あおくん 2024/01/31 22:20














































During this pregnancy, my wife and I continued to enjoy our sex life as usual.
However, there was a time when I refrained from asking my wife for sexual favors because she was pregnant with twins for the first time and I needed to be considerate of her, but she became unable to resist and began to ask me for favors more and more.
In the midst of these days, my wife also reached her first day of ovulation after giving birth to a baby.

She was moaning, "Oh, ......, ......, nnnn, ......, that feels so good...nnnn...!"

My wife's gasping voice echoes in the bedroom.
From her moaning voice, I could see that she was feeling more pleasure than ever.
However, I feel that my wife is asking for me more and more often, as if my libido has decreased.
I am happy to be desired by my wife, and I would like to respond to her requests, but my libido does not seem to be waning at all compared to before she became pregnant.
On the contrary, I feel that my wife's body has become more attractive, perhaps because it has gained subcutaneous fat and flesh due to her pregnancy.

I was surprised to see her looking at me like that.

I was so embarrassed that my wife noticed my gaze and smiled in a bewitching manner.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea to have a good time.
Oh, I'm only looking at you.
I'm only looking at you. I'm only looking at you too...mmmm..."

I responded to my wife's words as I moved my cock in and out of her vagina in the normal position.
Every time I do this, she lets out a pleasure-filled sigh.
I wonder if it feels good just to have my rod rubbing her vagina, or if it feels good to see her breasts swaying in time with the movement of my hips.
Or is it the ...... or all of it, I'm sure.

"Haan, ah ...... mmmm."

The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the two of them are not only the same person, but also the same person.
I was so pleased with her reaction that I started to move my hips even harder.

Oh, oh, oh, there it is..."

Then, as her climax approached, the tightening force of the rod inside her vagina became stronger.
The most important thing to remember is that you should not be afraid to ask for help from your friends and family.

I was about to reach my limit myself! Please! Please do it more..."

My wife looked at me with moist eyes.
I knew immediately what she wanted.
I increased the speed of my hips as she wanted and ejaculated into her womb, my cock pulsating and hot liquid pouring into her.


At the same time, the walls of the vagina surrounding my cock spasmed violently, squeezing it as if it were squeezing me.
The stimulation felt so good that I continued to ejaculate.

Oh...I'm cumming so much!

My wife was shaking every time she caught my semen.
It was so sensual that just watching her was enough to get me aroused again.

I was so excited to see her shudder as she took in my cum.
When I finished putting a lot of cum into my wife's vagina, she let out a voice as if she was sorry to leave me.
I love my wife so much that when I gently stroke her head, she smiles happily at me.
We drifted off to sleep, but in the midst of our deep slumber, my body was shaken.

She said, "Hey, honey...I think I may be in labor. I've been in pain since a while ago and I can't sleep.
Isn't it too early to be having contractions?"

I was surprised at my wife's sudden news.
According to the schedule, we had about three more weeks to go.

I don't know if it's labor or not...but my stomach has been aching since a while ago, and it doesn't feel like I'm going to have the baby yet," my wife said.

My wife put her hand on her lower abdomen and looked at me with an anxious expression.
I gently patted her head to reassure her.

Don't worry. I'm here too, so don't worry.

My wife smiled back at me, perhaps a little relieved at my words.
I called the hospital and asked for instructions, and we decided to stay home and see how things went.
However, the contractions continued intermittently, and when the pain made it impossible to sleep, we called the hospital and explained the situation.
We called the hospital and explained the situation, and first thing in the morning we took my wife to the hospital, where she was taken to the examination room.

She said, "The cervix is very open, and I think it's going to progress very quickly. Let's go to the labor room and wait for it to progress.
Does this mean I'm going to have the baby?
Yes, that's right. Yes, the twins are in a position to be born as usual. Let's just hang in there.

My wife replied weakly to the doctor's words.
A few hours later, my wife was on all fours on a bed that looked like an examination table, her legs spread open, and she was panting in pain.

She said, "Haa...... nnnn...! Ahhh...ouch...nnooooooooooo!"

My wife shook her hips and flapped her legs, and all I could do was watch her.
There were no other pregnant women in the labor room, so I didn't have to worry about my surroundings, but it still hurt to see my wife endure the pain so desperately.
I heard that each contraction itself is not so long, but it was painful to have to keep watching my wife in pain during that time.

Oh," he said, "it hurts! Ouch!

The contractions became more intense, and there was less and less room for my wife's voice to leak out.

"Oh, ...... kuuh! Here it comes again!"

Waves of contractions would subside, and then another wave would come a few minutes later.
My wife endured such a painful situation for a long time, and a few hours after the contractions started, she was lying on the bed with an exhausted look on her face.
Her body was still wet with sweat, and I wiped the sweat from her forehead with a towel placed beside the bed.

'Whew. ...... whew.
You're doing great."

My wife smiled a little at my words.
However, she looked tired and it seemed like it would be a long time before she would be able to give birth.
A few hours later, when the contraction interval had completely shortened, we moved to the delivery room and the full-scale delivery began.

Ugh ...... nnnn! Ahhh ...... hmmm!"

In addition to enduring the contractions, the wife must also perform the act of pushing.
But it is not an easy thing to do, and it does not seem to go well.

"Ahn...... haaan! Nnnn, hah...... nnnn! Unnnnggg!"

I keep encouraging my wife, but she still looks like she's in pain every time a wave of contractions comes.
Finally, after another few hours, the baby's head emerged from my wife's vagina.
Every time the baby strained to come out, my wife would scream out loudly.

Oh, God! Ouch! Hahhhh ...... nnnhhhhhhh! Ouch! Hah ...... ah! Nnnngh!"

The screams emanating from my wife's mouth with each contraction were heartbreaking to hear.
But at the same time, the sight of it was very erotic and exciting.

Ahhhh! Aaahhhh......nggg!"
'Ouch, the baby is trying so hard, so mom, you have to do your best! I have to let both of you out, so please leave some strength left."

There was a gloss to my wife's panting as she cried out to endure the pain, which also made her feel sexy.

She was moaning in pain, and it made me feel sexy.

The first time I saw my wife like that, my cock was already hard.

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