
殺戮の女王の記事 (2)

D’s Production 2022/12/19 16:00

《殺戮の女王》59 イベント組み作業



Production progress report

 In the end of last month, I had mostly finished creating the images for the event, and at the beginning of this month I was working on incorporating them into the game.
 At the stage of image production, of course, I should have fully confirmed their movements, but when I checked them on the game screen, I could see various inadequacies. As long as it's not a fatal error, I want to leave it --- but, I corrected 90% of them.
 In the end, quality is the life of a work. Quality must be as high as possible.




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D’s Production 2022/11/30 00:44

《殺戮の女王》58 何と迂闊な! / How careless!

Recently, I found that non-Japanese speakers are reading this Ci-en article, so I'll post the English translation as well.



Production progress report

In the previous article, I reported that I was making character chips and introduced some of the progress of production.
Currently, the creation of the character chip has been completed, and we have resumed the production of the event image using them.
The production of the event for the first act (the part that can be played in the demo version) is also in the final stage, and I think it will be completed in a little while.
The most recent ones I was working on were the "vomiting" and "defecating" scenes.















Story of production difficulties

Last time, I showed you how to create a character chip, and talked about how a one-pixel shift creates an unnaturalness that requires labor-intensive correction work.

In reality, it will be necessary to notice the "1 pixel shift" after exporting it as an image and re-edit it. When it's terrible, you may notice it after incorporating it into the game. That's Hell...

This time, too, I had to do this kind of correction work many times, and I had a lot of trouble working on it. Most of them are carelessness while drawing, mistakes that can be avoided if you are careful enough. But there are times when you can't be careful unless you know what kind of mistakes you can make.
For example, if the pattern (one of the images to be animated) shifts the head by 1 pixel, then each pattern you can prevent this by frequently switching the display and closely observing the transitions between patterns.

Well, one of the problems I faced this time was like this.
The image once exported is like the one below.

Well, do you know where the problem is? ──I can't see it at all.

The background is a gray checkerboard, representing transparency. Now, let's change this background a little and make it black. Then...

Did you see it? Zooming in further makes it easier to understand.

Yes, a faint, unidentifiable color emerges outside the contours of her face.
It's just a matter of forgetting to erase it. Originally there was a face facing the front, and the side face was created by dividing it in half and processing it, so if the erasing method is not easy, this kind of color will remain faintly.
However, when I'm drawing, I color and decide by looking at it with my eyes. So, In this way, if there is an invisible color that blends with the background, there will inevitably be times when you forget to erase it.

You might think, "Since it's not visible to the naked eye, it shouldn't be a problem even if this level of color remains,'' but what kind of background will be on the actual game screen? I don't know. In fact, the only time I realized this mistake was when I tried placing it on the actual game screen. Also, of course, the character moves on the game screen, so forgetting to erase like this will be more noticeable. This is a big problem that cannot be overlooked.

Earlier, I wrote that "you can't be careful unless you know what kind of mistakes you can make," but in fact, this kind of mistake has happened several times in the past. However, it doesn't happen very often, so it seems to have been out of my checklist. Perhaps there are many more similar errors that I just haven't noticed. Either way, all of them happens by my carelessness.

In addition, although I said above that "this is a big problem that cannot be overlooked", in the free games and paid games that are actually released, this kind of missing color remains in the character image, they moves with characters move. I don't know if the author didn't notice it, or if he noticed it but dismissed it as not a big deal.
This is an issue of authors sense, so if they notice it and overlook it, a third party shouldn't dare to see as a problem.
From this kind of question, We can see what the author places importance on, depending on where the author's sensibility lies—that is, what is corrected and what is left untouched. For me, that seems very interesting.

In this week's "Emilia Magazine", we dealt with a problem related to this "creator's sensibility" under the title "The issue of cropping in game images". Please read it.

In paid articles, you can see the latest production images (including "vomiting" and "defecation" animations).

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