
子作りの記事 (15)

あおくん 2024/01/31 22:47

























Even though we were aiming for the day of ovulation, we did not expect to have a baby so soon.
I had no contraception, ejaculated vaginally, and had the natural conditions for pregnancy, but I had no idea that it would happen so quickly and in such a short period of time.

I was like, "It's okay, it's okay. But I'm a little nervous.

Until that day, we had always had sex with a condom.
To be honest, she had not expected to get pregnant so soon, and I could tell that she was upset and worried about the future.
But not me.
For some reason, I was not anxious in the face of this reality.
She told me that her period had not come even though her due date had passed, and she wanted me to accompany her to the place where she was going to use a pregnancy test.
Since we had both been busy with part-time jobs recently and hadn't been able to date, we enjoyed an evening at a love hotel date for the first time in a while.
We decided to use the time we had to fill the bathtub with hot water to try the test kit.
I put a stick-type test kit between her legs as she sat on the toilet.

She said, "I think I'm going to pee around here. You can pee on it."
"Okay, I'll pee."

The tip of the stick gets wet as she releases her pee.
Apparently, you can't pee too little or too much.

"How's that?"
"Well, it looks positive..."

The results were displayed in two windows, both with a vertical line.
One was a line indicating the end of the test, and the other a positive test.
Her words made me feel more anxious than happy.
She had wanted and asked for so much, and had not used contraception.
Why does she have such an anxious expression on her face?
As a man, I have to take responsibility, but I never thought it would turn out this way.

I was probably able to do it on that trip, right?"
I guess so. We haven't seen each other since then, and today is the first time in a long time.
You're happy, aren't you? You wanted it, didn't you?
Yes, I'm happy. But... when you see the result like this, you feel uneasy about what to do.
Let's get married. There are a lot of things we have to do from now on.
I'm so happy..."

She suddenly started crying.
I wondered if I had said something wrong.
I waited for her to calm down and then asked her about the details. She told me that she had already told her parents that she was pregnant and that she was going to have the baby.

I told her parents that she was already pregnant and that I was going to have the baby. But I told them clearly that I had asked him to put it in me and let it out.

She started living alone when she entered college and has been living on her own ever since.
Her parents must have been surprised to hear such a report, especially since she is a student.
The gestation period of a human being is ten months, and although I don't know how to calculate the details, I think the expected delivery date is just before summer, simply put.
I wonder if she will have found a job and be working by then.
If I was safely on that path, I might be able to make a living, but I was sure that it would take a lot of effort.

I thought, "Let's settle down for once. Let's take a bath together.

Her eyes were still red and her nose was still swollen from crying, and the traces of her tears were still clearly visible.
I am not just going to be with her to take the responsibility, I love her.
That's why I accepted that day to have our genitals joined together, raw.
If a man other than me had done this to me, I would have hated him with all my heart.
While I was thinking about this, I was thinking hard about what I was going to do with her.
As she soaked in the bathtub, she stroked her own lower abdomen.

'Here you are, aren't you...'
'Oh, I love you so much.'

I lay my hand on top of hers.
I lay my hand on top of hers.
Many things will be waiting for us.
I cherish her body, vowing to work together to get through it.

"Huh...ha, ah......
What's wrong? Did you feel it?"
She said, "I don't know, maybe it's just that I'm really sensitive all over. It feels really good.
I see, well, let's make it feel even better.

She gave a small nod.
They touched each other's nipples, involved each other's lips and tongues, and then placed their genitals on top of each other.
She did not insert it yet, but gently moved her already erect penis along her crotch.
The hot water of the bathtub moved in waves, and each time it did, her breath escaped.

She said, "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh.......that reminds me of our sex at the beach."

I kept my body close to hers for a while, savoring the time I had with her.
Once we got out of the tub, I dripped body soap onto my palms and lathered her up.
I gently caressed her from her breasts to her stomach, then washed her navel and lower abdominal area, tracing the area around her belly button and lower abdomen.
Then my hands reach her thighs, but before I can reach them, her hands are wrapped around my penis.

I hadn't even put it in yet, but it's so erect.
I couldn't get enough of the feeling of you here and your nipples. I was so happy when I had you between my legs.
"Hmmm, it's always true, this cock always gets hard so fast."

She slowly worked on my penis.
It wasn't the usual touch, but a delicate fingering, gentle and entwining.
Eventually, she reached between my legs and sunk her fingers into it.
The sound of her breath and the sound of her cooing echoed through the bathroom.
While I was watching her, I laid my body on top of hers again.
The tip of my already erect penis stroked her genitalia again, and she responded by caressing her clitoris with her finger.

'Ohhhh, that place ...... feels so good!'

She stroked that part of her vagina relentlessly, as if she could feel it.
I lick her nipples with my tongue and use my free hand to grab one of her breasts and squeeze it.

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あおくん 2024/01/31 22:20














































During this pregnancy, my wife and I continued to enjoy our sex life as usual.
However, there was a time when I refrained from asking my wife for sexual favors because she was pregnant with twins for the first time and I needed to be considerate of her, but she became unable to resist and began to ask me for favors more and more.
In the midst of these days, my wife also reached her first day of ovulation after giving birth to a baby.

She was moaning, "Oh, ......, ......, nnnn, ......, that feels so good...nnnn...!"

My wife's gasping voice echoes in the bedroom.
From her moaning voice, I could see that she was feeling more pleasure than ever.
However, I feel that my wife is asking for me more and more often, as if my libido has decreased.
I am happy to be desired by my wife, and I would like to respond to her requests, but my libido does not seem to be waning at all compared to before she became pregnant.
On the contrary, I feel that my wife's body has become more attractive, perhaps because it has gained subcutaneous fat and flesh due to her pregnancy.

I was surprised to see her looking at me like that.

I was so embarrassed that my wife noticed my gaze and smiled in a bewitching manner.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea to have a good time.
Oh, I'm only looking at you.
I'm only looking at you. I'm only looking at you too...mmmm..."

I responded to my wife's words as I moved my cock in and out of her vagina in the normal position.
Every time I do this, she lets out a pleasure-filled sigh.
I wonder if it feels good just to have my rod rubbing her vagina, or if it feels good to see her breasts swaying in time with the movement of my hips.
Or is it the ...... or all of it, I'm sure.

"Haan, ah ...... mmmm."

The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the two of them are not only the same person, but also the same person.
I was so pleased with her reaction that I started to move my hips even harder.

Oh, oh, oh, there it is..."

Then, as her climax approached, the tightening force of the rod inside her vagina became stronger.
The most important thing to remember is that you should not be afraid to ask for help from your friends and family.

I was about to reach my limit myself! Please! Please do it more..."

My wife looked at me with moist eyes.
I knew immediately what she wanted.
I increased the speed of my hips as she wanted and ejaculated into her womb, my cock pulsating and hot liquid pouring into her.


At the same time, the walls of the vagina surrounding my cock spasmed violently, squeezing it as if it were squeezing me.
The stimulation felt so good that I continued to ejaculate.

Oh...I'm cumming so much!

My wife was shaking every time she caught my semen.
It was so sensual that just watching her was enough to get me aroused again.

I was so excited to see her shudder as she took in my cum.
When I finished putting a lot of cum into my wife's vagina, she let out a voice as if she was sorry to leave me.
I love my wife so much that when I gently stroke her head, she smiles happily at me.
We drifted off to sleep, but in the midst of our deep slumber, my body was shaken.

She said, "Hey, honey...I think I may be in labor. I've been in pain since a while ago and I can't sleep.
Isn't it too early to be having contractions?"

I was surprised at my wife's sudden news.
According to the schedule, we had about three more weeks to go.

I don't know if it's labor or not...but my stomach has been aching since a while ago, and it doesn't feel like I'm going to have the baby yet," my wife said.

My wife put her hand on her lower abdomen and looked at me with an anxious expression.
I gently patted her head to reassure her.

Don't worry. I'm here too, so don't worry.

My wife smiled back at me, perhaps a little relieved at my words.
I called the hospital and asked for instructions, and we decided to stay home and see how things went.
However, the contractions continued intermittently, and when the pain made it impossible to sleep, we called the hospital and explained the situation.
We called the hospital and explained the situation, and first thing in the morning we took my wife to the hospital, where she was taken to the examination room.

She said, "The cervix is very open, and I think it's going to progress very quickly. Let's go to the labor room and wait for it to progress.
Does this mean I'm going to have the baby?
Yes, that's right. Yes, the twins are in a position to be born as usual. Let's just hang in there.

My wife replied weakly to the doctor's words.
A few hours later, my wife was on all fours on a bed that looked like an examination table, her legs spread open, and she was panting in pain.

She said, "Haa...... nnnn...! Ahhh...ouch...nnooooooooooo!"

My wife shook her hips and flapped her legs, and all I could do was watch her.
There were no other pregnant women in the labor room, so I didn't have to worry about my surroundings, but it still hurt to see my wife endure the pain so desperately.
I heard that each contraction itself is not so long, but it was painful to have to keep watching my wife in pain during that time.

Oh," he said, "it hurts! Ouch!

The contractions became more intense, and there was less and less room for my wife's voice to leak out.

"Oh, ...... kuuh! Here it comes again!"

Waves of contractions would subside, and then another wave would come a few minutes later.
My wife endured such a painful situation for a long time, and a few hours after the contractions started, she was lying on the bed with an exhausted look on her face.
Her body was still wet with sweat, and I wiped the sweat from her forehead with a towel placed beside the bed.

'Whew. ...... whew.
You're doing great."

My wife smiled a little at my words.
However, she looked tired and it seemed like it would be a long time before she would be able to give birth.
A few hours later, when the contraction interval had completely shortened, we moved to the delivery room and the full-scale delivery began.

Ugh ...... nnnn! Ahhh ...... hmmm!"

In addition to enduring the contractions, the wife must also perform the act of pushing.
But it is not an easy thing to do, and it does not seem to go well.

"Ahn...... haaan! Nnnn, hah...... nnnn! Unnnnggg!"

I keep encouraging my wife, but she still looks like she's in pain every time a wave of contractions comes.
Finally, after another few hours, the baby's head emerged from my wife's vagina.
Every time the baby strained to come out, my wife would scream out loudly.

Oh, God! Ouch! Hahhhh ...... nnnhhhhhhh! Ouch! Hah ...... ah! Nnnngh!"

The screams emanating from my wife's mouth with each contraction were heartbreaking to hear.
But at the same time, the sight of it was very erotic and exciting.

Ahhhh! Aaahhhh......nggg!"
'Ouch, the baby is trying so hard, so mom, you have to do your best! I have to let both of you out, so please leave some strength left."

There was a gloss to my wife's panting as she cried out to endure the pain, which also made her feel sexy.

She was moaning in pain, and it made me feel sexy.

The first time I saw my wife like that, my cock was already hard.

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あおくん 2024/01/31 21:54
















With so many children, there is no time for leisurely dates or sex in hotels.
Still, I love my wife and want as many children as possible in the future.
We continued to find time to be alone together and enjoyed childbearing sex.
Eventually, our youngest child's period, which had been delayed by breastfeeding, resumed, and the possibility of pregnancy became even greater.
This was because having a menstrual period made it easier to know when she was ovulating.
Unfortunately, my wife had two periods since that day, which meant that we were not expecting a baby.
If there were signs of ovulation, my wife would have accepted the idea of procreation sex, and I was excited about the birth of a child who would carry my genes.

One day, my wife's report was very gratifying.
My wife was finally pregnant with our ninth child.
She was in her tenth week of pregnancy, and although the pregnancy test had been positive, we could not rest until we received confirmation at the hospital.
Due to the daily rush, she had not been able to see a doctor, but today the pregnancy was confirmed and the hyperemesis gravidarum had already started.
I had been feeling a hint of this since my wife started feeling ill a few weeks ago, and sex had sadly been postponed for a while, but her body comes first.
On the way home from a visit to the obstetrician, I felt happy as I gently stroked my wife's stomach.

I felt happy as I gently stroked her belly, "You've worked really hard. Thank you.
"Huh, what's wrong all of a sudden?"

My wife looked a little surprised, but I continued without caring.

No, I just felt again how happy I am that you were born to us. I'm so happy because of you.

My wife blushed with embarrassment and answered in a small whisper, "It's thanks to you.

'It's because of you, because you gave me healthy and vigorous sperm inside me...'

Then we kissed deeply and intensely, and we joined our genitals in the car.

'Hmph...nnnhhhhh, honey...nnnn baby you're going to freak me out...ohhhh...'
I haven't done it for a long time either. It's great."

My wife was so wild after sex for the first time in a long time, and I was thrusting into her with hard pistons.
She was so excited and wild that she was having sex with me for the first time in a long time.
It was car sex in a small space, but I was about to lose my rationality in the intense pleasure.

I was about to lose control of my body when I felt her mouth on mine! Mmmmmm!

My wife suddenly screamed, and her body was thrown back.

Please put it inside me! It feels so good, so big, I want it! Give me lots of warmth! Oh, it's so big! Ohhhhhh!"

I thrust up from below, and we both moaned heavily, making obscene sounds.
My semen poured into my wife's vagina without stopping, and while I was aroused by her wildness, my ejaculation finally stopped, and a sloppy white substance overflowed from inside her.
I could feel her settling down inside and slowly fading away.

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あおくん 2024/01/31 21:32























































My family is what is commonly referred to as a large family.
The eight children are all close in age, and we are currently trying to have our ninth child.

"Do you want to go to your room and play now?
"Yes, I do. He's as spoiled as ever.

The youngest son was taken care of by the older children, including the eldest daughter, and we went to the couple's bedroom.
My wife, who is a spoiled brat, hugs me and presses her head against my chest.
She is still a woman in this way, and I gently brush her hair.
It felt so nice and smooth.

We are too happy. What are we going to do today? Do you want to ride on top?
"Yes, but I'd like to do her in the normal position first.
You still like the normal position, don't you?
Because it's the closest I can get to you. I like it.

My wife murmured deeply.
We started dating when I was in college, got married after I started working, started having children early, and now have eight daughters and a son.
The older children are now in high school and have reached the age of puberty, but I think we are still a close-knit family.

I told her, "I'm about to ovulate, so if I can do it today and tomorrow...and the day after tomorrow, there's a good chance I'll be pregnant."
Well then, I guess we'll just have to work at it."

I muttered to myself as I held my wife's body in my arms and laid her down on the bed.

I'm just dying to impregnate you with this position.
I know. I know, because you are always like that. You never use contraception.

She smiled wickedly and slowly opened her legs.
I can see her love juice leaking out of her crotch.

Do you want me to put it in right now?"
No, let me lick here first.

I sucked on her breast.
I sucked on her breast, which was soaked with her mother's milk and tasted slightly sweet.

You still love tits, don't you?

My wife stroked my head and slowly fingered her crotch while I enjoyed her breasts.
Our youngest child was only eight months old and in the midst of breastfeeding, but he was about to start mixing milk and breastfeeding to have another baby, and we were waiting for his period to start again.
I poked my tongue at my wife's nucleus.

"Mmmm ......."

My wife let out a sigh.
I continued to stimulate her with my tongue over and over again, and gradually her body began to tremble.

I'm about to ...... come.
I want to make out with you some more. I want to make out with you a little more.

But from outside the bedroom I could hear Miko crying and someone banging on the door and calling for mom and dad.
The situation keeps me pretty busy, but I don't want to waste the chance to have sex, even if it's only for a short time, now that the middle and high school kids are all here.
I broke in between my wife's legs and put my face close to her already starting to get wet in her secret place.

"Oh, ......, not there.
Why not?
Because I haven't had a bath.
I don't mind at all. I'm rather excited.

I could have continued licking her clitoris, but it wouldn't have stimulated her a bit, so I lightly brushed my teeth on it.
I could have continued licking, but that would have been a little too stimulating, so I lightly brushed my teeth against it and she screamed louder than ever.
I was so pleased with her reaction that I took her clitoris between my lips and lightly sucked on it while loosening the inside with my fingers.

Oh, oh ...... I'm going to come..."

Just as I was about to let out the words that told me my wife was about to reach her limit, a plume of water shot out of her pubic region.
My right hand was soaking wet, and I looked at my wife, who was struggling to breathe as she felt weak.

I looked at her and saw her gasping for breath, "I'm sorry, it just came out.
It's okay. It felt so good that it came out, didn't it?
Yes, but it feels like I'm peeing.
I'm going to let out a lot more, so don't worry about it.

I got my wife on all fours, moved backward and pushed my erect penis into its usual place.

She said, "Hey ......, that's great! I feel like we're going to have a baby today."

My wife murmured as she reached through the bottom of her own body and gently touched my son.

'Well then, I'm going to have to get a lot out of you today.'

I cover my wife's back and slam my hips against hers, rubbing her breasts from top to bottom.
I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.

I was so excited that I could not stop myself from cumming! Hey, it's already great. Nnnn...haaaaan!"

As soon as my wife said that, the tightness in her vagina became even stronger, and I was almost at my limit.

Hey...with me, right?
Oh, I'm going to cum. I'm about to come out.
"Ahh..! Ahhhhhh!

He told her that he was about to cum, and then he gave a final spurt, bringing them both to a climax.
My wife's body trembled as she clutched the sheets, and at the same time, she tightened her grip on the inside of me.
The wife was in ecstasy as the cum pulsed and pulsed and poured into her in a massive volume.
When she finished cumming, she sank down on the bed and I collapsed on top of her body.

'Phew. ...... that was great.'
That was great. But ......."

She reached between my legs and gently grabbed my penis.

You're not going to tell me you're done after one cum, are you?
Of course not."

I pulled my son out of her as he began to harden again, just as she had hoped.
She sat up and sat between my legs, rubbing my son up and down and whispering, "Hey, which way do you want to go next?

Hey, which one do you want next? You can keep cumming inside me today."

She asks me as she opens her own lower mouth.
I pretend to think as I stroke my wife's head, but the answer is already decided.

I was already decided on the answer. I'm going to thrust as hard as I can.
I'll do my best."
My wife slowly straddles me and gets into a cowgirl position. Then she inserted herself into me.

She swallows all of me.

She swallowed all of me and started to move her hips.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good time with your friends and family.

The first thing that comes to my mind is the fact that I am not a fan of the "A" word! Ahhhh!

My wife moaned in a very high voice. It seems that she has reached her climax.
But even so, the movement of her hips did not stop. On the contrary, they became even more intense.

"Ahhhh... I'm cumming again! I'm cumming again!

And as soon as he reached it again, this time he expired while squirting out a large amount of water.


My wife's face was soaked in pleasure as she was breathing heavily.
The first time I saw her, I was so excited that I could not stop myself from doing it.

Oh my God, I can't believe it's still this big.

My wife began to dance on top of me again.
This time, instead of bouncing up and down, she began to grind back and forth, and gradually her movements became faster and faster.
I finally reached my limit and unleashed my sperm into her womb.

I'm going to cum.
What? Wait a minute!

I released my sperm into her womb without hearing her stop.
My wife was convulsing, but she was willing to accept it to the end.

I was so excited! Oh my God..."
It was really great. It was so good.

My wife said this and leaned her body against my chest.
I stroked her head and murmured to her, and we both fell asleep.



あおくん 2024/01/31 21:24






























Then we started living in an apartment near my parents' house.
The rent is a little high, but the security is excellent, and although there are apparently several people in the entertainment business living there, I still by no means consider myself successful enough to call myself a person in the entertainment business.
He promised himself that from now on he would work desperately to become an artist for the sake of his wife and unborn child.

He said, "I've been having a lot of tummy aches lately."
Oh, that could be the end of it. But it's less than a month before my due date, so is it any wonder?
I know having a baby hurts...it's so scary. It feels so good when you are making a baby, but I bet it hurts when you take it out.

My wife said and patted her belly.
That's true. The movement in and out of the same woman's vagina feels good, but the delivery is painful.

I can't do anything for you except deliver the baby, so I want you to do your best.
'I want to do as many nice things as I can until the birth.
"Right, do you want a boob massage now?"
"Yes. I want to make you feel as comfortable as possible during the delivery.
I'm sure there's nothing wrong with that, but it's too early to tell.

Under the guidance of her mother, a midwife, they had recently been massaging her nipples whenever they had time, and the method had been rearranged to become their own style of nipple stimulation massage.
Both of Mei's nipples, which are easily felt as sexually sensitive zones, are in an incredibly sensitive and feeling state now that she is close to giving birth.

She said, "Oh, my God, my nipples are so sensitive these days! My nipples are very sensitive these days. Just a little touch makes them erect, and they stick out of my bra and rub against my clothes.
I can't even get them out of my bra and rub against my clothes. I wonder if nipples are stimulated during childbirth.
"I don't know, but ......, ah ......, ah ......, ah!

The nipple is lightly pinched on one nipple and you can feel the kneading sensation.
Mei always stimulates her own clitoris when she massages her nipples, and although she was shy at first, she now moans and masturbates with impunity, which is supremely erotic and makes her lower body hot.
My wife also feels very comfortable with the pleasure of having her nipples, her sexual zone, attacked.

She was very excited and was very comfortable! Do it more...!"
Mei, how does your clitoris feel?
It feels so good...I want you to do it too, Kazu-kun...can you put your cock in my hole?
I still can't do it. I need a little more titty massage.

I took Mei's nipples in my mouth and licked them with my tongue.
The small moaning voice gradually became more and more intense with her breath, and the movement of her hand to play with her vagina also became faster.
Then I sucked the erect nipple in my mouth and felt a slight taste of mother's milk.

She said, "Ohhh...suck my nipple more..."
I can already taste breast milk coming out of your nipples."
That might still be a little embarrassing. ......

He continued to finger one nipple and lick and suck on the other with his tongue.
My wife also responded by fingering her own clit.
A few moments later, Mei climaxed after a few small twitches of her body.
I withdrew Mei's hand, spread her legs, and pressed the tip of my penis against her wet vagina.

She climaxed! I pushed the tip of my penis against her wet vagina! Hurry up and put it in!

With those words as a cue, he thrust it in all the way to the back.

"Ahhhhhh...! I'm cumming!

Mei climaxed just by inserting it, and she turned her back and squirted profusely.
But I kept shaking my hips.

"Aaah! No, don't move! I'm still cumming!

I continued the piston movement without regard to her condition.
Of course, I also remember to stimulate her nipples.
I'm not satisfied yet, so I'm going to continue sex with her.

"D-da-da-da-da-da...! Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah...! Ahhh...! It's coming again! It's coming again!
What do you want me to do?
I want you to thrust deepest... and hard... and make my crotch stick together a lot... so we can feel each other's pleasure.
Is that what this is about?
"Oh, yeah, that's... that's great! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! It's hitting me good! I have to push it in so far that it hits the baby, and then I have to call out with daddy's cock, 'Come on, come on out.

I had been careful about the depth of penetration, in part because of the baby, but once I was told that, I went for it, and my cock served as a welcoming rod for the birth of the baby, in addition to being the object of the act of confirming our love.
After a few more climaxes, Mei passed out.
I kept moving my hips for a while after that, but the tightness of her vagina was too strong and I climaxed too.
Of course, I didn't wear a condom and ejaculated vaginally.
Now that I'm pregnant, the time when I can have sex without any worries is almost over, so I'm taking this opportunity to enjoy sex without a rubber.
We both came, and at the end we came at the same time with her in my arms.
After that, we were tired from the act and soon fell asleep.
The next morning, when I woke up, the evening was already approaching.

Good morning...Kazu-kun.
I had a great night, didn't I? Is your stomach okay?
I was actually feeling a little sore... but maybe it's just my imagination.

I said as I gently patted Mei's stomach.

I'm sure it's just my imagination. Let's try what my parents taught me before. Let's see how the opening of the cervix is. Take off your shorts.

I took off my shorts, put on a glove, and inserted my finger into the vagina to check the condition of the cervix as I had been taught.

She said, "Oh, don't rub it. You'll feel better if you put your finger in and out.

I had no intention of doing such a thing, but when I actually found myself in this situation, I was not sure if I was doing it right or not, and I kept pushing and pulling my finger in and out of her vagina.
In fact, he said he had been in pain for quite some time, and the way he endured it was clearly a look of pain he had never seen before.
Frankly, I couldn't tell how things were progressing just from her fingertips, so I called my parents' house and asked for instructions from my mother.
As a result, I called my parents' home and asked for instructions from my mother, who told me that although she had gone through labor, it would probably take some more time because the intervals were still too long.
However, I decided to take advantage of the privilege of being a relative and head to my mother's midwifery clinic as soon as possible.
My daughter seemed to understand that the baby would be born soon.

I'm going to have the baby now. You support me, mommy.
Kazu, do you have your camera?
"I'm fine. And my luggage. Good luck.

We walked out the front door.
It was a strange feeling to think that the next time Mei would come back to this house, there would be a new addition to the family.



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