ru_bin 2023/08/01 18:05

Gameplay reveal

Hello everyone!

Today I will reveal the details of what this game is about and what its gameplay is like. hope you like it!

The idea of the game is simple, you play as a young girl who decided to become a streamer.

The gameplay itself will consist of making a schedule before the stream. It looks like a system of nodes, with inputs and outputs. I see this as a good potential to be able to make the scenes very varied and interesting. I've already made the system itself and it works extremely flexible and allows using different inputs to change the scenes very much.

After creating the schedule. You can see the stream and all the scenes on it

Here's a little demonstration. However, it's very raw visually.

As you can see, all the icons are still rough, I haven't added any filters yet, I also plan to be able to hide optional inputs (like vibro egg slots in talk node), as well as different description and information windows when hovering over different places.

I can actually see this system being quite interesting. It would allow you to look at scenes differently, and as you improve your skill levels (e.g. exhibitionism, perversion, level of streaming, etc.) you could open not only new nodes, but also open up new inputs and options for old nodes.

Plus, besides streaming itself, you'll be able to walk around the locations. Basically you can go out to the store, meet some people, and also get some scenes related to exhibitionism.

In the previous post I showed you the park, I'm also drawing the city now (It's still raw, but already has a base).

Also the entrances will really be able to reduce the number of scene titles, but make them deeper. For example instead of creating "hand masturbation" and "dildo masturbation", I could create a "masturbation" scene and make a dildo slot there as an optional input

Also, the sex node will have multiple inputs with "men", which will allow for group sex, and you can also put some npc in there, or use the "call random viewer" node, which will return a "man" on the output.

Unfortunately. I also didn't have time to finish the scenes as well. Right now many drawn scenes are roughly and temporarily done (for testing). In addition, while drawing rough scenes, I realized that even though the scenes are rough, but given the animation it takes a lot of time. So I decided to make temporary, rough scenes using 3D via koikatsu and it really sped up the process a lot for testing purposes

I apologize for doing so little. Unfortunately, I didn't have a lot of free time. In the early fall, I'll have more free time to play the game

Hope you enjoyed today's post!




