D’s Production 2023/06/30 22:00

《殺戮の女王》71 過去最高の完成度 / Best ever perfection








  • 秀:17
  • 優:10
  • 良:13-16 18
  • 可:11 12






Production progress report

Finished image

 The image of adult woman I was working on last time has been completed for the time being. I say "for the time being" because I haven't drawn the penis difference and underwear that should be drawn.

 Although it took a long time, I feel that the result was a standard result.

Quality evaluation of images produced so far

 Now, I would like to compare the results of the images produced recently.
 Below is an image created after the release of the second trial version. The number below the character is the serial number of the enemy character throughout the work. Numbers 11 and 12 are unpublished images in the free article, so they are blacked out now.

 By arranging them again like this, the evaluation will change depending on where you focus on each image. For example, the face of number 12 is not so good , but she has a good body, number 15-17 has a good shirt but not a good skirt, number 13 is not bad overall, but her hairstyle should be fixed.
 Based on that, I make the following assessments.

  • Excellent: 17
  • Very good: 10
  • Good: 13-16 18
  • Fair: 11 12

 Of course, it largely reflects my tastes and is not necessarily an objective evaluation. But of course, I'm trying to get as close to Excellent as possible.
 There are no images that can be evaluated as "impossible" at this time. If so, it should be fixed during the creation phase.

Latest production images

 Therefore, I would like to show you part of the latest images currently in production.

 In terms of the current workmanship, it is a degree of perfection that far surpasses Excellent. You could even call it the best performance ever.
 However, this image is not yet complete. The parts that are almost completed, such as the part displayed above, are very good, but I have to make other parts from now on. And because the degree of perfection of the already completed parts is extremely high, quality that does not interfere with that is required. As a result, it is currently taking longer than expected.
 I am torn between my desire to pursue quality without compromise because it is too time-consuming, and my feeling that even so, I cannot continue to improve quality forever, and I have not yet decided how far I will go in the future.

 In the paid article, you can see the whole picture of the latest production images.

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