
2024年 08月の記事 (30)

Daily report R6.8.30


There was no damage from the typhoon as far as I was concerned, but as far as my surroundings are concerned, there was none at all. The typhoon was moving as slow as a person can walk, so it was difficult to make a schedule.
I am hoping that tomorrow will be sunny, and I will be able to finish my laundry and other chores.



Daily report R6.8.28 Skeb WIP

The wind is getting much stronger. Due to the approaching typhoon, we do not know how long the power supply will be available, so we have sent out our daily report early today. Please note that tomorrow's daily report will not be published.

I am starting to paint the colors.



Daily report R6.8.27 Skeb WIP

We have completed the removal of the awning that is attached to the balcony. This is because ...... typhoon is coming....

Image taken from the Japan Meteorological Agency website

Last week the forecast was for it to head to the Tokai region, but how did this happen?

So I have no idea what my plans are for the weekend, but I finished the line drawings today. Tomorrow I will start coloring...as long as the power is supplied.



Daily report R6.8.26 Skeb WIP



I was riding my road bike up a 4-km mountain pass when a hare came out from the side and started running in front of me, just 30 meters from the last summit... I thought, “I can't lose!" So I tried my best too....

I lost. Rabbits are fast....
I started on the line drawings today. Progress has been slow again this week...



Daily report R6.8.25



ホイールにチューブとタイヤを装着して、最後の仕上げに空気を入れているとバムッ! チューブがちゃんと正しく入っていなかったようで、ゴムが薄い軽量チューブだったのでひとたまりもなく…。


Today...I received new tires and a slightly better tube for my road bike and tried to install them.

I blew up... a brand new, and expensive, lightweight tube!

I mounted the tube and tire on the wheel, and as I was putting the final touches of air in, bam! The tube was not seated properly, and the lightweight tube, with its thin rubber, tore instantly.

I was used to changing tubes, having done it many times before, but this was a serious accident. One tube...1,600 yen...



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