ChramusDev 2021/03/31 17:56

Tower current progress.

First demo of Tower of the nymph. I would recommend to check compatibility first with the demo of Wisp Forest before joining the plan, it needs "Java 8 runtime environment" to run properly. The main menu is controlled with mouse and click, but the pause menu is controlled with the keyboard. The green girls are currently the aggressive enemies and the blue girl acts as npc, the pose changes when the main character is in talking distance.

The dialogue repeats in the first and second floor, there's an 'H' scene available in the third floor after she say she's ready; pressing 'space' will interrupt it. Pressing "esc" will open the pause menu, the save and load features should work properly ('save' creates a new TXT file in the JAR's current folder).

I want to write more, but it's almost 3am over here.

Please let me know what you think. If you have any problems running the demo, I would really appreciate if you could describe the issue.

Thank you very much for your attention and support.

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Link for the demo.

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