ru_bin 2023/12/27 20:34

A new report

Hi everyone, sorry for such a long wait without any posts about the game. These months I've been very busy at work, sick a lot, and spent most of my free time learning to draw.

The game is doing well and turning out interesting, but sorry, I can't show you much yet. However, I have gotten better at drawing so this time has not been wasted

Now I will be in another city until the middle of January, I will not be able to work on the game half month, but I will be able to draw more diligently there.

When I arrive back to home, mid-January. I'll be able to start working more closely on the game and make posts about the game more often and share images. I'm sorry it's so short right now, I've been working quietly and didn't realize it's been 3 months since the last post myself

Along with the post, I also wanted to update my banner on ci-en, but I didn't have time to finish it completely. So now will be the first version of the banner

I also planned to make the house on the left more detailed and draw a girl, the main character, in the room. Who would rest two hands on the window and look at the city with surprise. However, drawing the hands resting on the glass in this perspective turned out to be more difficult for me than I expected, but that's okay. When I get there I'll be able to finish this banner. Even just with the city the new banner looks better than the previous one!

I also noticed that the pixel art in the banner doesn't look as clean as it should. I will try to change the sky and some details. To make it look cleaner.

One more piece of news. My previous artist has become a little more free. So he'll be able to help me with my drawings sometimes

That's also how I started reading the manga. I was surprised that more manga started to be published in Russia. And it's much more interesting to read physical manga than digital. I bought it:
-toradora 1-9 vols
-promised neverland 1-8 vols
-GTO 1 vols
-kimetsu no yaba 1 vols

I plan to buy all volumes of the promised neverland, and I'm also waiting for the publisher to translate the 10th and 11th volumes of toradora in russia to buy them too.

That's all. Sorry for such a little informative post, after all I spent most of my time learning to draw and working at my job.

Bye everyone!




