
無料プランの記事 (52)

あおくん 2024/02/02 21:47






































We got married as students.
In the summer of my senior year of college, with no job lined up, we had sex on instinct and unexpectedly hit the target with our first shot inside.
After that, I got a job offer and started my internship.
Then came spring.
I told them that I was already married and that I was expecting a child in June, and then I started working.

I said, "You know, about the birth..."
What is it?"
'You know, do you remember the place we went on the trip where we had this baby?
Of course you do. It was his parents' vacation home.
And you know, I haven't heard from them in a while. They've had a baby, too, and she's due in June.
Is that so?"

I immediately contacted them and arranged to meet them soon.
There was one other couple on that trip.
After the summer vacation, we had not heard from them at all, and we were too busy with our part-time jobs and job-hunting for our new lives.

It's been a while, man.
How's work?
Still studying. I'm still studying, but I have to work.
I heard you're going to have a baby.
I heard you're having a baby too, in June like us. Maybe..." "I was thinking the same thing.

I thought the same thing, but when I heard the details, to my surprise, the due date was also a few days apart.
That meant that the baby had been born during that trip.

Was the baby born during the trip?
Maybe. What about you?
I'm sure we had a baby during that trip. We had sex outside the villa and in the ocean. It was my raw sex debut, my Nakadashi debut."
'Really, so that's it. ......'

Apparently it was made at the same time.
And I got a certain proposal.
Apparently, the woman who became his wife was planning to give birth at the villa in question.
And he asked me if I wanted to have the baby with him.

She said, "Even though your due dates are close, they can't be so close to each other, can they?
She said, "I know, but if you live in that place together, around that time, you'll go into labor sooner or later. My wife wants to give birth at the same place where she gave birth to her baby. I agreed with her, and I was wondering if you guys would be in the same situation.
I see. I'll ask him when I get home.
As soon as I got home, I told her about the proposal, and she gladly took me up on it.

A midwife was staying at the villa, and she told me not to worry about the cost.
Then, X days before the promised due date, I visited the villa again.
I visited the villa again, and many memories came back to me.
It was about a year ago that I gave birth to my child, who was about to be born here.

"Long time no see, everyone is here.
Is the birth coming soon?
"I haven't had any signs of labor pains or an upset stomach. How about you?
Me neither.

The women were all pregnant and about to give birth to each other, and their faces already resembled those of their mothers.
Their breasts had grown so large that my wife's mother's milk was already dripping from her nipples when she pinched them.

We have already moved the cot and other things necessary for the birth into the villa. We've moved our stuff into the bedroom, and the head chef will be there to take care of our meals. So all we have to do now is wait for the contractions to come.
I'm sorry about all this. I appreciate it.

For the next three days, neither of us felt any different, and the midwife continued her daily checkups.

Both of you still have a very tight cervix. If you have sex with me, the semen will make the contractions closer, but I recommend it if you don't mind.
I see. Then let's enjoy each other's company tonight.

Then, my wife said something that surprised me.

She said, "Why don't the four of us have sex here? Of course, it's couples who do it. You never know what kind of sex other couples usually have.
It would certainly be a new experience for us," he said. It's something we don't get to do very often.
Right? It's nice, isn't it?

So that night, when I, the other couple, and the midwife gathered in the living room, we immediately began to have sex.
The midwife led the way, guiding us through the effective acts of childbirth.
First, foreplay.

'Husband, let's touch your wife's nipples. First, gently...then repeat the plucking and pinching little by little. That's right! The wives may begin their own pubic stimulation."

At those words, my wife started clitoral stimulation herself and began to scream.

Oh, my God, that's so erotic!

I touched her pubic area with my finger.
I touched her pubic area with my finger and stimulated her clitoris with my finger, which made her scream even more.

I was so excited that she started to scream even more! No!

My wife, who was pregnant and sensitive all over, climaxed quickly and seemed to be coming already, jerking her body.
When I touched her big belly, it was hard as a stone, and I wondered if it was safe in such a state, but the midwife told me that it was normal when she reached orgasm.
With my penis dripping with juices from the tip, the midwife asked me to enter her in the doggy position.

I'm a little nervous when you're watching me.

I covered my wife and put the tip of my penis against her vagina, and inserted it all the way to the root at once.


My wife screamed louder than I had ever heard her scream before, and every time I thrust into her cervix, more and more of her love juice flowed out.
After confirming this, the midwife reached out and stimulated us both in the cowgirl position while we were still joined together.
I thrust my hips up to meet her thrusts.
After a few repetitions of such play, my wife's behavior became strange.

She said, "No! Oh, no! Something's coming out!
What? Wait, wait a minute. ......"

I couldn't stop my hips from moving.
I ended up inside my wife, and at about the same time, a clear liquid gushed out from inside her.
The other couple was a little more relaxed.
And as for the other couple, ...... they weren't ready for it yet, and the guy's dick wouldn't erect.

'Wife, would you like me to give your husband a blowjob?'

As the midwife urged, the wife's side put his thing in her mouth and it immediately swelled and became wonderfully large.

'Wife, let's rub your husband's root sack together.'
Ohhhh, I can't wait! I can't get enough of it!"

After that, my friend and his wife, like us, inserted their penises safely in the doggy position and began to pound their hips hard early on.
The sex while watching such a figure is the best feeling due to the raw occultation by sight and sound, and it is the best reward to be able to piston without worrying about the burden to the body pregnant with a child unlike the past several months because it is sex to call for labor pains.

I'm having sex with her, and it feels so good! My pussy is hitting my hole!
I'm about to cum...can I ejaculate like this?
I don't mind. Give him a lot of stimulation deep inside and let him know it's okay to come out.
I'm coming out...oooohhhh!"

We climaxed at the same time and the semen was released into my wife's womb.
But I was still inside her with my cock still in her.

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あおくん 2024/01/31 22:47

























Even though we were aiming for the day of ovulation, we did not expect to have a baby so soon.
I had no contraception, ejaculated vaginally, and had the natural conditions for pregnancy, but I had no idea that it would happen so quickly and in such a short period of time.

I was like, "It's okay, it's okay. But I'm a little nervous.

Until that day, we had always had sex with a condom.
To be honest, she had not expected to get pregnant so soon, and I could tell that she was upset and worried about the future.
But not me.
For some reason, I was not anxious in the face of this reality.
She told me that her period had not come even though her due date had passed, and she wanted me to accompany her to the place where she was going to use a pregnancy test.
Since we had both been busy with part-time jobs recently and hadn't been able to date, we enjoyed an evening at a love hotel date for the first time in a while.
We decided to use the time we had to fill the bathtub with hot water to try the test kit.
I put a stick-type test kit between her legs as she sat on the toilet.

She said, "I think I'm going to pee around here. You can pee on it."
"Okay, I'll pee."

The tip of the stick gets wet as she releases her pee.
Apparently, you can't pee too little or too much.

"How's that?"
"Well, it looks positive..."

The results were displayed in two windows, both with a vertical line.
One was a line indicating the end of the test, and the other a positive test.
Her words made me feel more anxious than happy.
She had wanted and asked for so much, and had not used contraception.
Why does she have such an anxious expression on her face?
As a man, I have to take responsibility, but I never thought it would turn out this way.

I was probably able to do it on that trip, right?"
I guess so. We haven't seen each other since then, and today is the first time in a long time.
You're happy, aren't you? You wanted it, didn't you?
Yes, I'm happy. But... when you see the result like this, you feel uneasy about what to do.
Let's get married. There are a lot of things we have to do from now on.
I'm so happy..."

She suddenly started crying.
I wondered if I had said something wrong.
I waited for her to calm down and then asked her about the details. She told me that she had already told her parents that she was pregnant and that she was going to have the baby.

I told her parents that she was already pregnant and that I was going to have the baby. But I told them clearly that I had asked him to put it in me and let it out.

She started living alone when she entered college and has been living on her own ever since.
Her parents must have been surprised to hear such a report, especially since she is a student.
The gestation period of a human being is ten months, and although I don't know how to calculate the details, I think the expected delivery date is just before summer, simply put.
I wonder if she will have found a job and be working by then.
If I was safely on that path, I might be able to make a living, but I was sure that it would take a lot of effort.

I thought, "Let's settle down for once. Let's take a bath together.

Her eyes were still red and her nose was still swollen from crying, and the traces of her tears were still clearly visible.
I am not just going to be with her to take the responsibility, I love her.
That's why I accepted that day to have our genitals joined together, raw.
If a man other than me had done this to me, I would have hated him with all my heart.
While I was thinking about this, I was thinking hard about what I was going to do with her.
As she soaked in the bathtub, she stroked her own lower abdomen.

'Here you are, aren't you...'
'Oh, I love you so much.'

I lay my hand on top of hers.
I lay my hand on top of hers.
Many things will be waiting for us.
I cherish her body, vowing to work together to get through it.

"Huh...ha, ah......
What's wrong? Did you feel it?"
She said, "I don't know, maybe it's just that I'm really sensitive all over. It feels really good.
I see, well, let's make it feel even better.

She gave a small nod.
They touched each other's nipples, involved each other's lips and tongues, and then placed their genitals on top of each other.
She did not insert it yet, but gently moved her already erect penis along her crotch.
The hot water of the bathtub moved in waves, and each time it did, her breath escaped.

She said, "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh.......that reminds me of our sex at the beach."

I kept my body close to hers for a while, savoring the time I had with her.
Once we got out of the tub, I dripped body soap onto my palms and lathered her up.
I gently caressed her from her breasts to her stomach, then washed her navel and lower abdominal area, tracing the area around her belly button and lower abdomen.
Then my hands reach her thighs, but before I can reach them, her hands are wrapped around my penis.

I hadn't even put it in yet, but it's so erect.
I couldn't get enough of the feeling of you here and your nipples. I was so happy when I had you between my legs.
"Hmmm, it's always true, this cock always gets hard so fast."

She slowly worked on my penis.
It wasn't the usual touch, but a delicate fingering, gentle and entwining.
Eventually, she reached between my legs and sunk her fingers into it.
The sound of her breath and the sound of her cooing echoed through the bathroom.
While I was watching her, I laid my body on top of hers again.
The tip of my already erect penis stroked her genitalia again, and she responded by caressing her clitoris with her finger.

'Ohhhh, that place ...... feels so good!'

She stroked that part of her vagina relentlessly, as if she could feel it.
I lick her nipples with my tongue and use my free hand to grab one of her breasts and squeeze it.

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あおくん 2024/01/31 22:36













Needless to say, last night was a secret between the two of us, and it turned out to be one of the best memories of the summer.
Today was a beautiful sunny day, and we all spent the day playing on the private beach, returning to the villa if we wanted to rest, and spending time with each other as we wished.
We didn't spend time alone together because we were boyfriend and girlfriend, but rather enjoyed the time with each other and our friends.
The girls also got together to play beach volleyball, split watermelons, and have fun in their own ways.
When she came over to us, she said something unexpected.

I want to have sex in the ocean. Won't you have sex with me?
She said, "What's wrong with you all of a sudden? I mean, it's a rubber room, and the ocean isn't that beautiful.
But it would be a good memory, wouldn't it?
I don't know, maybe..."

To be honest, I am not uninterested.
But even though it was a private beach, my friend was with me and I was worried about the eyes from the beach.
But she pulled my hand to the crotch of her bikini and asked me to caress her.

She pulled my hand to her bikini crotch and asked me to caress her. I'm not supposed to do this kind of thing in public. So..."
Let's go?"

I went into the water and caressed her crotch from the top of her bikini.
At first I caressed her crotch from the top of her swimsuit, and then gradually I moved the fabric of the crotch part and played with it with my fingers.
Her breasts were small, but they were still enough to make a woman feel like a woman, and every time I caressed her, she seemed to be feeling more and more.
I felt like being mean to her, so I continued to caress her without taking off her swimsuit.
Finally, I slipped her bikini down and directly stimulated her crack.
She had been more aggressive than usual during this trip, and I was excited to see her desperately trying to hold back her moaning in front of me.
As we were in the water, I was about to put my finger inside her, and at the same time, she checked the condition of my lower body.

She said, "It's getting bigger, isn't it? How does it feel? Does it feel good?"
"Ughhh...I can't wait..."

The warmth of her hand felt so good in the pleasant sea water temperature. I hugged her and loved her clitoris exposed in the water.
As I continued to gently stimulate only the surrounding area without caressing her inside, she finally reached the end of her patience, and when she kissed me, she begged me to put it inside her as if begging me.
Her pussy was already very loose and she was sucking three of my fingers into her mouth.

I wanted it so bad," she said! I want it deep inside of me.
I want it raw, don't I?
Yes...put it in. I want a child with someone I love with all my heart.

I slowly insert my cock into her exposed secret part in the water and go to the deepest part at once as I wished.
The inside, already dripping with honey, easily accepted me, and I reached my destination without difficulty.

I got all the way in," she said. Your vagina is as tight as ever.
"Feels good, doesn't it? How does it feel?
My penis was held in all directions by the vaginal wall, and my hips naturally rocked back and forth.
"Oh, oh, ...... fuck!"
It's too fast.

The most important thing to remember is that you should never let your penis go to waste.
She also shook her hips as she hugged me, but she tightened her vagina just enough to keep me from ejaculating.
The difference between the temperature of the sea water and the temperature of my vagina amplified the pleasure, so much so that I felt like I would cum if I wasn't careful.

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あおくん 2024/01/31 22:23










「ん? おい、あれ……」




































A group of friends decided to go on a trip together.
We were invited to a vacation home owned by the parents of one of my friends.
It was a welcome invitation, as all of us were still students and in desperate need to save as much money as possible.
To be honest, as much as I wanted to spend time alone with my friend, the low price was quite appealing, and there was another couple there besides us.
So rather than spending time with her, I would rather enjoy the memories with my friends to the fullest.

Finally, that day, we went out to the beach at the end of summer.
We rented a car and headed there, taking turns among those who could drive, and soon a beautiful beach spread out before us.

The ocean is so beautiful," he said.
My parents own a vacation home here, so they told me to go there to clean it up and let it air out.
I see.
I guess that's what I mean. The villa needs maintenance, and I don't think I'll be able to come with my family this summer.

The women began to prepare dinner with the ingredients they had bought along the way, and we could hear them bustling about.
We played on the beach with the men's group and left the food to the women, who played until the sun went down.
At night, the guys were looking forward to a BBQ.

We bought a lot of meat and seafood, so please eat as much as you can. We don't want any leftovers.
We'll have something to drink, too.

The men quickly started grilling food and enjoying the time with drinks and juices.
And when night falls, they go back to their rooms and spend their free time in the living room.

We haven't played this much in a long time.
It was really a lot of fun. I'm tired, though..." "I don't mind sleeping here.
We can sleep together here, but there is a room upstairs, so don't hesitate to use it, girls.

The owner's son, a friend of mine, said this and overheard something to the girl next to him.
I wondered if he had promised to spend the night alone with her in her room, an enviable privilege of being the owner's son.
At any rate, the first day of the trip ended with great satisfaction.

"Hmm? Hey, that's ......."
What's up?"

While all the guys were sleeping together, I woke up to hear a noise when I woke up to go to the bathroom.
I thought it might have been some of my friends visiting the girls' room, but things were a little different then.
I quietly stood in front of the room and asked what was going on in there.

I stood quietly in front of the room and looked around the room.
It's okay, it's just the two of us."

As I became more interested in what was going on behind the door, I could hear the voices clearly and could easily guess what was going on inside.
My guess is that I was right on target.


I quickly left the room, but I couldn't stop my heart from pounding inside, as if I would react to her voice I heard.

'Hey, did you wake up?'

When I returned from the bathroom, she spoke to me, and I responded with a casual pretense.

I responded in a casual manner, "Well, I kind of woke up. But don't you go to the other room."
Why? I can't go to the bathroom.
"Well, you know..."

I wasn't sure what to tell her, but in the end I decided to tell her straight out.
I wasn't sure how to tell her, but in the end I decided to be straightforward. That's why you shouldn't go."
When I said that, she stared at the door with interest.

What? Doing...you mean...that thing?
Yes, I heard their voices. It's a girl's voice, and we're the only couple in the room.
I see..."

She then got up and headed for the door.
I was a little nervous. I was a little nervous, but she stopped in front of the door.
She stopped in front of the door and remained motionless.

"Hey, what's going on?"

I asked curiously, and she slowly turned her head toward me.
Then she opened her mouth.

Hey, do you want to have sex with me too?

I am startled by her too sudden statement.
No, wait, wait, wait! I'm not going to do it under the circumstances.

No, what are you talking about?
Because... if I heard her voice like that in this atmosphere, I would..."

She came up to me and hugged me while saying that.
I kissed her and hugged her back to calm her down.
My lower body started to get energized as well, rocking back and forth in small motions with my crotch pressed against hers.

Can you feel how hard I am?"
Yes, I can tell...it's a little embarrassing, but it feels like I'm getting wet here too."

She takes my hand and tries to put it inside her skirt.
I gently grabbed her hand and stopped her, and then I took her out the front door.
The villa stands by the sea, and its distinctive scent tickles my nose along with the sea breeze.
I took off my own shirt and we embraced again, my hand naturally going into her clothes.
Just outside the front door, I slowly move my lower body, which is still covered by denim, feeling directly the touch of her breasts.


As I continued to stimulate her while gradually increasing the speed, she gradually moaned louder and louder, and perhaps unable to hold back any longer, she took my cock out and put it in her mouth.
The feeling of the sensation almost made me buckle, but I didn't let go of her and continued the action.

"Oh ...... nn......!"

Her blowjob was so good that I was about to reach my limit.
I was so good at sucking that I almost reached my limit.

I sat there with my legs relaxed, and I continued to stimulate her penis, and at the same time, I was also loving on both of her nipples.
"Sorry, did that hurt? Maybe I got a little overexcited."

She was breathing on my shoulder, trying to catch her breath.
As I watched her, I stood up, loosened the belt of my denim and took it off at once.
This time, I took the initiative and straddled her, and our lips met as we stared at each other.
I put my tongue inside her mouth and she responded by moving her tongue around as if she was responding to my tongue.

"Oh, ......, chu......!"

I love deep kissing her.
I reach down to her breasts and unhook her bra, and while squeezing her soft breasts, I move my hips to make her close to my lower body again.
Tears well up in her eyes, and I can feel that she is intensely aroused.
Then she took hold of my cock and began to move it slowly up and down.

She said, "I'm sorry, I don't have a rubber... as you can probably tell under the circumstances."
I said, "Okay, just come like this..."

She nodded her head as I said this.
I was surprised to hear her say that, but when I checked the condition of her vulva with my finger, I decided that it was moist enough, and I immediately began to shake my hips violently, following my instincts.
In addition to the pleasure of my penis rubbing against her, the excitement of this unusual situation was more than enough to bring me to a climax.

Ahh...! It feels so good! Ah, hah! That's great..."
"Ugh, don't...don't squeeze me! It'll come out.
You're not gonna cum inside, are you?
What are you gonna do? I don't care if you do or not.
"Uh... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah..! I want it.

What does "I want it" mean? Is it okay to put it inside?
No, such a convenient idea could ruin our future.
The most important thing to remember is that you can't just take a few minutes to think about it and then kiss it again.


As I repeat the pistoning motion hard with my tongue entwined with hers, her insides tighten up and the feeling of ejaculation is imminent.
I gave the last spurt and thrust my hips heavily.
As soon as we both climaxed, semen flew out of my cock and splashed onto the floor.
At the same time, she was screaming inaudibly and convulsing.
I pulled my penis out of her vagina and collapsed into her.

"Haa...... haa......!"

She was breathing on my shoulder and trying to catch her breath, but she wasn't satisfied yet and opened her legs to invite me in.
The first time I saw this, my lower body started to get energized again, but I dared to pretend I didn't notice.



あおくん 2024/01/31 22:20














































During this pregnancy, my wife and I continued to enjoy our sex life as usual.
However, there was a time when I refrained from asking my wife for sexual favors because she was pregnant with twins for the first time and I needed to be considerate of her, but she became unable to resist and began to ask me for favors more and more.
In the midst of these days, my wife also reached her first day of ovulation after giving birth to a baby.

She was moaning, "Oh, ......, ......, nnnn, ......, that feels so good...nnnn...!"

My wife's gasping voice echoes in the bedroom.
From her moaning voice, I could see that she was feeling more pleasure than ever.
However, I feel that my wife is asking for me more and more often, as if my libido has decreased.
I am happy to be desired by my wife, and I would like to respond to her requests, but my libido does not seem to be waning at all compared to before she became pregnant.
On the contrary, I feel that my wife's body has become more attractive, perhaps because it has gained subcutaneous fat and flesh due to her pregnancy.

I was surprised to see her looking at me like that.

I was so embarrassed that my wife noticed my gaze and smiled in a bewitching manner.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea to have a good time.
Oh, I'm only looking at you.
I'm only looking at you. I'm only looking at you too...mmmm..."

I responded to my wife's words as I moved my cock in and out of her vagina in the normal position.
Every time I do this, she lets out a pleasure-filled sigh.
I wonder if it feels good just to have my rod rubbing her vagina, or if it feels good to see her breasts swaying in time with the movement of my hips.
Or is it the ...... or all of it, I'm sure.

"Haan, ah ...... mmmm."

The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the two of them are not only the same person, but also the same person.
I was so pleased with her reaction that I started to move my hips even harder.

Oh, oh, oh, there it is..."

Then, as her climax approached, the tightening force of the rod inside her vagina became stronger.
The most important thing to remember is that you should not be afraid to ask for help from your friends and family.

I was about to reach my limit myself! Please! Please do it more..."

My wife looked at me with moist eyes.
I knew immediately what she wanted.
I increased the speed of my hips as she wanted and ejaculated into her womb, my cock pulsating and hot liquid pouring into her.


At the same time, the walls of the vagina surrounding my cock spasmed violently, squeezing it as if it were squeezing me.
The stimulation felt so good that I continued to ejaculate.

Oh...I'm cumming so much!

My wife was shaking every time she caught my semen.
It was so sensual that just watching her was enough to get me aroused again.

I was so excited to see her shudder as she took in my cum.
When I finished putting a lot of cum into my wife's vagina, she let out a voice as if she was sorry to leave me.
I love my wife so much that when I gently stroke her head, she smiles happily at me.
We drifted off to sleep, but in the midst of our deep slumber, my body was shaken.

She said, "Hey, honey...I think I may be in labor. I've been in pain since a while ago and I can't sleep.
Isn't it too early to be having contractions?"

I was surprised at my wife's sudden news.
According to the schedule, we had about three more weeks to go.

I don't know if it's labor or not...but my stomach has been aching since a while ago, and it doesn't feel like I'm going to have the baby yet," my wife said.

My wife put her hand on her lower abdomen and looked at me with an anxious expression.
I gently patted her head to reassure her.

Don't worry. I'm here too, so don't worry.

My wife smiled back at me, perhaps a little relieved at my words.
I called the hospital and asked for instructions, and we decided to stay home and see how things went.
However, the contractions continued intermittently, and when the pain made it impossible to sleep, we called the hospital and explained the situation.
We called the hospital and explained the situation, and first thing in the morning we took my wife to the hospital, where she was taken to the examination room.

She said, "The cervix is very open, and I think it's going to progress very quickly. Let's go to the labor room and wait for it to progress.
Does this mean I'm going to have the baby?
Yes, that's right. Yes, the twins are in a position to be born as usual. Let's just hang in there.

My wife replied weakly to the doctor's words.
A few hours later, my wife was on all fours on a bed that looked like an examination table, her legs spread open, and she was panting in pain.

She said, "Haa...... nnnn...! Ahhh...ouch...nnooooooooooo!"

My wife shook her hips and flapped her legs, and all I could do was watch her.
There were no other pregnant women in the labor room, so I didn't have to worry about my surroundings, but it still hurt to see my wife endure the pain so desperately.
I heard that each contraction itself is not so long, but it was painful to have to keep watching my wife in pain during that time.

Oh," he said, "it hurts! Ouch!

The contractions became more intense, and there was less and less room for my wife's voice to leak out.

"Oh, ...... kuuh! Here it comes again!"

Waves of contractions would subside, and then another wave would come a few minutes later.
My wife endured such a painful situation for a long time, and a few hours after the contractions started, she was lying on the bed with an exhausted look on her face.
Her body was still wet with sweat, and I wiped the sweat from her forehead with a towel placed beside the bed.

'Whew. ...... whew.
You're doing great."

My wife smiled a little at my words.
However, she looked tired and it seemed like it would be a long time before she would be able to give birth.
A few hours later, when the contraction interval had completely shortened, we moved to the delivery room and the full-scale delivery began.

Ugh ...... nnnn! Ahhh ...... hmmm!"

In addition to enduring the contractions, the wife must also perform the act of pushing.
But it is not an easy thing to do, and it does not seem to go well.

"Ahn...... haaan! Nnnn, hah...... nnnn! Unnnnggg!"

I keep encouraging my wife, but she still looks like she's in pain every time a wave of contractions comes.
Finally, after another few hours, the baby's head emerged from my wife's vagina.
Every time the baby strained to come out, my wife would scream out loudly.

Oh, God! Ouch! Hahhhh ...... nnnhhhhhhh! Ouch! Hah ...... ah! Nnnngh!"

The screams emanating from my wife's mouth with each contraction were heartbreaking to hear.
But at the same time, the sight of it was very erotic and exciting.

Ahhhh! Aaahhhh......nggg!"
'Ouch, the baby is trying so hard, so mom, you have to do your best! I have to let both of you out, so please leave some strength left."

There was a gloss to my wife's panting as she cried out to endure the pain, which also made her feel sexy.

She was moaning in pain, and it made me feel sexy.

The first time I saw my wife like that, my cock was already hard.

【 陣痛プラン1100 】プラン以上限定 支援額:1,100円


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