'll look like a mesugaki, like Nagatoro. And of course the intermediate faces in the stages. I think it'll be a lot of fun that she'll have a variety of different emotes with different charisma levels.

There will also be levels of streaming and perversion.

The main character will have two outfits. The first is a croptop, with which all scenes of exhibitionism on the street and during the stream. will be emphasized on the breasts.
And a blouse, where there will be a calculation on the lower part, with the improvement of exhibitionism can be removed underwear under the blouse and remove the crop top.


He works at an electronics store with video games, camera and microphone enhancements. That's where the heroine notices him and likes him.
He's a short, sweet and shy 19-year-old guy. She will want to start a relationship with him and he stumbles across her streamers. I plan to make the storyline full of humor.
However, when it comes to the H-scenes. I plan to tie into them with femdom themes like footjob, handjhob, female on top pose etc


The image of how my artist drew it turned out very funny. But I think it will be much different in the final version. For example, the pose

It's a builder. From whom you can buy furniture for your home. I plan that when buying some furniture, he discreetly puts a hidden camera in the furniture and logging into the computer. It will be possible to see how erotic photos of the heroine leaked to the Internet, as well as furniture will give small bonuses
Also, I plan after passing the plot with BOYFREND. To make an optional branch. She will have a broken crane and if you ask the builder. NTR root will start. It's optional and those who don't want to, won't do it. But I plan on adding such an option. He will have a big dick and the scenes with him will be rough, like mating presses

In addition to the main characters, it will be possible to prostitute yourself on the street and invite people to the stream. Including main characters
-Random people will have a medium-sized penis.
-Boyfriend small
-BBC big

Other than that. I decided to try generating different AI images on my RTX3060 and I was surprised at. How fast it generated and it helps me a lot in development.
I'm generating some images as placeholders so I can focus on the game and its gameplay. And in the future I'll redraw it all myself.

As you can see, the game turns out to be pretty big. So unfortunately. I had to give up a lot of ideas. For example, a lot of customization and I cut the number of them during streaming. And decided that it will not have a lot of scenes, but an average number. So during the streaming part I focus on the interesting gameplay. One of the cut ideas is When combining some nodes you could get unique scenes. However, if I ever make a second part, I will make it in 3d and I can implement many of the cut ideas
However, one such idea is still being mulled over by me
It's how she would do video game streaming. I have 2 ideas. A simple one and an interesting one.
The simple idea is to make every game have a completion %. and every time you play, the percentage goes up. When the heroine finishes a game. She gets bonuses forever that make it easier to keep going.
Interesting idea - to make full-fledged mini-games with looking like retro games, do for example fighting, platformer, run and gun and others. I'm a big fan of retro games and I think it would be great. After passing - of course would be waiting for bonuses, and if you lost. then start the stream the next day, it will start with a checkpoint

What do you think. Should I spend more development time to add retro games?

That concludes today's post. I hope you all enjoyed all this information about the game in development!

ru_bin 2023/12/27 20:34

A new report

Hi everyone, sorry for such a long wait without any posts about the game. These months I've been very busy at work, sick a lot, and spent most of my free time learning to draw.

The game is doing well and turning out interesting, but sorry, I can't show you much yet. However, I have gotten better at drawing so this time has not been wasted

Now I will be in another city until the middle of January, I will not be able to work on the game half month, but I will be able to draw more diligently there.

When I arrive back to home, mid-January. I'll be able to start working more closely on the game and make posts about the game more often and share images. I'm sorry it's so short right now, I've been working quietly and didn't realize it's been 3 months since the last post myself

Along with the post, I also wanted to update my banner on ci-en, but I didn't have time to finish it completely. So now will be the first version of the banner

I also planned to make the house on the left more detailed and draw a girl, the main character, in the room. Who would rest two hands on the window and look at the city with surprise. However, drawing the hands resting on the glass in this perspective turned out to be more difficult for me than I expected, but that's okay. When I get there I'll be able to finish this banner. Even just with the city the new banner looks better than the previous one!

I also noticed that the pixel art in the banner doesn't look as clean as it should. I will try to change the sky and some details. To make it look cleaner.

One more piece of news. My previous artist has become a little more free. So he'll be able to help me with my drawings sometimes

That's also how I started reading the manga. I was surprised that more manga started to be published in Russia. And it's much more interesting to read physical manga than digital. I bought it:
-toradora 1-9 vols
-promised neverland 1-8 vols
-GTO 1 vols
-kimetsu no yaba 1 vols

I plan to buy all volumes of the promised neverland, and I'm also waiting for the publisher to translate the 10th and 11th volumes of toradora in russia to buy them too.

That's all. Sorry for such a little informative post, after all I spent most of my time learning to draw and working at my job.

Bye everyone!

ru_bin 2023/08/01 18:05

Gameplay reveal

Hello everyone!

Today I will reveal the details of what this game is about and what its gameplay is like. hope you like it!

The idea of the game is simple, you play as a young girl who decided to become a streamer.

The gameplay itself will consist of making a schedule before the stream. It looks like a system of nodes, with inputs and outputs. I see this as a good potential to be able to make the scenes very varied and interesting. I've already made the system itself and it works extremely flexible and allows using different inputs to change the scenes very much.

After creating the schedule. You can see the stream and all the scenes on it

Here's a little demonstration. However, it's very raw visually.

As you can see, all the icons are still rough, I haven't added any filters yet, I also plan to be able to hide optional inputs (like vibro egg slots in talk node), as well as different description and information windows when hovering over different places.

I can actually see this system being quite interesting. It would allow you to look at scenes differently, and as you improve your skill levels (e.g. exhibitionism, perversion, level of streaming, etc.) you could open not only new nodes, but also open up new inputs and options for old nodes.

Plus, besides streaming itself, you'll be able to walk around the locations. Basically you can go out to the store, meet some people, and also get some scenes related to exhibitionism.

In the previous post I showed you the park, I'm also drawing the city now (It's still raw, but already has a base).

Also the entrances will really be able to reduce the number of scene titles, but make them deeper. For example instead of creating "hand masturbation" and "dildo masturbation", I could create a "masturbation" scene and make a dildo slot there as an optional input

Also, the sex node will have multiple inputs with "men", which will allow for group sex, and you can also put some npc in there, or use the "call random viewer" node, which will return a "man" on the output.

Unfortunately. I also didn't have time to finish the scenes as well. Right now many drawn scenes are roughly and temporarily done (for testing). In addition, while drawing rough scenes, I realized that even though the scenes are rough, but given the animation it takes a lot of time. So I decided to make temporary, rough scenes using 3D via koikatsu and it really sped up the process a lot for testing purposes

I apologize for doing so little. Unfortunately, I didn't have a lot of free time. In the early fall, I'll have more free time to play the game

Hope you enjoyed today's post!

ru_bin 2023/07/11 00:56

I'm here with the news

Sorry for not posting for so long, there was a reason

As I said, I'm a programmer. I found an artist to work on the game, but. Because he was pretty cheap (I don't have a lot of money), there was a problem with the fact that he takes a long time to draw. So in order to make stable content and keep you happy with all the updates, I decided to take up learning drawing myself half a year ago. In addition, I was not completely satisfied with the character design

Therefore, in addition to ntr, in 0.2 I also plan to add redesign, as well as scenes to do in the resolution of 960x540, having the techniques of pixel art, but with animation.

And I've already learned to draw pretty good, as well as animate. Of course, the scenes will be more cartoonish and simple.

Also, don't forget, my drawing skills will also grow during development.

However, before developing the 0.2 version of psycho triumph, I made the decision to make a very small game. Where I can practice drawing scenes for the game. Of course, you may be disappointed by this news, because many here are waiting for 0.2 psycho triumph, but you should take this little game as my exam to test the drawing skills in practice, which are needed to work on psycho triumph faster

I have already made a prototype of the game, drawn several scenes and locations, and have already completely decided on the game
In total, I will have 20 animated scenes in this game.

This game has quite an interesting gameplay (Which I will cover in future posts). Now, in order not to spoil, I will show you only one of the locations, it is not completely ready yet, there is no garbage on the road, the bushes are not completed, etc. But it doesn't look bad

I understand. Not everyone will be happy with the news that I decided to start drawing myself, and that a small game is currently being worked on, but it should be understood. This will help me make the content more stable, and I'll have a small, finished game already, which will be pretty nice.

I'm sorry if you are disappointed

In the next posts, I will show you the scenes, as well as the gameplay of the game.

ru_bin 2023/04/16 16:34

Psycho Triumph: report 16

Hi all. Sorry for the long time without posts, I wanted to surprise you with the new version so you don't know what's waiting for you there. However, due to the fact that I had a lot to do, I could not work on the game as much as I wanted to. Because of this, the no-news time has been quite long, I'm not sure how much longer it will take me to develop, maybe a month, maybe two. In addition to work, I also learned how to draw and I'm not as bad as before and I draw pretty fast. Because my artist is also quite busy. When I learn how to draw enough, I think to postpone all business and already work on games more diligently.

Also, I learned hiragana, and now I'm learning to read it faster and faster. Then I'll have to start reading katakana.

I'm sorry it's taking so long to develop the game

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